Have you watched John Green's newest video
Have you watched John Green's newest video
Let me guess, he supports hedonism while signalling toward some sort of arbitrary morality of "be a good person"
>as long as you have fun xD
>wahaaah why can't everyone be an anhedonic bitch like me
Women are actually more likely to be depressed than men. People like you, who are I capable of enjoying life and thus wish it would be equally miserable for everyone else, are statistically more likely to be women.
you're still a roastie
men are more likely to kill themselves. women's depression is more mild. also, what does this have to do with depression? you think hedonistic people aren't depressed? they're usually trying to fill a void.
hey guys, John here, needed that $253 more thank you think. Cara Devaligne is a succubus.
I'd like to succ her bus if you know what I mean, talking about those godlike feet
What does it say about the man who has contempt for women but still chases after them.
Depression varies with every person and trying to compete by gender is fucking stupid.
Women are more likely to attempt suicide, but men are more likely to complete it because women prefer methods which have lower success rates, such as pills, whereas men prefer more lethal methods, i.e. hanging and gunshot.
>be depressed man
>don't tell anyone
>kill yourself
>be depressed woman
>tell people
>get patronised, BUT
>don't kill yourself
>women prefer methods which have lower success rates
because it's usually a cry for attention and not an attempt to end ones life
I have a hard time believing females would be more rational than men.
>wanting to live
wew boy u actually tryna tell me u enjoy life?
>failing Pascal's wager
You are insufficiently enlightened.
>getting upset by statistics
i bet you're from reddit
John doesn't look so hot in that screencap. Do you think life is becoming a burden for him?
>Women are more likely to demand attention rather than sincerely attempt suicide
Way to prove his point, retard
Is this Punished Venom John?
The fuck are you talking about everyone is always sympathetic when girls talk about their feelings.
thats what he said. patronized being when people are like
>no, youre special
>theres nothing wrong with you
>you have value
>so many people love you
meaningless fortune cookie phrases that a child with common sense would comprehend as hollow. but, to the meek and limpwristed normies out there (both men and women) its enough to not kill themselves over because they are able to convince themselves that its genuine (somehow)
>well written teenage angst
>ugh amirite
Ahhh YES this was the thread I've been waiting weeks for!
>Green quoting Tricky Nicky
I wish
You're a real hoot at parties aren't you?
Everyone DOES have value. Love is real. Etc.
John plz go
Reread The Brothers Karamazov :)
I'm not John Cuckeen
>there is no sound is space
>spaces echos like a tomb
what did he mean by this
Argggg. I know! He's just as much a part of the problem. The only way for him to to live to his credo is if he only raped at will.
I don't think that's Pascal's wager...unless I'm mistaken.
>Killing yourself is irrational.
>Men are more rational than women.
You're retarded.