Brainlet Dynamics

Should a 120IQ brainlet that can hardly read two paragraphs without getting bored give the classics a try?

How has reading affected your life, and specially, your cognition?

>Should a 120IQ brainlet that can hardly read two paragraphs without getting bored give the classics a try?

Go back to your anime and 'vidya'.

>believing in IQ
stick to breaking bad or whatever my dude

I never liked anime, and playing vidya makes me anxious desu.

Goodbye Veeky Forums, goodbye Veeky Forums. This place isn't even shitty in an entertaining way anymore. Nothing but the same arguments and stupid jokes on loop every day. The players change but the game is always the same, and it's a fucking waste of time

see you next week

same, ttyl

>Needing to believe
>Not knowing based on facts that IQ is the best predictor of general intelligence and socio-economic success we have
>Thinking people in the 80 range can become nuclear physicists

OP here, I have no idea what you guys are on about. If you think this is a bait thread, it is not.

If pattern recognition was a valuable measure of intelligence, autists would rule the world.

>Pattern recognition
>Not valuable

>Not ruling the world

How can a man be so wrong?


gnon is cold, user. just like autism. code doesn't care for your normie feels

A legit 120 is pretty high

Kek. It's obvious you have such a low IQ. Best to pretend you can't communicate from now on.

Everyone should read the classics, or really just anything you like.

not relative to this board, I don't think so. no doubt there's a ton of pretentious pseuds on here who took some shit online IQ test, but think of someone you know IRL with an "average" intelligence (100 IQ) and it's probably very difficult to imagine them posting on a literature discussion board. most people here are probably in the 110-120 range

They do. The highly functional ones that is.

The ones who don't end up posting in uzbek decorative culinary image boards, you mean

If you end up here then you already aren't functional, especially not highly. Regardless of you being autistic or not.

OP asked about reading books
you only need an IQ of 90 for reading comprehenion

Basic reading comprehenstion, as in understanding the meaning of a simple instructional text. Not reading comprehension as in interpreting a novel.

110 in the western world isnt hard to come back

thats like MBA, small business owner, most artists, most "consultants" outside Law/medical/engineering, most celebrities

so they have to read it more than once, and?

Jokes on you, I mapped out at least 20 possible variables based on your interactions in this thread and ran multiple simulations, I merely decided to play fool to gather up even more info to increase my level of precision.

>so they have to read it more than once, and?
Are you playing dumb on purpose? It's a progression from not understanding all to understanding with severe hardship, to understanding easily to understanding instantly. Someone with a 90 IQ might not understand anything about a novel beyond the literal meaning of the words he is reading and that poorly as well.

so youre telling me no one below 115 can bother with literature that half the time gets its themes and overall statements repeated over a dozen times or turned into a shitty movie?

Why do you think those who complain about the simplification of complexity from books to movies are cast out as annoying little nerds? It's because they are not the average, my pal. Look at the IQ scale and the population of each group, then look at who holds all the power in the world, you'll start to understand why things run the way they do.

They might want to concentrate on something that they can achieve more easily. Also you did quite a leap there from 90 IQ to 115.

Even knowing IQ to be the best detector does not subvert the fact that IQ is in and of itself flawed, incapable of correcting for social inequalities in education or other experiential differences and as such incapable of providing much beyond a mirror of what current societal hierarchy already shows us. It only reaffirms the system in place and provides little to no true insight into human intellectual capacity or innate trends thereof.

Also, the guy who spearheaded the use of IQ in studying developmental differences between ethnicities was and is an abject interpersonal racist. Use that information however you like, but know that even with hard statistics there's no way to estimate a quality like intellectual capacity of an individual in the real world without admitting bias.

>Also, the guy who spearheaded the use of IQ in studying developmental differences between ethnicities was and is an abject interpersonal racist.

Education changes IQ scores by an average of 7 points, so that hardly renders IQ testing futile, specially when ran for individuals that share the same society. Data clearly shows, that when it comes to success, you're better off being high IQ and poor, and Low IQ and rich. If that's not significant to you, you are either being dishonest or just like many, wishfully reject the notion of intelligence due to the racial implication it conveys.

