Write what's on you mind

write what's on you mind

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your on my mind


Why do you come here?
And why do you hang around?
I'm so sorry
I'm so sorry
Why do you come here
When you know it makes things hard for me?
When you know
Why do you come?

Is it possible to be apoetical?

The sun is scared of me and the moon is embarrassed by me.
I walk outside just in time to see the sun set her glow past the mountains blue curtain. She does not wave goodbye. So I sit and wait to talk with the moon. Sometimes she'll turn her head away from me as I talk to her about my day. Then, when the sun comes up, she masks her face and runs, for she does not want to be seen with me. So I chase her.

Fuck being a wagecuck. But the money is nice.

Man I really need a second job instead of eating ice cream and watching YouTube after work

whenever i get home from work first thing i do is drink a coffee while watching whatever new videos are on the thrasher channel

>Penis Penis Penis
>t. OP

holy shit that new blade runner trailer gave me chills, i was worried they'd fuck it up, but this could p gud

i have to pee brb

Out the door right now, running North. Climb that mountain and live there for a thousand years. Maybe I'll come back down but the trees would miss me

come on, did anyone really think the french wouldn't surrender to islam?

I have been suffering from the type of depression that keeps me in bed recently. I leave for class and work, but people are starting to ask what's up. I hope this ends soon just because of how miserable it is, but there's the really small part of me that feels this is the most honest I've been with myself and others in quite some time.

My kettle of fish is a'boiling
My leftover lamb chops a'spoiling
So I'll dump out the mutton
For I am no glutton
And dine on the fish with some oil'in.

The worst part of having a shitty job that takes up most of your time is not the action that the job requires o the repetition of this action, it's the fact that when it takes up so much time you start to get used to it up to a point where it becomes hard to imagine your life outside of the limitations of this job.

i came bc kek. i am happy they get a socialist pres, maybe he will do some nice things for their country and it will show acceptance/tolerance can work a bit more nicely than anger and violence

i love those kind of boring jobs that require repetitive action because you get to think for 8 hours straight without feeling guilty that you're wasting time, then when you get off work you're so hyper to do something stimulating you get in a good productive 3-5 hours afterwards...too bad all those jobs either got shipped to asia or replaced with robots

jobs where u have to think are worse, you just sit there in a flow state doing crazy work all day, which in itself is fine, but then you go outside and ur like "woah what just happened all day, now what shud i do"

Sure, if it's manual labor it gives you a change to take a walk around the insed of your head but i'm stuck in a call center, so, no thinking allowed except about the call and the next call.

My wheels are finally gaining purchase in the mud.

I'll probably screech straight into that wall.


Why the fuck am I browsing an imageboard about literature, when i could be out being a better person. Living as if the world really was my oyster rather than I , just a lonely fuck, taking up space.

cuz i'm still hungover from last night and it's almost tomorrow in 3 minutes, drink sucks, they need to legalize weed at the federal level

isn't life just grand when drugs are the only thing making you happy.

Whenever I want to get good at something the initial feeling of overwhelming ineptitude causes me to feel too stupid and discouraged to continue making any sort of progress to the point of seeing a satisfying return of investment of my time. I am not skilled in anything, I am below average at one thing and absolutely awful and mediocre at everything else.

Sometimes I just want to die because I have been lonely for years and I am starting to go crazy in the echo chamber that is my mind.

I can't concentrate on anything and I am really scatter brained to the point where I can't hold down a job if there isn't enough things to manage.

I can't finish things half the time before I drop them. I can't finish movies before I get bored or depressed. I can't finish books. I can't finish food. I can't finish anything I fucking start.

I hope I have legitimate mental problems because then there would be actual justification for all the things I have trouble with in life and also I hope I just fucking lose my mind sometimes because it would be like death except without actually doing the suicide part.

I think if I have to deal with dead end retail and warehouse jobs all my life. I don't even know. Throw me in a fucking loony bin before I do something fucking stupid.

It's a curse to be just smart enough to be self-aware about everything you do and yet too stupid to actually get good at something or get ahead in life, maybe I just just commit the big plan-s.

Truly wish I could find a short book worth finishing. A book worth starting a conversation over.

user wow... I'd suggest forcing yourself to finish meals first and foremost. Drink lots and lots of water, no soda. And do jumping jacks. Then try reading outside.

i have to read with constant static noise in my headphones because otherwise the most little tiny noise will break my train of thought and I won't be interested in reading anymore for a few minutes

Nobody responded to my story on the critique thread. I am in a constant state of confusion...is it because it's bad? Boring? Did I just post at the wrong time?

All the critiques of my story have been mixed. I don't get it's bad anymore at least.

So has she replied to your letter yet germanbro?

He's a Frenchified phony Tony. France is going full neolib

what makes you think drugs are the only thing that makes me happy? way to project you degenerate decadent. i just went out because i hadn't seen my friend in a while, and we drank way too much, calm down, nerd.

I'm sitting infront of an overflowing dam, barely convincing myself that it won't break, because for some reason it hasn't yet.

Atleast you have wheels.

Nobody knows me or my state of mind.

