Shelf Thread

>memes only edition

can someone suggest something to me based on whats on my shelf?

The Iron Heel

Homo Zapiens
The Iron Heel
The Handmaid's Tale

Actual literature 1/2

Am I become Veeky Forums? :^)


/sffg/ material 1/3


Those are some patrician blurs




>It's 2017 and you can't take a clear photo.

assorted /x/ bullshit

Am I pleb?

>It's 2017 and you think it's even possible to take a photo that bad accidentally

You really should put the booze away and stop pushing your books all the way to the back of the shelf

and finally some ebooks

Mind the mess :^)

please tell me you've read most of that shelf of russians (although i question why you have 2 copies of war and peace?)

also thoughts on life and fate? i'm finishing dr. zhivago soon and will likely move onto that next

What is wrong with you

Not him, but I suspect he got the Maude's war and peace after he got p&v and realized it was shit


>wrapping your softcovers
who hurt you

Master and Margarita and Dr Zhivago are recent purchases (past two weeks). I have read the rest of them except for Demons, which i'll probably read after I finish Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

The reason I have two copies of W&P is because I wanted to compare the translations for future reference. I much preferred Maude.

I loved Life and Fate. Its very similar in style and structure to War and Peace. The scenes were Viktor's mother and the Jewish people from her town are on their way, then arrive, to the camps were pretty fucking emotional.

My real criticism of the book was that at some points it felt like not a lot was actually happening, and that it could have been shortened. I think its because the book never really had the chance to be edited since it was smuggled out of the Soviet Union after the author died.

>Wrapping your books.

i've lost the will

Have you read any of them? They all look brand new.

Read them all on the top shelf except for JR, which I dropped and Catch-22, which I have no interest in reading now.

I just posted about the Russian stuff - I haven't read M&M, Zhivago and Demons.

Pic related.


>no bookshelf
>milwaukee's best
>plastic restaurant glass
>acid wash jeans

user i just don't know sometimes



More memes


How is the familiar?

You buy every book Veeky Forums recommends?

WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the -government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now post this in another thread, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't.

Is the rising rating just because the only people still onboard by Book 4 are the ones who really like it?

just the little one

Clearly he is from a poor country, since he speaks Spanish. That price may get his mama a week's worth of tortilla flour. And Anonito, I am impressed by your interest in Shakespeare. Borges would be proud.

There are people out there that do this and it makes violently sick.

Did some one say meme edition ?

>t. joint shareholder in the Penguin Classics imprint

fucking rotatate ur shit fgt

i wish lol


sup penguinbro

why? they'll be passed onto somebody in good condition. maybe a niece or nephew will learn to love reading because of these good books. who cares if they're wasted on user.

Pic related is another shelf, under these D&D books.


That's my assumption. The number of reviewers of each book halves going from 2-3 and 3-4.

>demands other user adjust his pic
>posts a gif without an epilepsy warning

you are under arrest user i hope you like drinking sperms

i like your style bro
fucking shit with that gif ya fag
destroy him user!!!

lmao it keeps going sideways well now i think im going to have to like the way sperm taste for failing twice

i like the russian collection

here are my phatties

my australian literature shelf

australian .... literature? is that even a thing?


Pic related is to the left of these Viking Portables

little more clear

>comparing translations
>without the original

and summore

what's on the bottom that is crop'd out



sot weed factor if we're thinking of the same one

>all of these people pretending to like ezra pound

under the old_memes, and left of the vikings lies pic related

>That shelf
Are you still in high school?

just answer the question user, no need to call the goddamn feds

user, pick something from this shelf and check it out at the library. Pic related is to the RIGHT of the viking portables. Now we're in the bad part of town.

There's more books but I don't want to bother with more pictures. Pic related stands alone, next to my bed and away from the rest.

Yo, you're like the first person I've ever seen to have the hardcover of Pound's Cantos. How is it? Can you take a picture of it open to some page?

Cool Roman stuff down there. Have you read all that?

My man.

my dude! little did i know the first season does not include the episode where columbo stops the IRA shipment (that was season 7). probably my favs.

I'm only on Livy. Reading a lot of other stuff, trying to write and can't quit /k/ or Veeky Forums. Plus addicted to dissecting films. Those Roman histories are mostly for inspiration, anyway. It's all the work of a lifetime.

How do you guys sort your books?

Is there a better option than by nationality?



Not him, but I'm Mexican and a lot of used bookstores that sell books in other languages sometimes have wrappings made by the previous owner. Most of the time are english books that are wrapped like this, at least in my experience.



WTC one of those Plato busts? I want to look like an even bigger pseud than I already am.

only if you let me finish inside of you

Rate his knawledge

also, anyone else pause when they see a bookshelf in a movie/video to judge their books like the pseud you are?


HAHAHAHAHAH so funny and kawaii desu. It's almost like by admitting to the world that you're a complete failure of a human being it makes it all OK. Very clever.

Plus what I just scored desu

Antifragile is kino.

All the rest is crap.

You segregate your 'proper' literature from your sf?
What a fucking pleb
And your collection is shit too

Add Stieglitz to the piketty

Hey another ausbro on lit
Are you in melbourne?

These are old photos, but I'm not home at the moment



> The Keys by DJ Khaled

Fucking lost man





