What does Veeky Forums think about commercialized "nerd culture", that is being pushed on by the media a lot...

What does Veeky Forums think about commercialized "nerd culture", that is being pushed on by the media a lot? It's the equivalent of people praising science or saying they love science a lot despite having no actual fundamental understanding of it.

In my opinion Nerd culture,it's just a spectacle at this point. You don't need to watch Star Wars, read Harry Potter or Marvel comics to know the full details of the plot since they are well talked about. It's more of a reassurance for normies to make them think they are well functioning members of society. It's a sickening fetish of worshiping infantilism, the phenomenon of regressing back into childhood by obsessively talking about the likes of Star Wars or Harry Potter. If you're not doing this along with making a reaction video over the latest bait trailer Marvel shits out then there is likely something incredibly wrong with you. This is what they want to drill into people, it's a growing cancer that needs to be stopped. The people who follow the faux, geek chic crowd are people who have sold their souls and are allowed to become bots by companies to shill for their latest product. We're being forced into a generation of "Like what the media tells you to like with; not what you genuinely like.". This is all an effort to destroy mass individualism.

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so what

yeah did u see fantano now has one of those mainstream geek channels which is actually produced by some content mill company where he does click bait videos on the latest viral crap for shekels, making money on youtube seems cool at first, but it can only end in humiliation if you come to rely on it

'nerd culture', well no my man that is geek culture, nerds can actually provide a conversation of intellectual basis where a geek is just a connoisseur of the latest technology fads and entertainment. Geeks are worse in this fact because they essentially hand the wheel over to whatever governing forces dictate how things should be run as they mindlessly drone off into the visceral world of getting hits of dopamine from ADHD impulsive behavior, because they simply want to live a relaxed and lazy live. Nerds are the autistic outcasts that usually master a secular subject and churn a degree out of it, but have estranged social awareness to the point where they just do not give a fuck if they wear socks and sandals in public.

I think you might be a bit too worried about this friendo

All that youtube reaction video crap is absolute cancer but I'm not sure it warrants more than like six seconds of caring about it, which is probably how long the trend will last. Normies are going to normie, this latest wave of shit will fall out of favor after people get bored of Star Wars and then there will be some other, equally shit cancerous trend to replace it.

>pushed on by the media

>exposing yourself to predatory media influence

Nerds nowadays dont read very much

this gave me an authenti nerd moment

I remember when "nerd" was an insult. then it became commodified and homogenised.

Very cool

Essential watching on this subject:


missed one


Episode 2 is by far the best. Fuckin hot dogs.

When Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva was practicing the profound Prajñāpāramitā, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they were all empty, and crossed over all suffering and affliction.

“Śāriputra, form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form. Form itself is emptiness, and emptiness itself is form. Sensation, conception, synthesis, and discrimination are also such as this. Śāriputra, all dharmas are empty: they are neither created nor destroyed, neither defiled nor pure, and they neither increase nor diminish. This is because in emptiness there is no form, sensation, conception, synthesis, or discrimination. There are no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or thoughts. There are no forms, sounds, scents, tastes, sensations, or dharmas. There is no field of vision and there is no realm of thoughts. There is no ignorance nor elimination of ignorance, even up to and including no old age and death, nor elimination of old age and death. There is no suffering, its accumulation, its elimination, or a path. There is no understanding and no attaining.

“Because there is no attainment, bodhisattvas rely on Prajñāpāramitā, and their minds have no obstructions. Since there are no obstructions, they have no fears. Because they are detached from backwards dream-thinking, their final result is Nirvāṇa. Because all buddhas of the past, present, and future rely on Prajñāpāramitā, they attain Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi. Therefore, know that Prajñāpāramitā is a great spiritual mantra, a great brilliant mantra, an unsurpassed mantra, and an unequalled mantra. The Prajñāpāramitā Mantra is spoken because it can truly remove all afflictions. The mantra is spoken thusly:

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā

This isn't literature
Yes the media and society is cashing in on nerd shit after it was made fun of for decades
Comics and Star Wars and shit wasn't grounds for bullying past the 90s anyway
Dumb thread


Disgusting. None of these tools even have a real passion for the thing they cling to. It's fashion to them.

Meanwhile, I'm willing to talk for hours about my favorite series, and I consider myself to be an awful fan because I've neglected the games and literature based on the original series for a long time.
Marvelshit is dull on a structural level, and worse than dull on every other level. It is a technology-showing at the core.
The same applies to modern television: it is all just long, dull, faux-dramatic and extended long past its health. Tired and uninspired.

