Leftists seem so eager to call anything even centrist these days "Fascist"...

Leftists seem so eager to call anything even centrist these days "Fascist", and right wing is treated like it's not even arguable that it's wrong, because y'know, Nazis.

And yet so much of current leftist politics, all the gender theory etc, is based in Foucault (pic related), who was, well, pretty "problematic" himself. A blatant pedophile, a man who took pleasure in inflicting cruelty, who even knowingly went out on the gay S&M scene and gave young men HIV, before succumbing to AIDS himself.

How can leftists pretend to be on the "right side of history" when they draw from men like this?

Other urls found in this thread:


When Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva was practicing the profound Prajñāpāramitā, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they were all empty, and crossed over all suffering and affliction.

“Śāriputra, form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form. Form itself is emptiness, and emptiness itself is form. Sensation, conception, synthesis, and discrimination are also such as this. Śāriputra, all dharmas are empty: they are neither created nor destroyed, neither defiled nor pure, and they neither increase nor diminish. This is because in emptiness there is no form, sensation, conception, synthesis, or discrimination. There are no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or thoughts. There are no forms, sounds, scents, tastes, sensations, or dharmas. There is no field of vision and there is no realm of thoughts. There is no ignorance nor elimination of ignorance, even up to and including no old age and death, nor elimination of old age and death. There is no suffering, its accumulation, its elimination, or a path. There is no understanding and no attaining.

“Because there is no attainment, bodhisattvas rely on Prajñāpāramitā, and their minds have no obstructions. Since there are no obstructions, they have no fears. Because they are detached from backwards dream-thinking, their final result is Nirvāṇa. Because all buddhas of the past, present, and future rely on Prajñāpāramitā, they attain Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi. Therefore, know that Prajñāpāramitā is a great spiritual mantra, a great brilliant mantra, an unsurpassed mantra, and an unequalled mantra. The Prajñāpāramitā Mantra is spoken because it can truly remove all afflictions. The mantra is spoken thusly:

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā

so what

not an argument

Trump and his internet trolls are not centrist user, stop hanging out on /pol/

Fascism isn't a right-wing position, it's an aesthetic position.

Either Fascism does not exist outside of its time and place of origin, or Fascism is an aesthetic position which equates power and beauty, and places these two above all else.

poopy wet diarrhea fart all over the carpet isn't le argument XD

Go back to /pol/

The point being leftists pretending to act like moralists suddenly or as the "good guys" really falls apart when you see where they get THEIR ideas from.

They love to try to discredit anything anti-left by pointing out any moral failings in any anti-left thinker, but their own thinkers are beyond the pale.

Look up the guy who first made a distinction between sex and gender as well, a literal child molester.

I'm apolitical, I just hate the current form of the left, especially the large portion of it that still follows from poststructuralism.

You are embarrassing yourself

Only cucks think there anything at all wrong with "pedophilia", which was invented in the 19th century to emasculate men.


>How can leftists pretend to be on the "right side of history" when they draw from men like this?
Cognitive Dissonance is the new opiate of the masses

>Paedophilia is bad!
Not an argument

No, leftists are embarrassing themselves suddenly going around acting like moralists.

Either they're these cool, decadent, amoral nihilists they used to pretend to be, or they're the "good guys" on the "right side of history" who go over every quote and action with a comb for moral imperfection. You can't have it both ways.

le dubs CHECCED

Here's some interesting details about the man the current queer left get their values from:

> Self-destruction, in fact, was another of Foucault’s obsessions, and Miller is right to underscore Foucault’s fascination with death. In this, as in so much else, he followed the lead of the Marquis de Sade, who had long been one of his prime intellectual and moral heroes. (Though, as Miller notes, Foucault felt that Sade “had not gone far enough,” since, unaccountably, he continued to see the body as “strongly organic.”) Foucault came to enjoy imagining “suicide festivals” or “orgies” in which sex and death would mingle in the ultimate anonymous encounter. Those planning suicide, he mused, could look “for partners without names, for occasions to die liberated from every identity.”

Foucault, again, actually put this idea into practice, regularly attending gay bath houses when he had HIV.

>tfw you chase spooks

It is hardly surprising that children should enthusiastically start their education at an early age with the Absolute Knowledge of computer science; while they are unable to read, for reading demands making judgments at every line.... Conversation is almost dead, and soon so too will be those who knew how to speak.

I don't buy into Stirner.

But anyways, my point is that is exactly what the left does... deny the existence of morality, go around behaving despicably, and then suddenly go into moralist mode when it suits them.

>Foucault appears to have suspected that he contracted AIDS in
California, probably in 1982, but no positive diagnosis of AIDS was
ever made. Alan Sheridan says that Foucault told him (in 1984 I think)
that the doctors did not know what was wrong with him. Aids was
considered but dismissed. Paul Veyne and Pierre Nora says that
Foucault knew he had AIDS before died in June 1984. His symptoms did
not include the "gay cancer" or pneumonia. From the summer 1983 he had
flulike symptoms, headaches, fever, a persistent cough, and weight
loss, but became noticeably ill only at the end 1983. He had taught at
Berkeley in spring 1983. Only in early 1984 when he was hospitalized
did the possibility that it was AIDS become fairly evident, but that
was clouded by the fact that he responded so well to a standard
antibiotic treatment that he was able to deliver his final set of
lectures at the College de France. It appears that the doctors
concluded that he probably had AIDS and that Foucault himself thought so,
but that was only in 1984, and Foucault is said to have cut off the
doctor's statement only to ask "How long." Paul Veyne, I think, says
that Foucault confided late in 1983 or early 1984, that "they [his
doctors] think I have AIDS." His lover Daniel Defert reports that in
the summer of 1983 "everyone in the States was talking about AIDS,
...so even if he [Foucault] was not certain of his own situation, the
fact was on his mind."

