What should I expect?

what should I expect?

Other urls found in this thread:


That some chapters are clearly just written for the money.

look in the mirror

Dostoevsky's most unobfuscated and skilfully executed work, even if it isn't his best.


Thanks lads

What did he mean by this?

A mix of soap opera love triangles, psychological character study, and discussion of 19th century political and philosophical.

Whoops, should say politcal and philosophical issues

Half the time: wow this is really good
Other half: wow this is really dragging

>The Idiot
Wow, someone finally wrote a book about OP

This is my favorite Dosto work, the chapter on the feeling right before the an epileptic seizure is very lovely prose.


This is the first book since I started reading to ever make me cry desu

A good man.


Veeky Forums should be renamed to /bully/

This is why it's my favorite novel of Dostoyevsky, even though I see Demons is objectively and influentially his best work.

It's quite the feels train especially if you're an /r9k/ crossposter.

its literally Jesus but better

Irwin Weil says here that Dostoyevsky was trying to write a character that was a mix of Jesus and Don Quixote


Dost uses his traditional mirroring technique to compare the Yepanchin and Ivolgin families, especially the decadence of the former and the ambition of the latter. Nastasya Fillippovna is one of his best-executed characters, and is the prime example of someone bent entirely on self-destruction. Lebyedev and his gang (in particular Ippolit) add a great deal of social critique, and I must say I enjoyed their crazy antics

Wow he was right