What does Veeky Forums think about commercialized "nerd culture", that is being pushed on by the media a lot? It's the equivalent of people praising science or saying they love science a lot despite having no actual fundamental understanding of it.
In my opinion Nerd culture,it's just a spectacle at this point. You don't need to watch Star Wars, read Harry Potter or Marvel comics to know the full details of the plot since they are well talked about. It's more of a reassurance for normies to make them think they are well functioning members of society. It's a sickening fetish of worshiping infantilism, the phenomenon of regressing back into childhood by obsessively talking about the likes of Star Wars or Harry Potter. If you're not doing this along with making a reaction video over the latest bait trailer Marvel shits out then there is likely something incredibly wrong with you. This is what they want to drill into people, it's a growing cancer that needs to be stopped. The people who follow the faux, geek chic crowd are people who have sold their souls and are allowed to become bots by companies to shill for their latest product. We're being forced into a generation of "Like what the media tells you to like with; not what you genuinely like.". This is all an effort to destroy mass individualism.