Why do you write?
Why do you write?
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I'm bored and lonely
Why don't you read instead?
I don't.
>Implying i write
Topkek m8. I'm too busy reading the entire Western Canon.
Because I am compelled to
I have the attention span of something with a short attention span
How do you figure out what to write about?
I can't write more than two pages and it never goes anywhere
Does it count as writing?
it is my only natural talent besides dry humor
its a pretty useless talent, i would rather be good at accordion
>I can't write more than two pages and it never goes anywhere
>Does it count as writing?
Are you me?
Also: no.
I just write whatever comes to mind and try to keep it to a theme. It's pretty much shit posting.
Post some
I'm not you but we share the same problem
Is there something we can do about it or should we just call it quit?
So far two people read and two people John Greene
So nobody ITT actually writes.
>Is there something we can do about it or should we just call it quit?
Eh. Just keep doing it if you enjoy it. Someday you might actually write something that goes somewhere.
What I write gives me Identity
Not as a writer, thinker, or storyteller
But as a being in its own world
Gives me more respect for things, too, since I can see them more clearly
Reading is great, but impersonal
It's a biological need
Because I want to stop being so bad at it.
it pays the bills
cause I might as well draft my suicide note
who steals the shit that is posted in r9k and uses it as plot?
This is a great answer.
I like putting my thoughts down so I can return to them later. I prefer the good ones like the kidnapping fantasy stories, but I'll write whatever I'm thinking about. Sort of like a fiction diary as opposed to something to be read. Really only for my eyes.
Just to get my neurotic ideas out of my head. That's literally it. If I don't write I just have the same stupid shit bouncing around up there until I get it out.
I have few friends and need an outlet. Plus my diary desu is a time capsule.
Because I consider it a great challenge of the imagination and a way to relax anxiety.
Focusing on writing what you really mean or what you really see without intruding on the reader's own imagination is quite a fucking task.
To build myself as a person
I only write in my diary tho
Money, fame and glory. More glory than the others though.
The bats tongue at me, seeking my hollow patience. I only feel death. I tongued back, licking the brains through stem, as the child nods off. I will enlighten him forever. And ever. For his fate is as all my children's: to never suffer pride. I am God.
...I dunno. I try. lol
Lol you better get used to it user
I like developing stories, writing it down makes sure I don't forget what I already came up with.
It makes me proud of myself. I take pride in my work. My ideas are a real zinger. I know that this sounds like it's been said too many times, but my work is really going to stand out in the crowd.
To achieve immortality, or at least to live longer than others. Purely out of anxiety.
Same guy.
I forgot to add something important: Honestly, I'd rather make a videogame about it but I would have to get involved with school. Same goes for directing a movie, and I see a ton of patience for an endeavor that would have a chance of never taking off. And although I've considered the idea of drawing a comic, I draw too slowly. My work would take decades if not centuries for me to do. Only + in comics is that it would grant me a lot of creative control.
As a writer, it is the best medium because it is quick and easy to portray my thoughts, and more importantly, it grants me the most creative control.
It's fun
I've done that lol.
Personal enjoyment, I have a bad memory and enjoy looking at myself in the past.
That and it'd eventually be nice to read to my grandchildren, where my grandfather looked out on the ocean.
I understand you, specially as I come from a family full of musicians, a lot of them playing the accordion (Some are kind of famous here)
Are you me?
I was into writing comic books but I also realised that it was going to take forever and also that i preffered not to draw it myself; so instead I started writing regular narrative and recicling some ideas of my comics and now I enjoy the format way more.
I writing for some reasons, regarding specially my relation to others. The first is as some kind of diary for me (even if fictional I talk about thinks in which Im thinking a lot in the moment).
But mostly as something I could left for some son or daughter or whatever I could treat as such if that person if interested in me (I also guess I will leave my books to that person).
In the short run to anyone interested in me that wants to understand me better or whatever, friends, partners, etc. I guess I worry too much about my relations with others, and that is pretty notorious on the shit I write.
Makes me kind of sad, lol.
Eh, we just happened to have found the same sparkly grain of logic somewhere down the same road.
It was only an expression, I still appreciated reading your post as I identified myself on it.
I want to be a successful author but doubt I ever will be so writing has become a futile venture while also being the only thing I am interested in.
Please be bait.
I do keep a diary...
I've slowly shaped myself into someone that is convinced they have to write
Because it's the only thing that makes me happy
Because I feel less depressed when I write
sometimes after writing I feel like I'm worth something
To tell stories,and to introduce the strange logic of a certain hedgehog,in the hopes of saving the world. His and possibly ours.
No but, I just wrote that specifically for that post, with no real direction or anything, as an exercise. You guys are supposed to be the bats btw, I guess I failed at conveying it though.
I keep a diary and write poetry.
It's the only thing keeping me sane.
And it also makes me happy and fulfilled.
Because I can
To see how my story ends
>father successful businessman
>older brother going up in business world, will be moving out soon
>little brother insanely good at nearly all of his subjects and has many friends
I can't even do basic maths, humour and writing are the only things I have.
>mfw about to publish a pseudo-autobiographical prose poem collection
>mfw you will never make it
if rupi kaur could do it any ironic shmuck can do it
>he thinks that i've fallen to the niveau of kaur
>he thinks that it isn't a sincere struggle for beauty
>mfw he still thinks he's above me
a little humility would do you good
>tfw put all your heart into a poem and send it off to literary magazines and editors and all that good stuff
>"Sorry, but this isnt the kind of poetry we're looking for. Please look at some of our works on our website."
>You decide to check.
>"ironic farting noises with my mouth" by Anonymous
>"Obama" by "Shaniquolongea James"
>And you look up that image of how to tie a noose one more time.
for the dead whom I did love
That's my sin.
>when you already wrote 2k words but the plot is going nowhere and its just a kafkaesque/camusian blob of scenes salvaged from reality
I want to appreciate more what I read, I won't publish anything
Try poetry brah
i can only write small pity poems but it is enough for me
definitely not pity
(nice sevens)
These are mine too, (you)se guys.
To fight the crushing depression brought on by the knowledge that my country is on the fast track to being an unrecognisable shit-hole.
The nation in my story is also on the same track. It helps me deal with the emotions if I fictionalise what's actually happening in real life.
It's objectively (as in, vetted by third parties) the one thing I'm good at.
who cares
2666 by Bolaño is 1000 pages of stories that go nowhere and it is pretty good
It feels good to create, I have always wanted to create. When I was younger it was music, now it's literature. It's a great joy. The best feeling in the world is managing to write something that you don't immediately begin hating as soon as you lift your fingers from the keyboard keys.
Because it's fun. Thats it. I don't need other reasons beside fun.
Making something out of nothing is exhilarating, and what I'm writing about hasn't been written about from a literary angle yet.