Future of the world

Communism failed in the last century and capitalism is failing as people don't believe in free market solving problems.People who think know change is imminent and necessary for a better socio-political system.
What will it be according to Veeky Forums
>communism(20th century style)
>anarchism(syndicalism and other variant included)
>social democracy(capitalism with a human face
>libertarianism(right wing)

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The pendulum shifts further right

Which will make it hit harder left

How is capitalism failing? More people are more well-off than ever. The free market is lifting previously poor countries to new heights (I.e. China)

wtf I hate literature now

>capitalism is failing
capitalism literally cannot fail, it keeps being reborn no matter how many times you knock it down, like a pheonix from the ashes or a weeble and so on

Everything will degenerate. Nothing will replace capitalism

the crisis of capitalism is not material but an ethical one as people feel the winners dont always deserve their fortune which is often true

that's less the capitalism of crisis and more the human condition, it's literally always been like this and no ideology has the power to end it

One could argue that this will only lead to a reform of the Capital structure, but the underlying capitalist themes (private ownership of production means and operations) will remain there.

Imagine everyone had a [insert material] 3D printer at home and sold or traded their craft with other people who had printers with different materials. That would be a diluted market but still a capitalist one. Big houses with a single guy owning a lot of printers would still be there, he just wouldn't be uber rich due to not being able to suppress the huge amount of other printers, and so on and so on.

Wealth redistribution does not necessarily kill off capitalism, it just kills off rent and rentiers (which is good for everyone but the infamous 1%). The Capital will live on even without these parasites, and will certainly find new ways of turning people's dreams into commodities.

>late stage capitalism keeps screwing people over
>silly as they are, they turn increasingly fascist, because of course it's the jews/muslims/mexicans/NWOs/ayys fault
>of course nobody got time for le chinese climate hoax when muh pure aryan genes are at stake
>global warming, brown and black people desperately fleeing their countries en masse
>as things turn further to shit, what do to but delve deeper into fascism and general societal psychosis on every end
>segregation and fighting grows in scale
>all this red hot patriotism eventually ignites some nuke somewhere
>2100: the rich survived but has to deal with living in the Second Stone Age