34 read

>34 read
>0 currently reading
>213 to read

why did he wear the patch again?
was he strabismic or something?
(not a bainpost)

He was a big fan of Metal Gear Solid

>31 read
>1 currently reading
>666 to read

>355 read
>4 currently reading
>14 to read

Fuck off reader scum, we don't like your kind here.


>989 read
>17 currently reading
>804 to read

When a currently reading is there for over a year I just give it up and move it back to to-read. Yet I still pile them up.

Pardon my newfaggotry, but what are you using to record these?


thanks, i'll check it out

Only one book remained in "to read"; two if you counted finnegans wake.

It's a way to keep track of what you want to read... nobody is showboating. Or maybe I missed the point.


kill yourself

double kill yourself

do us all a favor and dont come back

You can never finish FW anyway because it's written in a loop. Once you start it, it must stay forever under currently reading.

49 read
1 currently reading
405 to read

>He reads
Oh I'm laffin at you, beta cucks
While you guys stay in your basements, I'm out here getting fit and slaying miff left and right

Here's a poem I wrote for you guys:
>I flip through the pages of Infinite Jest
>While Chad cums all over her breasts


>141 read
>2 currently reading
>611 to read

I keep reading books that I don't think I'll really love to 'get them out of the way'. Why am i like this.

Joyce had eye problems his whole life, he was really losing his eyesight towards the end. You can see in Ulysses Stephen Dedalus is scared of losing his eyesight, so you know Joyce was always thinking about it.

lolled at that pic

mind if i save it?

kill yourself we are nice people

>about 50 read this year, including plays, novellas, audiobooks
>3 reading
>have a list of 5 urgently to read, but change it every week, so the cumulating remnants go into the thousands

If Joyce is the Big Boss of Literature who is The Boss? Who is Venom?

for how long have you been a consistent reader?

Sebastian I know you're in here buddy, how the fuck do you read so much

>The Boss

The Boss is Sappho

Venom is Pynchon


The Boss is Dostoevsky, and Faulkner is Venom.