Finals next week

>finals next week
>have done nothing but read unrelated Greek philosophy
>still don't know what infinite series or angular momentum are
>transferred out of a literature degree into engineering to make my parents happy but too much of a brainlet for it

Enjoy using CAD all day and having joyless sex with your 3/10 Chinese American gf once a month. Should have followed your dreams, cuck.

Basically yeah.

Engineering major, can confirm

All jobs fucking suck. Once you grow up you will realize that. They are meant to keep you stupid and busy, not be fulfilling. Technology has reached the point where only a small percent of the population needs to work, the 40-hour work week is only in place to keep people servile and stupid.

I'm also transferring into engineering to make my engineer father proud and have been slacking to read unrelated novels.

Is that you, Jesse?

>All jobs fucking suck
This is a coping mechanism, not a truth

A coping mechanism is pretending you like your shit job and using materialism to justify working 50 hour weeks

It's amazing how you didn't understand that post. Though, I can't say I'm surprised.

If you're doing mechanical engineering you're a masochist
Do computer science instead


Enjoy, retard.

If you weren't a NEET, you might recognize that much of work is in of itself enjoyable. You can creating meaning in your life through how you act.

Don't project your depression onto the world, moron.

That also wasn't the point, at least not directly. user's job is shit and he hates it. He copes with this fact by rationalizing that "all jobs are shit". He is then too stupid to realize this is what he's doing.

I work at a lab doing water quality analysis for agriculture. I realize what I do is important but it still sucks and I'd rather focus on improving myself.

When you work that much it becomes your life. I never have energy to study subjects I find interesting anymore like I used to, and I forgot most of the things I enjoyed learning in university.

No honest person I know enjoys their job, including the ones who followed their passions. That doesn't mean it has to be a bad thing. People need something to bitch about, and recreation is meaningless without contrast. But stop lying, and if you aren't lying, stop living. The rest of us don't need people who unironically enjoy their slavery to drag the rest of us down further with raised expectations.

Why don't you drop out and spend the rest of your life unemployed desu senpai

Work can be enjoyable or rewarding.

But in my experience, a job can not.

Jobs don't necessarily suck because of the actual work. They suck because they take up so much time, and you have an obligation to do it almost every day. It's the routine and lack of control in your life.

I'd start to dislike what i was passionate about if i was given a strict schedule that i had to do it in 8~ hours everyday with little to no deviation.

Chinese American gf

jesus christ he may as well kill himself now and avoid the shame and disgrace