How is France able to consistently shit out the worst philosophers?

How is France able to consistently shit out the worst philosophers?

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Germany takes all the good ones.

stupid thread

Due to a combination of factors:
-a sense of cultural superiority
-group think / overwhelming emphasis on francophone literature and philosophy
-dominance of postmodernist thought, combined with interdisciplinary influence from psychology (especially Freud, Lacan, Jung)
-strong position of leftist thought and political movements
-rigid and isolated academic system

I think there's actually a logical explanation for it, somewhere in factors like French centralisation (which breeds less competition and diversity in thought), a completely different self-understanding that borders on a superiority complex (whereas it's very German to criticize yourself and your country), a much bigger divide between the "plebs" and the "academic elite" (which brings more stardom into academics and also makes it less likely someone gets called out for bullshit), a general focus more on hedonism than duty ("dude you gotta be a pedophile to really experience all of life" would be unthinkable for Germans), and many more but I guess no one is seriously interested in this discussion.

Are you french?

Belgian, which basically means I'm a Frenchman in denial

Does that mean you studied in France? If so, how isolated is the academic system?

I haven't, but it is known in Europe that France's universities and academies are the most isolated ivory towers in all of Europe.

How is this not just gossip?

Not him but it's not just gossip (although it led to a very gossipy rivalry between Sartre and Camus) but the tl;dr is that it's a mix of centralisation and the US system where what school you went to is basically more important than what you studied or what grades you got.

There are certain schools the elite send their children to and you have to go to if you want certain positions in politics e.g.
Other indicators are that you can be an unironical tankie or pedophile and people just accept that because you're in this different realm.

is there any video of foucault walking? i want to see how blown out his asshole is

what did he mean by this

worst impact on society and philosophy

Hegel was more or less responsible for some of the worst atrocities of the 20th century. He was German.

what did he mean by this

I think it's because the uhmerican uhcademy eats that shit up. But Foucault was probably a fan of coprophilia.

Foucault is actually the anti-SJW philosopher par excellance. He literally dedicated a book to describing why Gay pride is retarded

What a way to be a memefag

What socks is Foucault wearing there?

>mfw /pol/ brainlets come here to make threads on a regular basis trashing Foucault, Baudrillard, etc. all while never explicitly discussing their ideas or making any specific criticisms and obviously never having read any theory

>brainlets misinterpret Hegel, mix it with Marx, and bring on the apocalypse
>it's Hegel's fault even though his philosophy didn't advocate for that degeneracy nor did it imply it
Do you blame Nietzsche for angsty nihilist faggotry?

>needing an argument to trash leftist garbage

foucault gave the western world the early communist sexual revolutionary legacy.

breaking up the family, feminism, etc etc, may not have started with foucault, but when they adopted him as the foundation, that spelled the end of his intellectual legacy as an outsider looking in

all the universities are foucaultian, sorry to burst your bubble. look to the fruits, always!
of course, "will to power" is just feel-good nihilism

>of course, "will to power" is just feel-good nihilism
thanks, i can disregard all your posts and opinions with a clean conscience now

>Foucault: "Mental illness is just a social construct lol
>Baudrillard: Capitalism creates a hyper-reality that isn't really real lol

Yeah, very enlightening.

>make a shitpost

This attitude is why liberals are completely getting slammed in the 2014+ political-digital era, ignoring an argument does not mean you win the argument. Pointing at a funny jibe and pretending you instantly win...does not actually mean you instantly win.

name a single right wing intellectual

Ebola was a mentally ill repressed romanticist who argued spooks

It's almost as is...

hold on here...

traditionalism is for brainlets

Sorry, but that privilege belongs to the German nation.

Guenon > Evola

it might have something to do with the fact that french people in general are pompous faggots


>I criticize his blaming Hegel for the 20th century
>He then claims that not only is Hegel responsible, but Nietzsche is as well, and that now people are responsible for the unintended misconstructions of their ideas
>I take this opportunity to avoid lowering my IQ by engaging his retarded faggotry

Ezra Pound.

>ignoring an argument
>thinks he made an argument
Not him, but this is why rightists keep getting slammed in areas with even a monochrome of intellectual content

Lit is complete garbage thanks to pol's influence desu

>that juxtaposition

lmfao I don't even know where to begin, what a perfect snapshot of awful Veeky Forums philosophy

Heidegger, nietzsche (he fucking hated socialism whether you like it or not).

>hatign socialism is being conservative

The Enlightenment was a mistake

please tell me about Sartre's and Camus's rivalry.

