Holy shit why did it take me so long to read this? More like this? I haven't read much magical realism.
Holy shit why did it take me so long to read this? More like this? I haven't read much magical realism
top 3 endings in western lit
love in the time of cholera
Is Love In the Time of Cholera as good? I've heard mixed things.
Definitely worse than 100YOS but still good
>tfw my mom gave me this book and I left it on my shelf for a year and now I'm abroad I can't read it
>not any recommendation of the god Juan Rulfo
You all are just plebs pretending.
Nothing like this book, why should it be mentioned
I can't for the life of me get into this guy. I've read one of his short stories, Chronicle of a Death Foretold and Love in the Times of Cholera all in Spanish and they all just feel really empty for me.
Perhaps because that book was a major influence to GGM and he even said that it's one of the most important novels of the century
Quick Post your Buendía Waifus.
I go first: Rebeca.
Colonel Aureliano was best Buendia
because you're a weeb, and all weebs are retarded
Pedro Paramo
You'd like Murakami, probably. It's pretty effortless to read, too.
I'm going to second what he said. You'd probably like Murakami.
Top Ten Anime Harems
get out of Veeky Forums redditbro
I really need to stop putting this book off, I really loved the feel of the few GGM short stories that I have read, but for some reason I always end up being disappointed by magical realism, although by description it should be my favorite genre. Back toward the top of the to-read list it goes.
if you aren't south american and you read this novel you are a poser
? I said haven't read the book, but want to. English is not my first language, but I still don't know how you interpreted what I said this way.
The Kingdom of This World by Alejo Carpentier
That's because they are. Marquez's only strength is providing pretty scenery, but his fucking prose is purple if i ever saw one. He was that kid in school who acted all smug for knowing shit no one cares about.
No wonder Vargas Llosa punched that faggot in the face.
>his fucking prose is purple if i ever saw one
Purple prose doesn't matter if the author can pull it off and if it's consistent with the rest of the work. It's only when it's out of place (or if the author has "high aspirations" yet writes like a child) that it's bad.
>if the author has high aspirations yet writes like a child.
This is Marquez. I'm not talking out of my ass. I've read the faggot in spanish (my first language). Hell, i jerked it to his cien años back in the day; but he just didn't stood the test of time for me
>No wonder Vargas Llosa punched that faggot in the face.
GGM cucked Vargas Llosa.
So? Vargas fucked/married his own aunt; left her for his cousin, and to this day cheats on her.
But he gets away with it because he can actually write
>Nothing like this book
One is sadder than the other, but one came first and inspired the second.
Top 10 Anime Fights/Crossovers
Are you throwing shit to Vargas or to me?
Nada Personel Isabel.
¡Ven por mi, perra!
I was projecting. I thought if i were Mario picha brava Llosa, i'd be more pissed at that faggot for being a shit writer than for touching my side bitches
No creo que esa sea una perra.