Why can't philosophers speak in plain language?

Why can't philosophers speak in plain language?

its a casual filter

Hegel is not a philosopher you pseud.

Because if they did their works would be massively misinterpreted, and if they took the care to exactly specify each detail without using accepted terminology every text would be thousands of pages.

30% because they are building on someone else's language
25% because plain language doesn't already have plain words for concepts like weltschmerz, übermensch, will to power
5% because they're literally too smart for it
5% because they're not smart enough to see the need for it
40% to cover up their flaws

Do you think an expert in any field speaks in "plain language" ?

Try opening a book on advanced quantum physics and tell me if you understand anything being a layman.

In fact, try watching a sports show on a sport you've never watched before and tell me how much you understand.

Jargon is literally what happens when people have complete information.


Veeky Forums is bad at math

>This guy can read ancient Greek

A book on philosophy that's written in plain English is called a "self-help book".

This isn't kikebook, get your catchphrase and go elsewhere.

You'd have a 400 page book become a 1200 page one because everytime a very specific concept is mentioned they have to use its "plain language equivalent definition" again and again. Most people do not do it just to screw over plebs, it's more of an organization thing. Consider that you're not supposed to read it like fiction but rather read every sentence many times over and actually think about the meaning of what you're reading.

You're missing the point!

why can't mathematicians write in simple maths?


Do you start with calculus and complex analysis, or do you start with algebra?

Starting with the Greeks is not a meme. Without reading Aristotle and Plato you will be at a loss for many references and, in Aristotle's case, a lot of terminology if you have not taken a class on logic.

What's plain language?

>there are ""people"" who genuinely enjoy this
autism is a hell of a drug

>math is not a spook

they can´t because plain language is very superficial, stupid and biased, consider Heidegger work for example, the man needed to create new words in order to illustrate his complex vision of philosophy.
TLDR; they wont fucking spoondfeed you

the one spoken by Plains Indians: Pawnee, Sioux, Comanche etc.

Why do people think they should be able to understand any phiosophical book without former studies?

A prejudice that is not found in sciences, but it is pervasive in all humanities.