Read Lukács. What nietzsche did was reframe bourgeois morality and imperialism so that it could survive the death of God.

Why do /pol/tards come he when it's so very obvious that they don't read?

france is the eye of terror of western degeneracy and decadence.

I will never know if this was ironicly posted or genuine retarded posted.

>this is, ugh, so bad I can't even tell whether you're serious. read a book!
refer to

Although he criticized anarchists of his time, he still was somewhat active in many anarchist groups.
You're probably conflating his claims on aristocracy with an actual approval of aristocracy (even if he himself refuses to call for it at the end of BTG), mistaking him for a right wing thinker.
Still, I would not define him as left-wing thinker either, but associating him with conservatives movements would be incorrect too.

>Why do /pol/tards come he when it's so very obvious that they don't read?

>name a single right wing intellectual
me desu

>politicizing the hyper-real

>name a single right wing intellectual
Jean Baudrillard

>foucault gave the western world the early communist sexual revolutionary legacy.
you're thinking of marcuse

Why read it when we can infer the evil present in those texts by observing their impact.

>I'm afraid of what I don't know

Yes. When the literary equivalent to Pandora's box is right in front of me, I am afraid. Why shouldn't I fear something responsible for so much harm.

Pol presents another fantastic meme rather than an actual argument! xDDD

alain badiou?
Not born in France but is considered French philosopher. I enjoy some of his stuff.

Jean "Shit Ain't Real" Baudrillard

In my experience the best work comes out of Germany and France and everywhere else is either too old to remain relevant or just periphery extensions of what German and Frenchmen had already said.

Five replies, none of them engage with the material.

>Fug u cuck

etc etc etc its so fucking boring. Shit thread fuck you OP, why cant we go anywhere nice like Krakow or Palermo

>Why do /pol/tards come he when it's so very obvious that they don't read?

Why would I engage with this material. These guys are part of a class of writers whose influence has been so horrific that they can be adequately judged without reading a single word of their material.

Nick Land

>can be adequately judged without reading a single word of their material.

I honestly hope this is a parody.

Absolutely not. The impact of their work alone is enough to discern that their work is bad. It's why I appreciate what Peterson is doing even if he is a total charlatan. I've been told he has no understanding of their work, and that is for the best. These are men that deserve to be slandered

How would you describe the impact of their work?

Jung and Freud have literally nothing to do with postmodernism and have been viciously attacked by it

My pet theory is that the French are, by default, just a lot more shameless than Germans, so when you accuse a french philosopher that he only writes to get pussy (which is all of them, with the exception of Foucault who wrote in order to get dick) he just goes "sure!".


The transformation of all human discourse into conscious semantic power struggles, the consumption of society by some sort of deranged individualism hell bent on destroying all that allows that society to persist.

A poet is not an intellectual
Wow a German idealist who ran thought olympics to justify imperial racism gj
Not even right wing but he was a crazy syphillus retard who thought fruitarianism was an authentic diet

>Peterson is doing
who's this?

you're thinking more of Marcuse than Foucault, senpai

t. barely read, didn't understand neither authors

>you're thinking more of Marcuse than Foucault, senpai
They did the same thing to different generations. Before you say it, I know they were contemporaries.
>who's this
Jordan Peterson. Canadian psychology professor and meme "intellectual". Frequently talks about how's his gripes with the world are the fault of these Frenchmen with bad haircuts.

>They did the same thing to different generations. Before you say it, I know they were contemporaries.
If there's a single person responsible for the current political climate in american academia, it's Marcuse. his work was a serious catalyst for the things that happened in the 60s and 70s


I know Marcus influenced the long March. I'm talking about society as a whole rather than just academia.

> Jung
Literally a psychotic. A brilliant one maybe, but no less psychotic.

> Cioran
Was right-wing in his youth, became apolitical and hating his previous work (the one with Romania in the title, not sure how it's translated).

> Eliade
Ran away from Romania and did his best to get away from his legionary past. Debatable if he counts since, again, it's a matter of earlier works.

> Bataille
If militant being-a-weirdo is right-wing then maybe. Still, he went from fetishizing war to becoming depressed by it at the very least.

> Land
Again, being an accelerationist weirdo daydreaming about capitalist AI isn't exactly helping the right-wing.

Well at least there's Heidegger.


mystics aren't psychotics you fedora

french are cucks

sure showed him user.

And who has better philosophers? The Germans? The only good thing Germany has produced in the last two centuries is Bayer AG and Goethe.

cioran also disavowed and became a staunch anti-racist and anti-aristocracy in general.

