A minority of poets has like 3 or 5 good poems at most. The vast majority has none. Some, maybe a dozen...

A minority of poets has like 3 or 5 good poems at most. The vast majority has none. Some, maybe a dozen, has ten or more. That means that in the whole history of poetry, more than 2.000 years, you'll find like two hundred great poems. 200 poems, that's what you should look for when you read poetry.

And follow Pound's advice, although every epic poem is boring as fuck, they have some punti luminosi. Look for them too.

sounds like you just don't like poetry.

Yes, I do. I'm collecting those 200 poems for more than 2 years now.

Rilke and Rimbaud both had loads of great poems

Well you have a strange standard of good. A standard no one aside from Dan Schneider seems to have (he only has it to elevate his opinion of himself)

Well it's all subjective, but in my selections Rimbaud has only four, and Rilke, if I recall correctly, three.

i wish there was a way for me to make you understand how stupid you are, really, but alas youll probably never realize it like most extremely unintelligent people

Quality post.

post some of these good poems you've found

Wich are the good Rimbaud's poems?

stop lying to yourself op, you're just too stupid to comprehend the vast majority of poems

also Goethe is GOAT

A good biologist but definitely not a GOAT.

Oh, you mean as a writer. Sorry, he was shitty at that. Go shitpost somewhere else, Krauz.

Post list faggot.

Poetry isn't about this, poetry is supposed to be ambiguous, and have many different flavours.

Poetry is about making good poems, nothing more. A poem is an object as a movie is an object, as an painting is an object.

All the rest is bullshit..

But you take all the fun out of it. You can do that with novels, but poetry is easy, and it's about the present feelings and thoughts.

a painting*

Well, not exactly. I had to read poems from all traditions, all cultures, all movements and styles, from different times and countries, basically everything ever translated to english, or french, or italian, to separate the sheep from the goats. It's not an easy task, indeed, but definitely rewarding in the end.

But how do you read poetry?

Similar to you, but I read them because I like them, not because I want to prove a point, or whatever, I mean if you're doing this to feel rewarded, than it's okay.
Sometimes I look at poetry objectively, sometimes subjectively, it depends, sometimes I like shitty poetry, because I imagine what the writer had in mind when writing it, sometimes I loathe it, and just read the best of the best, so I could get better at writing, but it's all relative, and poems aren't novels, or films, or symphonies that take years to make, poems are done in a fleeting moment, and they represent that little glimpse of writer's emotions at that right moment.

he's right you know

as is this guy

gonna need you to kill yourself

>poems don't take years
plenty do, but the process is different

u wat

It's really hard to appreciate good poetry. It's much easier to crawl though tomes of words (easier to write, too). But really, novels hold ideas like hands hold sand. Poems are efficient expression that entertain and enlighten.

They're hard to craft. I might agree with the concept of "200 great poems", where the word 'great' means 'perfectly crafted', but there are thousands upon thousands of amazing "imperfect" poems. And the imperfect ones are probably more worth reading than the perfect ones, anyway.

There are a lot of great poets, especially of the last 100 years. So you're wrong. Thanks.

If you want names...

William Butler Yeats
John Ashbery
James Schuyler
David Trinidad
Frank O'hara
TS Elliot
Ted Berrigan
E. E. Cummings
Allen Ginsberg

>2 years
wew, lad...

If OP doesn't tell us at least two of the poems he considers to be good, he's just messing with us

The only two good poems of the 20th century are "A Dish of Peaches in Russia" by Wallace Stevens and "Our Eunuch Dreams" by Dylan Thomas


Howard Nemerov


José de Espronceda - La Canción del Pirata / Pirate's Song

good poem

>you'll find like two hundred great poems

Best to keep the number small, don't want to waste time.

holy shit this guy has read poetry for 2 years. fucking incredible.
