Thoughts on her?
Thoughts on her?
throw us out a link to her youtube there sound
Who is this semon demon?
none really
Do you think that she is lonely?
Too young
She deleted her YouTube channel... hmmm wonder why
We tried to see how quickly we could get her to leave so we'd have a new meme and pat ourselves on the back for being edgy as shit. I posted numerous threats to her and her family and sexual stuff. It fucking worked
Can't wait for the next one
She probably couldn't defend her claims against our airtight rebuttals
If you know what I mean
Fuck you asshole, did you realize that your actions have consequences?
ya but surely some boyo downloaded her videos no?
this isn't tumblr, kid. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Praise Lord fucking Kek and Deus Vult for the redpill
lewd nudes?
one of my greatest regrets is saving the rare carlis I found scattered across the internet instead of what would ultimately become the rarest carli of all: her channel
desu I didn't even find her attractive but her vids combined with her moms vids were a perfect snapshot into an isolated family's life.
Yeah I like the moms videos as well as. Now we will never see either of them again. It is tragic to think of what could have been, like murder. we on Veeky Forums have destroyed the entire future.
there was at least one person posting on this board about going to her house (her address was super easy to find). who knows if they were memeing or not
Me. I was joking
she looks like this chick I quasi-molested
eww gross
that's just a girl and i can't believe you would be attracted to her.
get a REAL WOMAN. one who burps a lot and talks about her period blood and has hair in special places. one with OPINIONS. she's a girl, get with a real woman!
Like Amy Schumer?
>not 2D
That's depressingly interesting. Now I want to watch them.
lonely pimply whore craving attention more than sugar encrusted dicks
Why dont we just go down to texas and tell her to come back to youtube . The news article about her family was in said the exact name of where the famioy does balet. All we would have to do is wait outside until we see them and go ask her to come back. Anyone down?
Hhahahahaha top meme lad absolutely reddit
Her April wrap up is 100% Russian lit.
>Dostoevsky bio
Patri what? Cidal? Archs?
Shes fucking ugly who cares. She looks like an american jackolantern. Booktubers dont need good taste. If I wanted that i'd just make fake booktube videos where I just booktube infront of the mirror to myself with a printed out cutout of carliclaire face on my face and jerk off
More like Big GAL books haha
I can upload the videos from claire and the mom
fucking classic in the making
please do
>big pile of russians
>that deranged smile
Do it. Do it now.
fuck I can already see lit bullying her off youtube six days from now
This girl I feel is more thick skinned than the others
I am scared of her
Dat fake smile
Those psychopath eyes
She's certainly thicc.
Maybe Veeky Forums won't be successful though.
She's not pretty, so there will be no feet/tampon boy talk. And if someone recommends Hume she'll probably say she prefers Kant or something.
I think what will happen is that once she discovers the board she'll join and stay for ever, just like us.
Should i force this girl?
Yes you should, it's a pretty girl.
And as for me, I'm already downloading her video with a chance of armpits.
why does she make so many ugly faces. it is like she's emulating her mother who you just know is one nasty bitch. also she has bad skin.
other than that, she is definitely a lovable girl with her scrunched up bottom of her face and bugs bunny vibe. Nice female specimen you have found.
Veeky Forums's newest target
>Veeky Forums's newest target
Veeky Forums's newest target
>Veeky Forums's newest target
I am in love with her. I would kill to take her on a date and then massage her.
massage my cock u fucking queer
Back off. She's mine.
Genltmen. lit waifus are for all of us.
Wow, her sister is not so pretty.
fuck this is cringey
holy fuck
>what do you mean you like armpits, user?
>so, if I raise my arm like this you'll actually get hard?
>oh, you don't want to just look...
>sure, you can lick it (but I'm kind of sweaty)
Look at those pits. Nice find.
I wonder if she can be destroyed.
What the fuck is that wetness on her upper lip. Did she lick the vaseline off her father's dick? Disgusting.
haven't been on lit in a while and goddamn, i don't remember you guys being this fucked up. i thought katie was going to be an isolated incident...
i guess i'm not cut out for this crowd anymore.
Katie IS an isolated incident. Veeky Forums is a board of peace.
If Katie was an isolated incident, than why did it happen to two others?
I think he was making a dig at Islam for some reason.
That's an interesting angle. I'll keep it in mind.
>13 k views
We are legion, literally.
>comments disabled
i wonder why
Why is she doing it? I just don't understand. Is she that lonely for attention?
>implying she didn't just post her own channel to get views
>implying this isn't her
>Implying I'm not her
>Implying that last implication wasn't to fuck with her since I think she's reading this
She actually seems like she might browse Veeky Forums. She has that deviant manner, innocent on the outside but loves to get choked and slapped by abusive people
>google image search
Her sister looks so wearied by the shitty hand that she was dealt. She might actually be Veeky Forums material.
How can there be that many of us? I was under the impression that I was talking to maybe a couple hundred anons at most.
The image of the original thread and drama got reposted on reddit, that may be it.
>how tragic, posting your own sis on Veeky Forums because you are jealous of her. soon the ugly duckling's plan will backfire
Fuck you faggots she actually seems good.
God how upset she gets about her dustjacket getting ripped.
How fucking hard did your mormon parents throw you on the ground after your mom squeezed you and your three siblings out of her torn fat vagina?
Not that user but that post was way too wordy and incoherent. Your bantz needs work.
not that user, but it was pretty coherent to me.
not that user but checked
Thanks for linking me upload. We must spread the sweetness of Miss Carli in remembrance of her and to summon her back to youtube.
Holy fuck, she isn't only a pleb but also a hypocritical prude. "[...] skip some parts to make it PG-13 [...]"
>wears hooker lipstick
>wears hooker rouge
>wears hooker eyeliner
I didn't even read 20 books in my life and am more literate than her. Who the fuck cares how to make characters blush or Jane Austen's characters looked like?
Usually, I see this tremendous discrepancy between imaginative and real world with pubertal gals like her, and some never grow out of it. Bitches like her, who live in her safe-bubble, need to get punched in the face or raped in order to sync with the reality we live in, like everybody else. Fucking parents overpampering their daughters ... I tell ya.
women that even try to be remotely geeky and smart should be executed
That wasn't my point at all. But every dillettante, be it male or female, should be executed.
>Being dimensional
We are in the Literature board, filthy weeb.
hey man, seems like you are pretty upset- i want you to think about your comment, it's messed up. wanting someone to be raped is really horrific, guy.
From a child?
>t. plebbitor
>huurrr durr we r legion let's cyberbully some teenage girls
That's a nice reaction image you got there. You got a lot of those? Big collection going on? How much of your life do you spend curating that? Feeling fulfilled?
The 21st century is cringey as fuck, as far as it goes
That's a nice ad hominem you got there. You got a lot of those? Big collection going on? How much of your life do you spend curating that? Feeling fulfilled?
Pointing out that you're doing something because you're a miserable loser isn't ad hominem. It's accurate.
That's a nice reaction image you got there.
crawling in my skin
these wounds
they will
not heal