Veeky Forums feels

>want to lose myself in a fantasy universe
>don't want to lower myself to reading genre fiction

le guin or peake

The Bible

Doesn't Le guin turn into a hardcore SJW later in her career?
Maybe the earlier works are not as tainted.

Read about ancient mythology, or books like Aeneid or Hesiod's work. I also love reading books like Beowulf or the Edda. They portray a mythical, sometimes even magical world, without it being mere genre fiction (they still reflect a reality as people believed in these stories, which makes them historical).

Many medieval stories are also very interesting reads in this genre.

Maybe, but you can still appreciate something even if you don't agree with its politics.

Eddison too. Comfiest fucking fantasy this side of the medieval period.

This has to be a joke, nobody's this pathetic

It's a thinly-veiled sff rec thread

You can, if you have no ethical compass.

>what is the immensely popular literary movement called 'romanticism'.

>what is suspension of disbelief
>what is imagination
I don't think reading is for you.

Man this board is weird sometimes

Lose yourself in the universe of Yoknapatawpha County.

what is it really though

>don't want to lower myself to reading genre fiction
Drink piss you pseudo-intellectual slob.

Should I suspend my disbelief when watching scat porn? Gore? Cuckolding?

Having a sense of moral judgement is not the same as lacking imagination.

No, you suspend it when you're reading fiction because otherwise you're going to get all confused about the things that don't actually exist.

There's plenty of literary fiction with fantasy elements.

I still fail to see how that is related to the work having an obvious communist message.


That's because you're a reactionary simpleton.

>le guin
Back to tumblr.

Use your imagination to find out

Literature isn't the same as pornography and violence, you retard.

I can entertain a thought I disagree with, I don't have to read several books about it over and over.

Nice argument, commie.

It can contain both, and both can be central to a book.
When something I consider immoral is central to a work, I'm not obliged to read it. Even if the author is supposedly talented.

It's much more alike to a simpleton to consume everything. Like a pig.

Pigs don't have very diverse diets and I'm certain you're a glutton for your particular bullshit. Like a pig.

You're not obligated, but you're still a retard for refusing to read a book because the author has politics you disagree with. This reveals an insecurity, and an ego so fragile that it'll be shaped by any shit you read.

>It's much more alike to a simpleton to consume everything. Like a pig.
Right. Only read things that support your beliefs, never anything which might question them. In case my brain gets fat on information, because that's bad. Or ... dirty? That allegory makes no sense.


That I preclude a few options as immoral and/or disgusting doesn't mean I consume only one genre.

This is not a videogame. An author's views, life experiences and beliefs will influence their work, extremely.
Especially with somebody like Le Guin, that feels it necessary to put explicit feminist propaganda in her works.

In an utopia, I'd agree with you.
But there's so much time one has to read books within a lifetime, and I fail to see how that means he has to read mediocre, low-quality or immoral works.

You can't seem to form a coherent thought, yet others can. Clearly you're doing something wrong.

You haven't even read Ursula Le Guin you brainlet.

Or he just doesn't want to read garbage?

Anarchist SJW genre fiction discussed in gender studies classes is not something you want to read whatever your political beliefs. She is sanctimonious, too.

I don't see why anyone would read some badly written holier than thou books about space commies butt fucking each other just because ''they can entertain different thoughts!"

That is your opinion, it's not true.

I don't want to read communist propaganda.

This. I didn't like that stuff even when I was an ancom.

Enjoy living in your search bubble. There's no way that won't come back to bite you ever.

her politics have been fairly consistent. retards wailing about sjw's around every corner is what's new.

Oh no, I didn't read a book that forcefed me its political ideology! What will I do with my life? I might turn into a reactionary nazi that only reads good books.

communism is good though user

>Veeky Forums is suddenly pro-SJW

Well, I guess you bastards will stoop as low as necessary to achieve even the smallest of victories.

Your point of view might be juuuust a little biased.

You're a moron who's unable to suspend disbelief. If you can't read something without being afraid it'll brainwash you then it's already too late.

65 million dead Chinese can't be wrong!

I'm not afraid it will brainwash me, I'm afraid it will force its politics down my throat which, judging from this thread, it does.

Suspending disbelief is not the same as lacking a moral compass.
Are you people dumb or just pretending? Stop misusing words, Christ.

You have an axe to grind with gender studies, Le Guin's books are another entity. It's obvious you're relying on hearsay by ideologues who tell half the story of everything - this applies to as well.

Where is the space communism and feminism in Le Guin? The abiding theme is Taoism or anarchism, and anarchism isn't portrayed glowingly either. As for feminism, The Left Hand Of Darkness is about hermaphrodites, a different matter. But you're a retard who can't discern things.

>I can't watch Flash Gordon because I'm afraid it'll force feed me anti-Ming propaganda

I don't really need to read further than "you have an axe to grind with gender studies", really.

Somebody entrenched in communist ideology won't notice communism even if it hits him in the face and rapes him.

>Le Guin's books are another entity.
Except for the part when they promote the same politics, I assume?

I already replied to this post's argument in the post you're quoting.
Are you dumb or just pretending? Are you trying to get at my nerves by acting dumb? Because I really don't get it.

All hail God-Emperor Ming!

Stop acting silly, user.