I found a girl on POF who shared my particular sense of adventure. She liked the outdoors, but wasn't a self proclaimed redneck. She was tall, only 7" shorter than me. She asked what I did for work and I told her. That's when she lost interest.

I save my money, and make $75 off of my investments at 22. I make almost $1,000 a week. I'm not rich, but I am for a skilled tradesman.

Should I tell women up front what I have in the bank? That would cheapen it too much, no?

Don't mention money to women at all.

No shit. I'm just frustrated at my inability to subtly convey value to even nice girls.

I'm reading Strange Pilgrims by Marquez and I really like it.

"The Airplane of the Sleeping Beauty" is as sweet as it is tragic and I wanna read it every night before going to bed for the rest of my life.

"I Only Came To Use The Phone" and "The Ghosts of August" and eerie and make me uncomfortable but they're very good, too.

It's my first Marquez, I am looking forward to One Hundred Years of Solitude now.

I am obsessed with listening to this: youtube.com/watch?v=WEMMVHAINFM

I just ate a salad. Now I'm eating a banana. I'm trying not to get drunk and I'm succeeding apparently but I have a nagging feeling of missing out on something.

Versami un tratto; lena e coraggio
Il corpo e l'anima traggon dal bere.


No she hasn't. But I've sent another one to Nora Tschirner now.

If your main concern in a conversation is how to "subtly convey value", I have an inkling of what's going wrong.

What are oyu expecting to get out of this at this point?

Of course it's not the primary objective, but to deny that it's an important part of mate selection is to deny the fundamental principal of natural selection. I can get laid, but finding a wife is something else entirely.

Not much, really. I do silly things like that to entertain myself. Also I would appreciate the autographs. For some reason.

You sound like an ubber autist, that's the problem.

>mate selection
>fundamental principal of natural selection

Fucking kek

Not to be gay or anything, but I really do appreciate you guys, even the commies and the nazis.

im trying to write and im stuck as fuck trying to figure out what i want or need to happen in the story.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

elaborate and start with favorite book to keep it board related

Yeah, and I'm sure you're a totally well adjusted member of society.

>I'm trying not to get drunk and I'm succeeding apparently but I have a nagging feeling of missing out on something.
This time I am drinking hard. Join.
I started with Whiskey and Soda and am now just sippin whiskey.
Open a bottle of wine!

thanks user, and i know. i'm not forcing anything, i WANT to write: i have characters who i love and a setting i enjoy, and world-building is pretty different from poetry lol. it's not something you can just let explode out of you like bukowski is saying

Someone who knows about and makes actual high art told me my short stories are good. It was a nice feeling. It always is.

It is really upsetting to see women giving up on raising children and having a family in order to be wageslave drones to huge corporations (which are the only ones actually profiting from this) to feed immediate and ephemeral desires, which are fed to them via social media and TV, and thinking this is a nobler choice to top it off.

I "lost" 7 years of my life. Trying to think back on them feels like a fog, like everything was just a dream I woke up from recently.
I hate myself for missing on all the things I could have done, could have experienced. I see all the others and they have such a great life, they went in so many countries, have hobbies, have achievements...I'm nothing. And it doesn't feel like I could change everything. It's all too late.

I'm stoned and i don't really know what I want to do. Too much anxiety to read. Social media is depressing. I've played all the games on my laptop to death.
masturbate? fml

tell me about the last thing that amde you really happy.
Doesn't have to be conventional or anything big nor does it have to be something that others should find amazing but rather something you personally really enojoyed and made you feel content in your heart.
>Please do think about it for a bit before immediaetly posting what comes to mind

I don't know if I can write, it shows in my writing. It's like a barrel of self-loathing, and morose apathy, carelessly tossed off the edge of a waterfall after a lengthy drift down the river. rip

Wanna know why this board is shit? It's because it's become so mainstream.

maybe so, but think of the positive! you have to know he is more of a lover than a fighter (Trump)

back in '09, I was at the space museum (planetarium) in Chicago, and there was this group of two guys, two girls. One of the guys stood up really straight and you could really see the effort he was making to do it; the other guy was being really sweet to his girl and she was being held in his arms like a cross.
the other guy was saying "the sun's like a big ball of fire" or something
but who I really wanted to know was the first guy I mentioned. What he's doing now, what he's created...shit, idk that guy just really resonated with me because I try to be aware of my body at all times.

