Finished pic related, got memed, now what?

Well, I finally finished all three.

Personal enjoyment = IJ>Ulysess>GR
Literary worth = Ulysess>GR>IJ

Seeing as I evidently have no abilities to actually think for myself (see pic related) what's next?

I was thinking Atlas Shrugged, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and TCLO49 should keep me busy.

Also general discussion on any mentioned texts.

Schopenhauer's On Women
Mein Kampf
Decline of the West
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
the Bell Curve
Crippled America
Ride the Tiger

We need someone like you to join the fight

How many layers of irony are you on?

You forgot this.

Nah, I don't buy into any of that B.S.

Expand your horizons to..

War & Peace
Swann's Way

Go for the following, better, pseudo-meme trilogy. All the following are better than the often referenced Opus of the respective author:

Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle - Nabokov
Suttree - McCarthy
The Recognitions* - Gaddis

*This one is borderline, as the split between those who favour J R vs TR is roughly equal

Finnegans Wake
Don Quixote
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Maxon and Dixon
my diary desu
Start with the presocratics and go chronological
Start lifting
Stop stopping

I'm half convinced that all these "I started with the Greeks/meme trilogy" posts are just bait at this point. No new reader could possibly understand Ulysses.

is pretty easy with a guide

My man I am the meme master. Let me give you a quick rundown of some memes you should.

Patrician memes
- making americans by gertrude stein
- miss macintosh my darling by marguerite young
- black lamb and grey falcon by rebecca west
- witz
- the instructions by adam levin
- quiet flows the don by mikhail sholokhov
- letters by john barth
- women and men by mcelroy

top memes

- J R or recognitios by gaddis
- mason and dixon or against the day by pynch
- europe central by vollmann
- the second sex by beauvoir
- sot weed factor by barth
- the tunnel by gass
- life and fate by grossman
-the rest of vollmanns memes like ice shirt and royal family

Grand memes and other such memes of length and stature
- middlemarch by eliot
- no name by collins
- underworld by delilo
- the pale king dfw
- the magus by fowles
- the man without qulaities by musil
- parades end by ford
- 2666 by bolano
- public burning by coover
-life a users guide by perec

>letters by john barth
Don't even try to read this if you haven't read his bibliography chronologically up to 'LETTERS'

Overall nice list though user

Thats why its a patrician meme.

>life a users manual has finally reached memedom

I've done my part

Holy fuck he looks like that lmao nigger doesnt even need a book 2 b a meme look at him hahahahahahahahahhahaahhahah

This is a good list OP. I've read about 70% of these and they've all been fucking good


10/10 list, makes me want to go back

Guys my whole library is a giant meme. Maybe there are some shorter ones mixed in. Have a look.


Before I got into memes I read these

First edition and hardcover memes

After the Meme Trilogy comes the Digression-Filled Doorstop Duad


Lol I can see why hes so popular haha look at him haha

How about Capital and Communist Manifesto