Should I learn Italian or Arabic?
Should I learn Italian or Arabic?
the fact that shes probably some rich guys cum dumpster butt slave makes me sad
Why? What else does she have to offer?
shoulda got ur money up but u got cucked by marx and chose a proletarian lifestyle
Fake lips, what else is fake? Nose... She's beautiful but odd looking.
women aren't beautiful user...
Why would that make you sad?
And what makes you think she is? Why do cucks think only rich guys get good looking women.
Your post is pathetic.
her boyfriend is rich though.
what did u think she was gonna fuck a broke fag who shitposts all day?
Italian probably
Arabic is more interesting imo but its hard as hell so be ready to invest a lot of time
That depends: do you plan on visiting Italy or Sweden?
same. too many people don't understand this feel :(
ah the vanity of women and their easy lives
learn arabic so you can pretend to be a muslim (be a sunni) and after italian if you want to read dante
Italian obviously
Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio the list could go on
Learn another language.The problem with Arabic is that not much is done with it. There are more books published in Germany in a month than in the whole Arab world in a year. If you have a special need for it, go ahead, but then you wouldn't be asking the question. Italian is a minority Romance language. You're better off with Spanish or French. But if you're planning on living in Milan, then of course learn Italian.
Why not?
>why do women have standards?
>person who knows nothing about Sweden let alone europe
how is she suppose to take pictures in paris if you cant afford to fly her out there
Since you asked in Veeky Forums, italian.
Now try asking in Veeky Forums
Calm down Sven it's just banter
There are quite alot of books written annually per year in Arabic, more than what youre implying but ye youre probably right that it's probably less than in German.
If youre asking without the context of the picture, it depends. If youre concerned about ease, then Italian would be easier for you as you dont have to learn a new alphabet scheme. If youre concerned about practicality, then Arabic would be better as more people speak Arabic than Italian plus Arabic speakers are distributed across a larger geographical area. If youre mainly going to spend time in Europe, then learn Italian obviously but if Asia and Africa, then learn Arabic.
Lmao my man nice post
I think you are overestimating Arab writers and underestimating German authors
The postmodern world creates a lot of hacks who like shit out books
arabic is honestly useful here in sweden if you're a foreigner and don't know english, just strike a conversation with the nearest swarthy person (there are lots of them) and you'll probably get some bit of useful information
it only makes me sad that shes not my cumdumpster butt slave
Nah, Arabic would be quite useful in Europe. I hear it everyday on the streets. You could buy all your food using Arabic, and make friends at the nearest mosque. The national language is almost useless compared to Arabic.
Arabic. Wallahi!
Arabic is not a satanic language btw. Dont want the kuffar to be getting the wrong idea.
french is the sexiest