The cover of the book is an image of the cinematographic adaptation

>The cover of the book is an image of the cinematographic adaptation

>having so few books that you have to care what every single one looks like


Friendly reminder

>the cover of the book is the remake of the adaptation starring George Clooney

>the cinematographic adaptation

>mfw he looks nothing like the McMurphy described in the book

>not having a small collection of books with Nicolas Cage on them

>book is in a foreign language
>only gets translated to English because of the film adaptation
>the only edition you can get has the movie poster as the book cover

Solaris ?

What's wrong with gaining a wider range of readers? These are used by marketing companies and publishers to attract people that might read a book related to their favourite film or a film that moved them. It's just a natural move to capture more readers instead of shitposters.

I hate threads like these but you're actually right this time.

I know that feeling. I bought american gods these days.

>reads things based on marketing hype and believes that doesn't change the reading experience

You know how many people are tricked into eating shit they hate because of the word: crunchy?

Great things with ebooks, you can change the cover.

I have this edition.

>not having the first edition of all your books

Fight me.

check out this monstrosity

>The cover of the book is an image of the video game adaptation

I too fell for Big Carrot shilling.

>the series came out 3 days ago and there already is a version of the book with a cover from the adaption

>the publisher advertises one of the author's later books on the cover


Imagine some pleb buying this books after watching the movies and wondering where are all the battles and Legolas videogame shit.

>Wtf this isn;t like the movies, why haven't the mountains come alive and started fighting and shit?

My God what a fucking shit trilogy of films.

>"Now a Major Motion Picture" written on the cover and stills from the movie on the back.

Oh no! Someone being inspired to read!

>quote on the cover compares the book to a popular media franchise

> Now a major motion picture.

is this real? holy fuck my sides

Mine's even worse. Seriously, did they stopped printing the cover with Smaug sleeping on gold?

since when does eastern europe even have books?

oh god...


wtf why did they print the cover upside down?


Is that Atonement?

>tfw buy a book
>it's upside down
Hate it when that happens