Can somebody explain post-modernism to me without memeing?
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hoh boy
Nothing has a value.
Moral is just a opinion.
All women are beautiful because aestethics are also just an opinion.
Imagine thinking that this is as valuable as Pietá.
Everything is subjective. Everything an be deconstructed.
>All women are beautiful because aestethics are also just an opinion.
None are beautiful
Dada is modernism.
>""""""valuable"""""" art
Fuck off, underage tard.
You do understand that the purpose of this piece is to point out exactly what you're saying.
"Fuck the burgeoise" - Modernists
"Fuck us" - Post-modernists
an anti-teleological tendency within epistemology, the attack on the ‘metaphysics of presence’, a general attenuation of feeling, the collective chagrin and morbid projections of a post-War generation of baby boomers confronting disillusioned middle-age, the ‘predicament’ of reflexivity, a group of rhetorical tropes, a proliferation of surfaces, a new phase in commodity fetishism, a fascination for images, codes and styles, a process of cultural, political or existential fragmentation and/or crisis, the ‘de-centring’ of the subject, an ‘incredulity towards metanarratives’, the replacement of unitary power axes by a plurality of power/discourse formations, the ‘implosion of meaning’, the collapse of cultural hierarchies, the dread engendered by the threat of nuclear self-destruction, the decline of the university, the functioning and effects of the new miniaturised technologies, broad societal and economic shifts into a ‘media’, ‘consumer’ or ‘multinational’ phase, a sense (depending on who you read) of ‘placelessness’ or the abandonment of placelessness (‘critical regionalism’) or (even) a generalised substitution of spatial for temporal coordinates
No, no one can, since postdernism is a meme itself.
Postmodernism is a trend in literature, art and architecture.
Postmodernity is the logic of 21st century society, e.g everything is cloaked in commercialism, commodification and irony.
A TV show can make a show about how TV shows are shit and it will be popular.
People who start their sentences off "you do understand" deserve to have their pryed open and be forced their wife and children get violently raped and murdered. Pls word your sentences in a less irritating way.
>Can somebody explain post-modernism to me without memeing?
People who care more about how something is said than what is said need to kys themselves.
> complains about someones use of words
> leaves words out of his post.
How something is said is what is said
No memes this time:
If you want to understand postmodernism you have to understand modernism, positivism and critical theory first.
It's essentially claiming that the modernists are wrong.
Dear God, just kys yourself already, brainlet.
>capitalising god
What do modernists believe?
a radical questioning of the subject, in order to gain insights into how civilisation got to the point of ww2 and the cold war. you can extend this to 9/11 and the war of terror as well. the most common metaphor used to do this is "the game". Lyotard builds off of Wittgenstein to understand knowledge, not as object but a subjective order placed onto the objective world. For example, with the rise of computing, society is often envisioned as a network with knowledge itself being reduced "bits" or a series fact claims. Where as before you had two modes of knowledge, the specialist and the philosopher, with one claiming the a clear delineation between known and unknown and the other claiming everything is unknown. we now live is a society where everything is known, communication breaks down with "bits" being traded in a series of unending claims to truth. Another big piece was Bourdieu's Field Theory, where structural power is charted by distinction. He uses the metaphor of a football field, there are social facts (the touchlines) and social rules (red/yellow cards and a referee) which limit agency and predict behaviours (habitus), positions (privileges: Ivy League education, inherited wealth etc.) which predict ability to effect the game (a striker can score a lot better than a midfielder or a defender can).
so yeah, pomo sees knowledge and society as a game which we create and play. irony is when you "know" the rules but act accordingly anyway. DFW would say we know junk entertainment is bad for us but we don't care because it's so satisfying. So we create a game around excuses why its okay to damage ourselves and society.
Please proofread your own writing before posting. This is horrible and awfully ironic.
mostly post WWII expressions of thought and art.
Can be both something that comes after the era of "modernism" and keeping closer to those traditions but merely being after it and/OR it can be the reaction of modernism that a lot of post modernists have i.e being skeptical of it
hope this helps
You do realize that the purpose of my point was to point out exactly what are you saying?
I was gonna type something but it would be around three posts and I gotta get some sleep. Have a picture.
That's modernism, dipshit
I'd recommend Faulkner.
Absalom, Absalom is about as close as you could get to pomo style without being actually pomo
Pre-modernism: going to an elite school
Modernism: going to an elite school and making sure everyone you meet knows that you did
Postmodernism: going to an elite school and making sure everyone you meet knows that going to an elite school is not important
A bunch of crazed ideologues try to cast doubt/blame everything except their ideology as to why they are being btfo constantly.
so far we're 0/31
let's see how Veeky Forumsdoes in the second half
>tfw no post-modern bf to be insincere with
The guy who created the Simpsons likes Captain Beefheart and Pynchon, he actually got Pynchon to do a cameo on the show
Why is he so cool and you not, Veeky Forums?
Post-modern architecture is a disaster and a shitfest.
Just like post-modernism.
Literary post-modernism is widely defined as an artistic movement in which artists seek to involve their audience on a metatextual level, such that the experience of reading itself becomes a core element of the message or premise of the work.
Postmodernism is a Jewish ideology which seeks to deconstruct Western society and its foundations, from its ethics to its familial structure. It is trash tier.
Its an umbrella term to desribe a whole era of art and philosophy. It stems from existentialism and perspectivism, it largely revolves around the idea that truth is multidimensional and multifaceted. Theres varying degrees of post modernist beliefs, some assert theres no truth or meaning at all, but generally post modernism is just a way of acknowledging that no truth is "ultimate"
>reading a work as a premise for reading a work
that's like post-metatextual
What is wrong with deconstructing Western society?
