Be david foster wallace

>be david foster wallace
>spend your college career reading don delillo
>become completely obsessed with questions and anxieties about/over modern american life and television
>decide to do that, but without the irony and sarcasm
>latch onto the first editor that sniffs you
>scumfuck who whores out your ADHD and lets you publish every page you ever wiped your nose on
>infinite jest published in 1996
>underworld published in 1997
>an equally long, infinitely better, actual piece of art about the same shit ij is about by the author its indebted to
>one year later

It's no wonder he killed himself

Wait, don't tell me this is from Underworld. That would biggest the biggest btfo of all time

It's from Americana

IJ and Underworld are not about the same things.

All American novels post 1955 are about trash and garbage

>mfw between DeLillo and McCarthy the whole Baudrillardian parable stchick has been done
>mfw DFW tries to do it anyway, and fails

>Baudrillardian parable

What does this mean user

Please explain that term.

Essentially the difference between reality as it is and reality as people see it.

He's referring to Baudrillard's theories about the virtual, the virtual virtual and the real. My copy of White Noise had an excerpt from him in the back.

it's true

Why the fuck are you underlining every single sentence nigger?

weak pseudointellectaul reduction of Infinite Jest and Underworld. neither are even slightly about this

Tick tock, tick tock

How much longer can you hide this farce from the clock?


Literally every po-mo American author. Prove me wrong.


Underworld has 50 pages that are better than anything in IJ, and 750 pages of bloat, deadweight, and a big gaping hole where intellectual nuance is supposed to go.

IJ and Underworld are not about the same thing, but Underworld and American Pastoral are, and that came out the same year and did absolutely everything better.

post your best DFW pastas

you know thats DFWs copy of Americana right

>be david foster wallace
>go on and on about "new sincerity"
>build entire career and public appearance around trying to show off how smart you are

I'm not talking about Underworld, but IJ s definitely engaging heavily with Baudrillard.

this was his struggle. didn't you watch End of the Tour??

i've never seen or read anything where dfw mentions 'new sincerity' though

its because DFW is more interested in people just being conversational and being good, dedicated citizens rather than whatever fucking bullshit sentiment people here think he means. Basically he converted Richard Rortys philosophy into literature

>he wanted artists to be normies

I'm glad he offed himself

no he wanted normies to become artists

underworld wouldve been great if it was just the beginning baseball part. rest is so gay

was Lolita what brought this on?


learn the difference between one writer "engaging" the other and two writers attempting to represent the same circumstances. you have to stop thinking in terms of mechanical, billiard-ball causality if you want to get anywhere with literature.

who is Charles Johnson

just because you're a plebe doesn't mean five decades of american lit has nothing to offer.

and even more likely to be on your radar: who is fucking E. L. Doctorow. pete's sake

>Basically he converted Richard Rortys philosophy into literature

do you have sources on this? very interested in your thoughts

Kek, DFW is incapable of original thought: the best he can do is engage

Truth is spoken