I don't understand it either

People on this board are pointing out that other countries have their fare share of shitty philosophers, and they are right, but France hasn't added anything in centuries.

German Idealism and British Idealism were a mistake, and then German Phenomenology comes in, but Germany and Britain along with America produced Analytic.

With France it's pathetic. If you even google French philosophy, they list fucking Saussure as one of them. He is a god damn Swiss.

All France has is phenomenology from Heidegger which is bad enough, and even then half the time they fuck it up by making it Cartesian. For fuck sake

Can't they be both?

Besides, jungians (maybe even Jung himself) admit that he had psychotic episodes. It doesn't discredit his work, just puts it in context. Same with Nietzsche's illness.

>Absolutely not. The impact of their work alone is enough to discern that their work is bad. It's why I appreciate what Peterson is doing even if he is a total charlatan. I've been told he has no understanding of their work, and that is for the best. These are men that deserve to be slandered
Veeky Forums 2017 everyone

it's not even a joke, go figure

Judging by your dismissal of other posts, beyond the shitpost you clearly see the "intellectual" as someone spouting bullshit with a clear over-emphasis on societal stuff. In which case, on top of my head, and limiting to the last century:
>Carl Schmitt
>Mircea Eliade
>Leo Strauss
>Carl Jung
>Bertrand de Jouvenel
>Jacques Maritain
>Eric Voegelin
>Hillaire Belloc
>Gilbert Chesterton
>René Girard
>Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
>Oswald Spengler
>Georges Dumézil
>Martin Heidegger
>Franz Hoppenheimer
>Ludwig von Mises
>Raymond Aron
>Raymond Boudon
>Pierre Boutang
>Élie Halévy
>Wilhelm Röpke
>Murray Rothbard
>Michael Oakeshott
>Arnold Toynbee
>Xavier Zubiri
>Étienne Gilson
>Henri de Lubac
>Elizabeth Anscombe
>Georg Henrik von Wright
>Russel Kirk
>Plinio Correa de Oliveira
>Helmut Schoeck
>Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
Probably many more on a quick research linking from the names above.

How exactly did Eliade try to run away from his past anymore than Heidegger did? There is no departure in the nature of his work and he still associated with the same people post war, including Evola

Thomas Carlyle.

>A poet is not an intellectual
stop posting any time, thanks.

The French revolution was extremely dysgenic.


Fucking terrible.

>he was a crazy syphillus retard who thought fruitarianism was an authentic diet

#1: It wasn't syphilis. It was a slow-growing tumour behind his right eye.

#2: He didn't advocate fruitarianism and certainly didn't like vegetarianism. Granted he ate a great deal of fruit, but for his daily dinner he had a beefsteak (among other things).

>he still was somewhat active in many anarchist groups.

[Citation Needed]

>Frequently talks about how's his gripes with the world are the fault of these Frenchmen with bad haircuts.

>lefties construct their entire systems of discourse by making limp symbolic associations between current conditions and their ostensible ideological ancestors
>a reactionary inevitably pops up and starts doing the same and all of a sudden its an issue
Every criticism against Peterson is such weak-wristed, milquetoast bullshit. He's just a reactionary.
>haha he just calls everyone he hates a neo-marxist
>xD he really misunderstands french postmodernism
>hehe its obviously not as bad as he says it is haha its not like neurotic militants infesting political and social discourse is even that bad a thing hoho

hey albert camus ain't that bad

This is the left's argument. W-well he doesn't agree with me, s-so he must be psychotic!

but isn't psychosis a social construct? Stop being an ableist


haha yes they are

Look at the thread that's open right now with Foucault's quote on how truth is nothing but a tool of power. The user here is spot-on about postmodernists and the reason no one engages with you here is because it's been done time and time again, and everytime you guys will say "maybe x did but not y so not all pomos" or find some piece where he also said the complete opposite.

the "problem" with Heidegger-as-a-right-wing-philosopher is that his politics aren't all that linked to his work as a philosopher. yes, his philosophy lead to his nazism, but there's no "inherent link" so to say - very different conclusions could be drawn from his ideas. nazism "just happened to" happen at the same time as he worked, so he tried that (quite respectable of him to be honest, most philosophers don't involve themselves in the dirty work of a political revolution)

well, goes for many of the others as well

this, whether Fukoo explicitly endorsed SJW-ish politics or not does not fucking matter

his philosophy relies on the same ideas as those of SJW:s

the same way a radical leftist may be influenced immensely by Heidegger, the politics of the thinker don't matter