He knew, and yet he continued to go out fucking boys.

Some hero you have there, leftists.

I know this is troll but people who think like this exist so I'll bite. The thing that you think is 'leftism' doesn't exist outside of a couple of fruity academic circles. The elites who are programming you have to keep poor whites frothing at the mouth about transsexual bathrooms and gay pride parades in case you ever think about voting in your own interests.

The entire left are lockstep about all that nonsensical queer theory bullshit at this point. They do it to themselves.

And it's not only poor whites who dislike it, but Mexicans, blacks, asians, etc. etc.

Why do so many people feel compelled to bring up the spooky "left" at any instance they possibly can. You don't hear leftists bringing the "right" into everything.

It's downright obsession, that's what it is, and it screams ideology.

Samfagging here, but that's the problem with a lot of so called "right wing politics" in general. Many followers of these ideologies can't just regard one thing as it's own thing, they have to generalise.

Most people on the left don't give a fucking shit about Foucault. If you want to criticise Foucault, go right ahead, but it doesn't make sense to extrapolate his moral failings to the whole of a political spectrum of ideas and their individual supporters.

>You don't hear leftists bringing the "right" into everything.
they use the word "fascist" instead

>they use the word "fascist" instead

How many times on this board do you hear people complaining about fascists out of the blue? I bet it's close to none.

Today, I have seen several posts complaining about leftists. Often I see posts replying to other posts which had absolutely no political contents or leanings and they say shit like "typical liberal wah wah wah."

I'd say "go back to /pol/" is one of the most used replies on this board so it definitely goes both ways

did Foucault become the BwO?

t. cannot understand the difference between respecting someone as a hero and finding their framework of ideas useful

There is no right, there is no left. There is no republican, there is no democratic. Just human beings.


"Once you label me you negate me."
-Soren Kierkegaard

You've obviously never read Foucault. Yes, he is the beginning of so-called queer theory. However, anyone who has read any queer theory, feminist theory, etc. will tell you that the current landscape of "leftist" (using your word here) identity politics has very little to do with theory. I'm not going to waste my time spoon feeding you the reason why because your OP is an incredibly uncharitable series of buzzwords and ad hominems. This is a literature board. Next time, read the author before you make a thread about him. You didn't say anything about the ideas presented in his work, only criticized his personal lifestyle choices. You might think the ideas presented are good or bad, but Foucault's sex life is irrelevant to that discussion.

Intellectually, you're a on par with people who unironically use the phrase "cultural Marxism" and think it's Adorno's fault that the new Star Wars film has diverse casting (kek).

you didn't specify on "this board" in your post. also this

>think it's Adorno's fault that the new Star Wars film has diverse casting (kek).
this is a thing? brb dumpster diving


Actually this is something I was thinking about as I was reading on Wikipedia about how Beauvoir had given appraisal to de Sade. In fact, so did Susan Sontag and Angela Carter, and directly from their perspective as feminists. Perhaps it is not a full endorsement of the man himself and his actions, but it still strikes me as odd. Obviously it coalesces well with the element of individual liberation, but the egoistic power play and complete disregard for morality is directly antithetical to leftist moralising.

On that note, all moral systems are repugnantly hypocritical. Everyone is happy to praise evil when it comes to them under the sheepskin of art. Im glad about that fact, otherwise we'd have no Mann or Wilde or even Beauvoir or whatever, but it makes everyone seem so two-faced and insincere.

Where do conservatives draw their ideology from? I guarantee you that any individual theorist you pick out will have a shady past with a laundry list of shitty actions. Go check out what Ayn Rand did with her life.

wew and I thought the left had a monopoly on art school

I had some guy on Grindr unironically talk to me about punching Nazis being a moral duty. IN AUSTRALIA..

my man, the right wing had the artist that started it all

Art is fun. Go out and commit a real atrocity, you'll see how disappointing it will be.

Transgression in art can be edifying, or at least a kind of fun release. Once evil takes the stage in real life, it's character is totally different.

there is literally nothing wrong with it, plus you're being a moralist

> complains lefties give out about righties because muh Nazis.
> complains about lefties because muh pedo.

Ok listen: I strongly dislike Foucault positions, and I my political positions lean as far away from the left as you can imagine.
That said, it's the pinnacle of stupidity to use the life of an intellectual in order to devalue his positions. Foucault may have been a terrible person - as much as many authors on the other side. What does this have to do with his arguments? You are not addressing in any way whether what he said is true or not: you are not refuting anyone's ideology.
At best, from what you have, you can say he was incoherent. How is that going to help you criticize the left?
If you want to refute someone's positions, address those positions. Don't say 'well, you're a shitty person, therefore what you say must be false!'