Where to read tao lin's works free?

where to read tao lin's works free?

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Public parks.

And how do you propose you'll hide all this for... another 2 years?

They call them libraries.

He can't. I've found it already.


Also fuck man, the IRS have been on my back this last year.
Anyone know how to deal with the IRS?

Don't worry, nothing could possibly get any worse than what happened to these guys.


You'll be fine

Damn that interesting man, what are some good books on accounting scandals? Anyone know?

I really don't know, but I guess you can start here.


WTF is going on in this thread??

Anyone has a link or pdf file or something?

>All libraries in the world has that one same book
Full retard


fun thread

indeedio my friendo

Here are a few historic cases if you're so interested. Its not really Veeky Forums, but I don't really know where else you would take suggested reading on the topic to.


>Crime and Punishment


Damn Iskra Lawrence makes my fucking dick hard

Shes pretty hot mang.



What the hell are you talking about? (Not op, just curious).

How did we get to the IRS? Am I missing something? New news about downloading books? So confused.


I want her to diarrhea into my mouth so bad right now


i got them but not going to upload

I could get all of them except for You're A Little Bit Happier than I Am and Taipei from my university library, but that's only because YALBHTIA didn't get printed much and I bought Taipei the day it came out.

Calm down, Brigadier Pudding.

If you wait for 5-10 years you will be able to find his works for free or sold by the pound pretty much anywhere. If you wait a bit longer, though, you will not be able to find his works anywhere, for he will be already forgotten.


i wouldn't read tao lin's work even if someone paid me to read it.

> admiring coal burning whores
yeah naw

I like how the bottom of that bathing suit is slightly too small to cover her pubis adequately. If only she would move her legs apart just a touch. . .

there are three books by him on libgen (richard yates, eeeee eee eeee and taipei).
you can find it in other places, bit i can upload the bed epub to libgen if anyone's interested.

Just shoplift them.

really? i keyed several times but couldn't find any.

go to...ok, i'm tired of this shameless fag


Can't find tai pei on libgen. Could you upoad it and link here?

Enron by Lucy Prebble is a shit play about Enron. But it's about Enron. But it's also shit

She's damaged goods. Apparently people kept mocking her for her weight through out life.

you have to click the "fiction" link in the homepage.
there is no reason to re upload taipei to libgen. the only offer i made is bed.

user, I love you. Thank you for chipping away at my ignorance, free of charge.

fuck off newfag

OP here, thank you user

since none of these other anons asked (what the fuck, guys), yes, can you please share that one you have? much appreciated.