It's just insincere groupthink that's turned into a genuine mess delusion. It's role playing of the kind that afflicted (and continues to afflict) the generation of affluent caucasian suburban bred kids who grew up on hip hop and speak/act like genuine hood negroes. There's no difference between that and this. You can even extend it to gaming culture, which is ultimately just a subset of "nerd culture". These things have given rise to the girl gamer and the twitch streaming man-child fueled by the popularity of e-commerce and MOBA.

A decade ago the western otaku and comic book fanatic was relegated to his basement where he could do no harm and no harm could come to him. Now popular culture has effectively co-opted those interests and made it palatable to the masses. Pop-science, pop-culture, pop-music, whatever you want to call it it's ultimately the same. They've come out of the basement and made the world worse for it. But never forget that you cannot eliminate this insincere bandwagon until you eliminate its authentic source. These pastimes were not socially acceptable for good reason.

This picture is quite sad.

You're reading too much into it OP. It's just "capitalism" eating one of its subcultures and regurgitating it as a product, happens everytime (see: punk rock culture, hip-hop, comic books, etc.). It's just the fashion of the moment.

>le good old times™

>>le good old times™

There were never good times, that's what I'm saying. It's just worse than the bad of last decade.

i see, i see.

I was at the cinema the other day watching GOTG2 (my housemate's idea, not mine) and a girl sitting two seats away from me kept turning to her boyfriend and letting out loud "aww"s whenever mini Groot came on screen. I'm not sure if it was contrived or if I'm just too unfeeling to understand that kind of reaction, either way it seems symbolic of a more general trend (seen on places like reddit's defaults) where people overreact to cutesy stuff that doesn't really warrant it.

Despite English being my first language I'm terrible at explaining things. Does anyone get what I mean?

Nerd culture used to be the refuge of social outcast incapable to interact with real life.
Now we have been pushed deeper into darkness,and I had to start reading Proust, Joyce and Pynchon to get to a place where society couldn't get me.
You may make discussions about who's the stronger superhero trendy, TRY TO TYRONE FUCKING SLOTHROP TRENDY MOTHERFUCKER

People are Doing The Thing You're Supposed To Do instead of actually "doing" anything

You "aww" at Groot because Groot is Market-Researched Algorithmically Generated Cute Archetype #4 because they want to provoke "aww" so you "aww" because.... (etc)

Welcome to the death state of humanity: retarded prole whores with no interior lives acting out p-zombie meme culture in response to a meme culture hooked up to the meme culture recursively so that it's 24/7 recycled meme

This whole topic is an itch I need to scratch. Any reading on it?

nice, into my vocab it goes.

Awful thread, surface-level discussion in here
However, I'm too drunk to contribute anything meaningful
Read Debord

Which Debord in particular?

actually no, don't read Debord

debord baudrillard adorno

any tips on where to start?

I dropped Minima Moralia a short while ago cos I got sidetracked but plan to pick it up again in a few months.

Société du Spectacle is the obvious place to start, although it's not a straightforward read (as expected of a french theorist, but it can't be helped)

the culture industry reader is a lot easier, also his major essays on music alongside though dialectic of enlightenment is a lot easier with a guide too, minima moralia is densely brilliant though, like everything he writes in it is packed with insight

society of the spectacle like the other guy said

anything baudrillard is good. simulation and simulacra is the big one everyone reads. he has good stuff on consumerism and leisure that dovetails with adorno's culture industry imho

With the death if god, young people have moved on to worship Harrypotter, Batman and Luke Skywalker instead. Nerd culture has usurped religion.

It's weird because nerds like me think it's "lame"--like, it isn't cool enough for me.

Truthfully, it's just a side effect of modern society having the knowledge of human history at its finger tips. Similar to all the faggy craft brews and foodies. Nobody wants to be stupid, and the technological revolution has only been in full swing for about 5-10 years, so there is an inherent excitement and belief in the Internet. Problem is you get 'educated idiots' People are generally more informed and actually use the internet, but the culture is such that everyone has lost the ability to focus, they still could, so the information is never retained. Because it is never retained, it is never mulled over and you get the echo chambers of the modern day.

As far as nerds go, it is in direct correlation with the degradation of the traditional male. People think only "Smart people" know computers when in fact its socially awkward sperglords since the 80s so to not be "nerdy" is to be stupid, which is stupid.

I still use it as an insult. Geek seems to have lost its meaning as I thought being a geek involved heavy use of technology, but everyone heavily uses technology. Board game cafes are a trend here with hipsters not geeks. Everyone plays video games. What's nerd/geek culture even represented by nowadays that distinguishes it from mainstream interests?

Read Edward Beranys, specifically "Crystalising public opinion" and "Propaganda".
