Main character is author's self-insert

>Main character is author's self-insert.

>Not inserting yourself into your books

>tfw all characters are self inserts

I'd like to self-insert myself into your boipussy

>not mythologizing your life story

never gonna make it


This is why Ayn Rand is trash

>what is half of literature

>Book has funny "notes" on the bottom.
When did this become a thing? Books like Going Bovine or Beauty Queens became unreadable.

ikr? i fuckin HATE when authors write about their own experiences so BAD

Agreed. Proust is practically unreadable because of this.

well its a figment of said authors imagination
youre not going to get very far from self insert
unless of course you only read novels written by people possessed by the spirit of st germain

People actually do hate it when Black people do it

its usually executed poorly

>He had piercingly grey blue eyes

haha yeah i HATE Ulysses and Portrait of the Artist ;v)

but that's because black experience is either wholly uninteresting or written by someone who in fact can not write worth a shit

That's because niggers are fucking stupid.

Fuck off John

>Against Godly literature

>self insert is the main villain

This happens so much it's ridiculous but you have to accept it. It's really temptingly easy, when you're trying to create a sympathetic character, to write a sensitive tortured intellectual who's generally passive and may become more active and interesting throughout the story, and you think you've created someone interesting, and look, it's a shitty fanfiction version of yourself.

Goethe's Werther and Wilhelm Meister, Dante as Dante, Joyce's Dedalus in Ulysses (although here Dedalus becomes more of a self-parody/removed from Joyce) and Portrait, Proust as himself in ISOLT, etc.

every author does this.