it's like the girls were orbiting that guy, even the other guy probably was

Could this finally be the end? I've sat here tonight and saw an image I can't unsee. Me strapping myself down and force feeding stimulation just to get a rise. I say it's for writing. But an hour ago it was for games. And before that it was working out. It can't used for everything. Your taboo sensation is rising from this disconnect of acceptance. The importance of each side now a glare in my eyes. On one side, there is the continuance. And deal with the impossibilities and discomforts it leaves me. On the other, the adherence. And with that, the inhibitions uninhibited. Family. Career. Productivity. It's tantalizing. But this has also given me an uninhibited creativity which opens my mind and materializes concepts with a clarity. I've done it so long now, I'm unsure if how much of it is me or the drug. But by this point, based on my daily contemplation of quitting. Fantasizing of quitting. That's not right. That can only be me knocking at the fog gates of my mind. Reminding myself that I'm here and that I don't need this drug. By writing this out I've realized I'm quite literally tearing myself in two for as long as I continue, in this moment of time, smoking pot. My lack of will cannot destroy my passion to live. I can't be and keep fighting a losing battle I can not lose. As far as I'm concerned, that's the definition of insanity. And If I know two things, it's that I'm alive and I'm more sane than most people out there. I've got to stop drowning myself. I feel as though if I lift my head up, I truly will have wings beyond any metaphorical sense, yet still not literally. An itch to fly has clawed my mind for too long. The stillness around me only stirs my will. Perhaps it is finally time it ends. No more excuses. No more circles. Only the drain. Stop jerking off. In every way. Live. Be yourself kiddo. Your mother loves you, and you know your father did too; he tried. It's not fair, but blood splatters more often than not. It's not your fault. You could have never known. Be this for yourself, and be this for others. It's not impossible--it's me. Waiting on the other side of this screen. Waiting for me to finish typing myself out. I'm about a half year of honest hard work away from myself. But it's only got to be honest. Stop only eating once a day, and try harder when you do everything. Don't give up.

There is a cricket (or group of crickets) just outside my bedroom window that I would revel in the opportunity to run over with a lawnmower.

These are legit mental problems user. I am just like you, really. The description of your plight is so accurate to my own. I suffer from ADHD and bipolar disorder. I got diagnosed last year. It's hell; my mind is a complete mess, and I have been always like this since my childhood. I've tried everything to "change" myself until I finally gave up and consulted a psychiatrist. Everything makes sense now. Get help, user.

I've been writing this script for some time now. Its even finished. But everyone says there's problems in tone and dialogue.
Fuck me.
How am i supposed to fix that? It's supposedly cheesy and corny; but i feel like my readers never understand that.
Its like Deadpool. He is wacky and the world is pretty serious around him, but what i went in was "wacky" world but serious characterers... NOW it doesnt work? Why? This feels impossible without abandoning whole script or doing a whole re-write... and i want it to stay the way it is.
Been stuck in this for months.

what does love feel like

Ahhh but I cannot drink much because it's the middle of the week and I need to get up for work at 4 AM BUT I DO HAVE SOME BEERS LEFT OVER SO CHEERS.

I need a title for a lovecraftian spooky spook story set in a small tropical town

Bags of sand.

At the Turn of the Tide

write your own damn story, and don't copy


This is the most embarrassing and horrifying thing I've ever seen

I'm kind of upset that the thread for it was deleted (even though it was an off topic shitpost) because now I feel like I have to face it alone

Why the fuck are normies so embarrassing

It's still not warm outside in Massachusetts in May and it's starting to piss me off. Got some good stuff starting up in my life in a month or so and I kind of just want to fast forward to then. Been drinking a bit too much but I'm starting to get really tired so it's probably time to take a few days off. I need to get laid soon.

if you mean romantic love:
really good, exhilarating and a little scary at the same time. you get a kind of physical pleasure and warmth from being near the person you love and you can just kinda stare at each other without doing anything and it will still feel like time incredibly well spent.

I think I've attained peace, but I don't really know how.
Until 2 months ago I was deep down in a deep, suicidal depression. I used to think every 2 minutes about burning everything I've got, erasing every trace of my existence on this Earth, and then kill myself. Leaving my bed would be tragic, at times it would take me more than 10 hours. Leaving my house was virtually impossible: I used to spend lots of money in delivery food instead of leaving my house, walking 3 minutes and buy something healthy and cheaper in a nearby minimarket. I was a mess, had my mom seen me in that state she wohld have probably started crying for weeks (I've seen her doing it when my brother OD'd 2 years ago).
Then, suddenly, it went away. I guess I had rationalized it so much that, as soon as I've started seeing these behaviours as a sign of weakness, I was now unable to take them seriously.

In this hopelessness there was some sort of serenity: I was believing in nothing with a smile on my face. I've started going out just to look at buildings and nature. I've started eating in a more healthy manner, mainly because I've discovered how fulfilling it is to chew on fruit and vegetables (there is something almost primitive in it, like I was wired to deeply appreciate the texture of a orange I'm chewing on). I've started playing diligently all day long violin again, with a old teacher of mine. I've started reading again, voracipusly, out of sheer interest.

I'm still not satisfied with my current lifestyle (I'm still a social outcast after all), but I think I'm on the right path: I think I've reached immunity from negative and dark thoughts. They're still there, but this new point of view of mine makes me able to translate them into a aesthetic and contemplative experience. No moment is wasted on me, no matter how bad and miserable.

Was Robespierre really a monster ?

Uncertainty but at the same time, content. I used to fear uncertainty. Every year, every day got shorter and my dreams and aspirations started seeming more and more distant. Sure i had the chance to chase them but i got a gf. Like anybody here i wanted a gf more than anything. I got one so my focus shifted away from that life i wanted to the one i asked for. Shes really nice and really loves me. I know i cant have both so i am ok with just living a normal life. One possibly with children and a dog.