Was he right?

Am I going to experience this vapid and disgusting existence over and over again? This is worse than Christian desu

You need to google "thought experiment".

How to google?

Time is a flat circle.

this is the moment where either the übermensch is chiseled from your former self or your latent nihilism is amplified by several magnitudes. do you become a diamond or remain charcoal?

I just can't figure out how to become diamond, throwing myself into suffering and struggle so the weight does the job?

yes, mishima-style

if you refer to eternal return: no, be calm, he invented this because sounds systematically fulfilling in her exhausted mind. it was his shitty solution to death.

nope. Entropy will turn everything to nothing eventually even atoms


On what ethical principles do you base this command?

I swear to God (kek) someone makes this thread every fucking day on Veeky Forums. I usually just skip past them but I've had enough. If you don't fucking understand him after you've read him, start again, don't come crying to us because you can't. Or, alternatively, if you have understood him and now you've realised how menial your life is, I suggest you deal with it without coming here and posting the same fucking thread as every other loser (me included) on this board.

No. Even if history did repeat itself, the "you" that repeats will not be you according to any plausible theory of personal identity.

eternal recurrence only refers to one person and their supporting cast

caesar, hitler, napoleon and nobunaga are essentially identical people who faced identical situations

nope, it refers to whole planet. nietzsche appropriated the original idea from a socialist writer in 1870s, can't recall his name right now (Dühring?), who remarked that it was the most disheartening thing he could imagine.

>nietzsche appropriated the original idea from a socialist writer in 1870s
i'm sure that reincarnation has existed for ages

>it refers to whole planet
and the whole planet revolves around those people

there's nothing disheartening about thinking "i'm the next caesar". and it was already materialisitc recurrence in dühring discourse, something about molecules and mechanistic determinism.

you've become incoherent

what do you not understand?
reincarnation, great men etc, thats all metaphysical. eternal recurrence is hard scifi.

>there's nothing disheartening about thinking "i'm the next caesar"
that's not the point, embryo
go do your homeworks

>what do you not understand?
>eternal recurrence is hard scifi
that for starters

>thats not the point
whose point?
the other user tried to make the point that it was nietzsche's point.
i'm saying that it wasnt nietzsche's point. capiche?

dude nietzsche literally thought he was caesar, napoleon, jesus, and a billion others

ER doesnt use metaphysical concepts like transmigration of soul, only speculates within scientific framework of late 19th century.

>reducing nietzsche to some letters he scribbled during final collapse
besides it has nothing to do with ER

Me in a few years

How many years have you knowingly wasted on pointless hedonism? Have you been able to escape your comfort zones or are you still on the road to personal hell?

>Have you been able to escape your comfort zones
No, I don't know where to start

how old are you? I need to know what hardcore regret feels like. I'm in my early twenties and I want to avoid the horrors of becoming a bitter middle-aged loser. I'm a neet and I have absolutely no idea if I should stop worrying altogether or actually start caring about my future.

I'm near 30 and most things I worried about earlier don't matter any more. I'm happier now without thinking about all this bullshit.

I'm in my early 20's too, went neet at 18 but I'm no longer one, I went neet because of depression and other mental stuff, hardcore regret made me feel extreamly guilty for existing and made me extreamly suicidal, only pills keep me sane now
stop being NEET

In what ways have you failed in life? Relationships or career?

How is this worse than Hell?

I should stop this neet faggotry and go to college since it's free in my socialist utopia nordic country but I can't summon enough motivation to study to the entrance exams let alone study if I were to actually get in. I wouldn't say I'm depressed, I'm just bored all the time and have been for years. Having no direction in life really is a shitty feeling

identify what is important to you
NO not what society deems important, or your family or friends
down to the very fucking base of it - what matters to you? where do your interests lie

you need to develop the talent you've been given, to raise the bar of understanding, or your interests are weak and shallow and you will exist as a simple consumer, a cog in a machine where interests vie interests and men take risks and live, grow, die - but stand regardless, as men.. you will be a revoltingly shallow person for not having taken the time to develop and substantiate greater thought.

nietzsche wrote about it in "schopenhauer as educator" btw

I know that I have to specialize in one thing and become good at it to create my life around it but the thing is that I have absolutely no patience. When I fail at something, I get frustrated as hell and give up soon after that. Nietzsche said it best: “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”

I just don't have the "why" and I'm just kind of waiting for this problem to fix itself which really isn't a good option lel

Both. Now I just have my Veeky Forumscore books desu.

at least she can focus on one thing, maybe get shit done

your gay

his gay? his gay what?

get out of Veeky Forums

hes Veeky Forumserally correct tho

You do realize eternal recurrence is a very real possibility in terms of physics?

in what sense? lets say that the universe repeat itself, it wouldn't be me, like if theres a copy-paste machine that can create a clone of me down to the atoms, it wouldnt be me.

It would be you because you are nothing more than your material parts. You are using the conception that you yourself are a soul experiencing a linear path but in physics you could be summed up as the universe reacting to itself.

except it wouldn't be ((((ME)))) is not the one experiencing it, im an instance of me, the other 'me' is another instance of me.

No, if time is infinite, or to say time begins and ends indefinitely as theoretical physics suggests, there is zero difference between (you) and the other you.

Like I said, you're viewing reality as path or ladder rather than an actual circle of events. Even a circle is deceiving because it implies you're traveling around it similar to a race car driver.

fuck off kike

okay so if i die, then someone created a clone of me, would ME still be experiencing whatever my impostor is experiencing?