Why are white male brains less complex, more like animals, compared to women's and black men's bulging brains?

Why are white male brains less complex, more like animals, compared to women's and black men's bulging brains?

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no you are

Let me guess,

your fragile white boy ego got hurtied in the boo-hoo.

What have niggers and women ever created?

First off, "racio-ethnic minorities" means Asians.

Second, the paper you took a picture of is suggesting that a diversified workplace would be better because different genders/races excel in different categories of thinking, *not* that white men have inferior brains.

t. actually read the paper before posting a picture of it onto a canadian sand-sledding image board

As a minority male, my brain is really structured and I prefer patterned abstractions to understand the world than the network flexible mind that most females seem to possess.

Except it literally says that white males have less flexible, dynamic, complex brains than everyone else.




>complex brains

It doesn't say this at all.

See, this is what the paper IS TALKING ABOUT.

You don't get it, to the point that even communication is difficult.

Less flexible, dynamic, and complex does not imply inferiority.

If I wanted to build a tower, I wouldn't want to build it out of flexible and dynamic rubber bands, I would want to build it out of stiff steel.

If I wanted to create a trampoline, then I would use the rubber bands, rather than the steel.

Can't handle a bit of ambiguity, eh?

>white men are less tolerant of nonsense
This is only a good thing

Finally an intellectually honest reply. We agree that white males are less evolved in the cranium, yes, but sometimes brute force (or whatever) is what one needs. This is completely true.

We don't need low iq frogposters on this scandinavian dogstanding image board.


lol I'm the same person as all of these

>intellectually honest
This is your brain on minority.

you fool, I am the same person as YOU

Actually, what we don't need is the SJWIDF

>failure to distinguish by analogy between 'software' and 'hardware'

OP confirmed for white male

I wonder if that's really the case? We did pretty well for ourselves before the diversity showed up.

>rihgt-wing png
Nice source. Did you use all of your white male brain power to come up with this?

By the logic of OP, white men DO have more brain power, minorities have "flexibility". Is this an example of it, where it is actually incoherence?

It is likely the same as IQ distribution. In general females score higher because their distribution more narrow. Males are scattered - more idiots, more geniuses. I would wager this is the same: females in general handle ambiguity better, but males have greater distribution.

The racio-ethnic minorities having higher flexible cognitive structures doesn't make as much sense. Niggers, the go to ethnic minority, are absolutely retarded and cannot deal with complexity whatsoever. I am unsure but I think Asians have similar distribution to women, and it's unsurprising Asians who have adapted to western societies are better at adapting to new environments and ideas.

Notice the bit that says organizations that have racio-ethnic diversity become more open to new ideas, more fluid and adaptable. It doesn't say they are more successful. Makes you think, dunnit?

>tfw white male who picks up on ambiguity

>m-muh race realism

>It is likely the same as IQ distribution. In general females score higher because their distribution more narrow. Males are scattered - more idiots, more geniuses. I would wager this is the same: females in general handle ambiguity better, but males have greater distribution.
Good point. So we can agree that while white males have less IQ than women and black and other minority men, it's not the end-all be-all. I certainly never said white males are retards. Just cognitively differently abled, and I'm not saying that to patronize, it's just a fact.

Just how bored at you on a scale of 0 to suck my cock, you troll faggot fuck? Get off this board with your reverse/pol idiot psychology and kys, for real.

Veeky Forums deserves this to atone for its sins. Mod OP

White boy brainlet going FULL MAD after having his fragile ego crushed by superior bulging brains.

Exactly as predicted.

I agree with everything you're saying, my dude, and I am glad you agree we need a system to eradicate niggers and asians. The low IQ whites serve a vital function as manual labourers and we can't do without women just yet unfortunately. Honestly, with the few genius white males around, we don't need uppity, mediocre idiots in the middle who complain as we carve a utopia. Women are especially god awful for this because they are excellent at manipulating the low IQ white males into leveraging control away from the high IQ white geniuses.

This is exactly why so many moderates identify as liberals. Please explain how anything I've said advocates for social justice?

1: I've been arguing AGAINST OP's statement that white men are inferior
2: I don't get triggered by the word nigger
3: I included dildo as one of the women's achievements as a joke without getting triggered
4: I post on a tuskan mangospitting image board

What sins, exactly?

""""Flexible "" "" brains. What a cute, tactful substitute for disorganised.

Veeky Forums:
>Wow I sure do miss the old Veeky Forums where there weren't any Redditors and people actually discussed literature

Also Veeky Forums:
This thread

Your mother's mouth
>kisses you goodnight

Also your mother's mouth
>sucks my cock

You are still getting kisses from mummy at night? Fuck kid, get off this board.

>his mother doesn't love him
It isn't difficult to see why.


I don't want that kind of love from my mother, user, only yours.

"cognitive complexity" does not imply cognitive superiority. Something being more complex could mean it's less efficient at doing the same task, or even prone to getting you on a wild goose chase

prose needs work

The science paper clearly says studies have shown white male brains are less fluid and dynamic -- generally less evolved. I get that you're insecure and you have a fragile white male ego but you can't spin that into a positive.

when speaking to white people, you have to play dumb. it hurts their brains otherwise.

Whoever wrote this was deeply, deeply stupid, and I'm honestly embarrassed for him/her.

I sure do hate niggers.

"Fluid , dynamic, flexible" all of these things are buzzwords designed to get an agenda across. Something can be fluid and also do more harm than good. Getting bad ideas into your head doesn't mean you actually used critical thinking to arrive at your ideas.

>(up to a point (which I will not specify))
>This occurs for two reasons (but I haven't shown how, just trust me here that it's not pure conjecture)
>it appears that
>than white males (not in any particular context but FULL STOP)
>has indicated
>Moreover, there is evidence that isn't a reason but simply restates my thesis

>denying science on a board dedicated to marxism, the closet cousin of science.

>women tend to have a higher tolerance for ambiguity (unclear and contradictory thought) than do men

Somebody wasted my fucking tax dollars to study this

White cuckoldry.

I'm glad that progressives and I have finally arrived at the same page - that there are significant differences in cognitive function between genders and races.

Women think in henids, so of course they'll be more ambigous.

All neurotypicals do.

where is that from?

Higher education. So you'll be forgiven for not recognizing it, white boy.

>Essentialist arguments are totally okay as long as it's directed negatively against the white cis-male patriarchy and it's crones, even though that kind of argumentation will make me autistically screech if it is used against women and minorities

This is your brain on feminism.

Same guy is shit posting of several boards.

China would be at the top of that list if it was based on facts, but every discovery and invention of the Chinese is credited to Europeans that did it hundreds of years later.

Why does anyone but /pol/ or Afro-Science.org give a shit?

Forgot the pic