Hey nerds, Veeky Forums here

Hey nerds, Veeky Forums here

read... THIS

kek have you even started with the greeks bro?

busy reading the Bodyssey. no time for manlets and brainlets.

>not being /litfit/
>not reading a book in the gym between sets

I have my poetry to protect me

I read all of your moves

I do this at home, makes my workouts less boring.

Lift THIS, SS-fag

>implying a jacked/literate dichotomy

>the only visible page in the photo contains a single line of text.

Really is a kind of shield. I've never liked the last few lines of that song. In darker moments I've aligned it with Spenser's Cave of Despair- how attractive Despair himself characterizes.. himself. On the other hand it is Emily Dickinson's 'white sustenance,' which....

He's reading House of Leaves

>tfw the line on the page actually says "the only visible page in this photo contains a single line of text"



can we ask mods to bring back /fitlit/? It was awesome

what is specs

cool quote you fucking nigger


really gave me an authentic nerd moment

Really prolapsed my anus, broseph.

I'm not going to explain jokes to you. Figure it out yourself m8

Shooting roids and lifting heavy things doesn't make you a warrior.

Define warrior.

>weightlifting == bodybuilding
Spotted the skinny non /fitlit/

>A warrior is a person specializing in combat or warfare

Is warfare restricted to the battlefield?

I had some warfare with ur mums pussi last nite so I'm gonna say no


indeed, keys
