Language flowcharts

saved this one a while ago but have never seen them for other languages. are there any out there?

bumping for german


>Waiting until late on to begin using Anki
>Duolingo as an advanced resource
>App sources past beginner

The only good recommendations on this chart are the textbooks desu

please correct us. what is anki? and also bump for spanish/italian

Anki is a memorisation tool that spaces your flashcards for you. It is the number 1 best tool for learning to read in a foreign language, though it's not so good for speaking. You should start making anki flashcard decks basically immediately if you're going to use it. I can't stress enough how amazing it is for reading.

You learn basic grammar from a textbook while throwing all of the words you encounter into anki, then you move on to just reading books while leaning heavily on a dictionary. Anki ensures you retain the vast majority of new words that you encounter, so your reading will advance much faster than otherwise.

I want to learn German and Weeaboonese... if anyone has flowchart for them.
More for Russian would be appreciated as well.

pic unrelated

cool, thanks for the tips, user!

i want to learn french so i can understand the french citizens of france when they flee to america to get up to canada

Imo to learn languages it's much better starting out learning the grammar and basic vocab from an established textbook and then just reading in that language and conversing with other native speakers. It's faster and you get more growth.


Jokes aside, I too would like a guide to learning French.

Spoonfeeding is comfy af user.

this was made on /lit only for huissian, opie didn't make any others


>Duolingo as an advanced resource

It literally says you should be finished Duolingo by the time you've reached the advanced section.

Currently learning italian... Any flowchart?

This guy got it right.

Also, why is there no mention of russian media? Like radios, newspapers, sites like rutracker where you can get russian books, films and music?

we want more of these and better ones

>You should finish duolingo
For what purpose

Ah, I made a mistake and misread the original chart. Somehow I assumed that it was made while the Duolingo Russian was still in beta and by the time you were advanced it would be completed.

Either way, Duolingo is totally useless past an early intermediate level.

Am I alone in thinking that Anki, Clozemaster, and any other learning method that pulls words out of their larger contexts are really not very helpful?

has it right. When conversing in your target language, you're invested because the conversation cannot continue without understanding, even if you have to stop and ask the meaning of every other word. When reading, even if you have to keep an open dictionary beside you the entire time, what you read has value because it's concrete: you're not just learning the patterns of a language, you're anchoring yourself to it conceptually in a way that you never will with Clozemaster sentences because you know that the things described there are generic and fleeting.

Anki works as a supplement to reading I find. I throw words in it as I read and seeing them with their definitions again at intervals ensures it gets set in my memory faster. I don't end up having to look the word up again if I see it a week later. It makes reading more efficient

Russian is fucking trash, zero value. Learn something else.

The thread is literally asking for other charts you illiterate man child.

seriously though, does anyone want ot make some of these charts? they wouldnt need to be perfect - but just having the chart would help someone like me not have to think about what to do next which i think would make language learning easier