It's harmful to the people living in it
Western society is harmful to the people who arent living it (i.e. the majority)
why are you so angry. it's only the internet man.
I dont understand. What does the circle represent?
That's their problem, not ours
>mug some guy on the street
>"its his problem not mine!"
>Oh no! My view might get *gasp* CRITICIZED!
If people don't like western society being deconstructed then they don't have to pick up a post-modern or critical theory book in their lives. Just don't spoil a movement that could potentially produce interesting and elucidating works for those who want to explore western civ.
here come the brainlet incapable of understanding the fine writings of postmodern philosophers
>critical theory
are you for real?
Gonna have to assume you haven't actually read any of it if you think that.
It's almost like no one in here actually has any idea what postmodernist philosophy literature is about.
>Is the state of post-war late-capitalism
>The referents of signifieds have been lost
>Perpetual wheel of meaning ellusive meaning, as nothing can be traced back to its original in any authentic way.
>Contemporary media culture is an example of this
>We exist as a culmination of strange, ill-defined signs, and know ourselves only through fractured correspondences and regurgitated, stale narratives. Which plays somewhat into the whole postmodern "identity politics" thing, and explains why "identity politics" is so often associated with "postmodernism"
Post modern literature and film:
>Plays with multiplicity and indistinctness of meaning, using pastiche, parody, obfuscative allusions, merging the literary (or high art) with the genre (or low brow/pop art), using meta-textual structures, integrating paratext, and generally highlighting, either through form or content or both, the duplicitous nature of meaning in either literature or society.
The obvious example of postmod art is Andy Warhol's campbell soup. It was referencing the quintessential modernist art piece, Duchamp's urinal, but it was showing a consumer good, in the way of an advertisement.
Advertisements, corporatism and mass media are strongly associated with postmodern aesthetics.
the object.
Sorry I should have said that postmodernity is the state of post-war late-capitalism. Postmodernism is the philosophical movement/label.
Postmodernism is about post-modernity.
You've assumed wrongly then friendo.
who is objectively the best postmodernist philosopher and why is it baudrillard?
Oh yeah what amazing points does Derrida or anyone else make about anything except post-modernism.
>hegel is post-modern
>cable news is post-modern
>gangster rap is post-modern
>9/11 is post-modern
>The Matrix is post-modern
Funny isn't it. For a movement people think is a huge deconstruction project all they actually do is add whatever new thing comes along to the construction of post-modernism.
danny de vito?
Is this post-modern?
Sell your organs.
No it's not
Weaponized Judaism.
pretty accurate
You guys have been going on about 'late' capitalism for 115 years.
It's possible it might not be just a phase.
Unlike your undergraduate postmodernist posing! Amirite HONK HONK
There have been accurate definitions
Is it harmful to point out how harmful Western society is?
Thats nihlism you dipshit.
>Which plays somewhat into the whole postmodern "identity politics" thing
It completely undermines it.
>The obvious example of postmod art is Andy Warhol's campbell soup.
Postmodern art in its heyday of the late 70s to 80s finds better examples in appropriation art, people like Sherrie Levine, Richard Prince, Cindy Sherman, Barbara Kruger. Andy Warhol's work is a kind of a transitional work because of its reliance on the 'art object' rather than systems. As such Duchamp's Fountain is a kind of proto-postmodernism and the quintessential modernist artists were the Abstract Expressionists (by way of Picasso, Mondrian, etc.). It was these artists and their artistic project of universality and form that anything that can be described as postmodernist is in reaction to, from Minimalism to Conceptualism and yes Pop Art as well
>115 years
Try since the 1960s
Skepticism towards metanarratives. Any postmodern movement basically rejects any system that pretends to give a totalizing explation of anything - political systems are the most obvious totalizing systems and their failure is one of the main reasons of the birth of postmodernism.
Art developed on this criticism to grand narratives. Philosophy, on the other hand, is more controversial, because philosophical postmodernism is potentially self-destructive, although some postmodern philosophers may insist they are not building a system but developing a sort of therapeutic writing, very much in the sense the latter Wittgenstein wrote PI.
I wrote a short divulgative essay on postmodernism when I was in college. I'd post it but it is in Spanish.
basically, everything post-modernists do is a parody of tradition, but it has no real value
Sombart in 1902 user
yeah, it is.
>me on the left
Can't believe nobody has posted this yet.
But western society doesn't exist at the expense of other societies (except when countries like America attack/invade other countries to support our interests), whereas mugging someone on the street does come at there expense.
>Nothing is sacred
Veeky Forums is the literal embodiment pf post-modernism
The retarded son of the sophists.
Yeah, but postmodernism transmutes into nihilism which becomes hedonism in bestial humans.
It's not a coincidemce that both the Nihilists and Kant, the axis of modern and postmodern thinking, are German.
Germany is a petridish of what happens when you fuck with the dials of leadership in a society built around strict order. Women's "liberation" is an experiment of what happens when men are collectively guided by women to give into a worse nature and bite the apple.
Why does meaninglessness result from everything being context dependent?
It doesn't that's a dumb interpretation.
It just means there is no objective meaningfulness, what you find meaningful is going to depend on who you are and what context you're coming from.
it's infinitely more valuable.
the fact of donald trump being a president of US is post-modernism. only in post-modernist world this is possible.
Everything isn't and nothing is
>i don't like it because it's bad
I cannot stand those types of images with the three buildings or drawings or whatever, espically when people actually use them to define a literary term
We're hitting levels of life-denial that shouldn't be even possible
plees eggsplain