just marathoned the first couple chapters when does it get good
Just marathoned the first couple chapters when does it get good
Try to identify with the main character.
can u give me some tips/tricks?
post on /r9k/
its like 200 pages
you can finish it in a sitting
Remember when you were a teenager and started to realize how shitty people are.
Think back to that thanksgiving when you and your uncle went on a walk after throwing the football around and he molested you
So whats better. This one or franny and zooey?
I thought it was an interesting read. Chances are you're one of the people who find Holden to be an insufferable twat, and that's fine. That just means you can't connect to the book.
what if i was never molested
>just marathoned the first couple chapters
Isn't that like ten pages
>just marathoned the first couple chapters
This is bait right? You can easily "marathon" this book in one sitting.
i can only do something for like 10-15 minutes before i have to get back to shitposting
So you're a slow reader, is that it? A somewhat proficient reader can read 200 pages in 15 minutes, especially when it's such an easy book as Catcher in the Rye.
Franny and Zooey.
That's not how you enjoy a novel, user.
>reading for enjoyment
you are hedonistic trash and you know it.
that cant be right. i read 2 pages per minute maximum
You're what is called a slow reader, friend. But don't worry, there are ways to improve. The first step is knowing you have a problem.
He's a phony.
That's 13 pages per minute so he's clearly not being sincere.