You're assuming I'm a communist after reading Le Guin. You subscribe to a very old fashioned idea that the media immediately impacts your individuality like a hypodermic syringe; well, yes, it will if you're a simpleton. I've read Ursula Le Guin's books and yet I'm not socialist, Taoist, anarchist, communist (where is the communism again?)

The media might or might not impact my individuality, but I don't want to read explicitly left-wing propaganda in either case.

You're defending gender studies as a legitimate field, as much as I think you're a good guy, it sort of prevents you from judging whether a work is or isn't left-wing.

No, you didn't. You're acting like only some things contain an ideology, or "propaganda", and that they must be avoided for mental purity or whatever. Which is nonsense, as I am illustrating by pointing out that everything contains some sort of ideology, it's inescapable, yet somehow we manage to cope when the "good" and "bad" of ideologies presented in fictional universes don't match up to what we believe of our own reality. Le Guin is no more communist propaganda than Flash Gordon is anti-Ming propaganda, and unless you're a fragile moron you should be able to come away from both equally unperturbed.

Again your lack of comprehension is glaring. I said Ursula Le Guin and Gender Studies are two different entities. A work of fiction and an academic area are different structures, different media, different realities. This is not to defend gender studies, which I have a patronising attitude towards anyway. If you read Le Guin you will find the presence of feminism and communism vastly overstated by those who have never read her.

Learn to space your paragraphs, is this Veeky Forums or /b/?

I'm not obliged to read the latest trendy hip SJW shit just because you think I'm a bigot.

That is a paragraph, all the sentences in it are related sequentially.
>I'm not obliged to read the latest trendy hip
Some of the books we're talking about are over 50 years old.
>because you think I'm a bigot
I'm not calling you a bigot, I'm calling you a simpleton. That should be very clear by now. What you're currently doing is the reactionary equivalent of accusing me of mansplaining or something; completely missing the point of the conversation.

>Le Guin is no more communist propaganda than Flash Gordon is anti-Ming propaganda

>Guys, my book is not propaganda! :)
>Yes, user, you can read her book, it's not propaganda at all, it's just an exercise in trying to see a different POV! It will be cool!
>Yeah, it doesn't matter that the hard-core leftists worship it, it's not like they are the same thing just because they agree on literally everything, you know?!

>the book is hinting at the higher moral ground of not!Communists for hundreds of pages
>the book is held as a paragon of SJW genre fiction by all SJW's

>My entire argument was shot down so I'll just go further back and straw man some more!

>I am trying to prove that a man is a simpleton because he does not like to read books which promote politics that are detrimental to the values he holds dear!

>Come one, Jew user, read Mein Kampf and Breivik's manifesto! I mean, you don't wanna be a simpleton and not try to understand someone else's point of view, right? :)

>he thinks that Jews and the left wing don't read those things

Some do, yeah; but you wouldn't call a Jew a low IQ simpleton for not wanting to have contact with Nazi philosophy, you mong. It's perfectly understandable a Jew wouldn't like to read that.

>he can't discern the difference between Mein Kampf and a piece of science fiction.

Yes, I would.

>completely missing the point of the conversation.
That's what you were doing from the start, you don't have any logic, and can't follow a basic thought pattern.
So much for "entertaining other ideas without accepting them", you're too dumb to entertain an A to B sequence without falling back on referencing 50's pop culture.
It's not me, stop being such a reactionary.

Yes user, that makes sense. All the people who disagree with you here and now are the ones who misunderstand. You're the only super special genius who's right.

Your posts are easy to differentiate from the rest because they're particularly retarded and keep falling on the same thought pattern.

You'd think that somebody so persistent would already figure out that people are allowed to read what they want.

Right, but I agree with the other guy, we're both just pointing out separate flaws in your reasoning individually. Does this happen to you a lot? Do you often find that everyone else is wrong and you're right, and they won't listen no matter how much you repeat yourself and strawman and avoid the central point of the argument?

That many people disagreed with me doesn't mean I'm wrong (or right).

You're dumb, arguing with you is a pain. Can you read? Can you read a simple question?
If yes, please squint your eyes and try to answer to the following:

Are people allowed to pick what they read?

>Stefan Molyneux DESTROYS SJW rape survivors who think governmentally mandated female illiteracy is bad COMP. NO. 673
this is the new anti-theism, and is every bit as morally contemptible. Essentially entertainment for psychosexual fifteen-year-olds.

>reading fantasy for escapism


fuck you le guin is great

>can't even escape /pol/ shit on Veeky Forums anymore

There's no such thing as genre fiction. Genre classifications can be applied to all literature regardless of what its supposed quality is.

What you really mean is that you know fantasy is DERIVATIVE. It may be of good or bad quality otherwise, but it's limited in value because it borrows blatantly from Tolkien etc.

Try Shakespeare

OP you're a fucking moron.
That said, read Embassytown.

Read Malazan. To convince you: Most people on reddit seem to give up on it because it's "too dense".

iktf people like the one in this thread is what makes LARPing on /pol/ so much fun though.

Just go play some vidya or read actual history, most fantasy fiction blows because they're wish-fulfilment movie scripts rather than something that wants to be a book.

Anti-SJWs are the new SJWs

Read Marx

>don't want to lower myself to reading genre fiction
You're an autist and bought into Veeky Forums memes