>Why do you think those who complain about the simplification of complexity from books to movies are cast out as annoying little nerds?
Because they're petulant whiners and contrarians who repeat the accepted necessary fact that a two-hour film made for a radically different target audience doesn't adhere strictly to an existing work - that they are free to revisit whenever they desire - as though it has some deeper meaning, meanwhile ostracizing themselves as outrageous faggots by demanding that everyone lower themselves to their level of idolatry and retardedness.

>Because they're petulant whiners and contrarians

Intelligent people usually are.

Spooked retard try harder next time

Your current attention span is a result of your current lifestyle.

>defensive Stirner shitposting

>t. petulant whiner and contrarian who considers himself intelligent

Fucking Elves and their vague words. Why can't you just say brain's neuroplasticity would allow someone to become better adapted by forcing themselves to perform a task repeatedly, for prolonged periods of time?

Considering I am the OP and I don't read books, you are quite far off on your statement.

The lack of attention span is caused mostly by overuse of the reward system.

>How has reading affected your life, and specially, your cognition?
Well, it made me a little more optimistic since I never dreamed that acclaimed world literature, basically the pinaccle of mainstream literature, contains actual characteristic depth, cunning and unique views, combined with intellect and deep knowledge on certain subjects.

My cognition changed, or better, improved in regards to reading comprehension in fiction and older writing styles, like 19th and 18th century novels. And since English isn't my mother tongue, my English has improved quite a bit, or to be more precise, is more polished than it was before reading some English novels without translation.

I'm actually considering to study German, English and Slavic studies in university in order to hone my language skills and broaden my horizons.

>inb4 Veeky Forumsfags stoning me to death

Oh yes, masturbation. My greatest weakness.

Awesome, thank you for contributing to the thread as requested. Keep it up, user.

Not just masturbation, the internet with its constant stimuli has this effect in general. Just like gambling and some drugs.

I've been considering selling my computer. You know, mostly when I go to bed to ponder about my sad and pitiful existence as yet another day is wasted procrastinating. I've come to the realization I am no difference from a lab rat, maybe I should radically change the maze, for good.

Or you know...just take stimulants.

Removing the thing you procrastinate with won't eliminate the procrastination in your nature. You have to teach yourself to do things in spite of a desire to waste time.


>You have to teach yourself to do things in spite of a desire to waste time.

That's just horrible, senpai.

>just take stimulants.
That's only a temporary fix, the removal of the over-stimulation is the better strategy.

You're welcome. Under all the circlejerk, shitposting and pseudo-intellectual threads yours was actually interesting. Too bad good threads die in a wave of elitism and shitposting too fast.

Oh well, pain here I come. Thank you, lad.

Thank you, user. I am almost blushing.

>Oh well, pain here I come
It would be even worse after getting used to the stimulants

>Thank you, user. I am almost blushing.
N-no problem. S-so, do you hang out here a lot?

Not really, I spent most of my time learning how to draw objects in 3D space or shitposting on /pol/. Figured I might as well try a bit harder at life and start reading, to expand my horizons and see life from other points of view, could always come in handy if I ever decided to get into visual story telling.

What about you?

I'm actually quite often here, maining Veeky Forums, /v/ and /r9k/ - being on the chans is, unfortunately, my major pastime. Besides that I'm reading and playing vidya; living the NEET life - applying for apprenticeships, jobs, colleges and shit.

Your reason for starting with literature is the same as mine, and I think starting with classic literature will provide you great references and perspective on how to flesh out characters - it's a pretty good start if you go from there.

Did you teach yourself drawing in 3D or do/did you study something in that direction?

Wow buddy, I see where you're coming from, because in its very fucking name we find the words "intelligence quotient", kind of a bold claim, kind of like constructing a test that measures how much people like chocolate. Sure, you could collect related objective data, like how long one can resist eating chocolate for $10 an hour, but in that case a poor person who enjoys chocolate might resist indefinitely, or a wealthy person might take the chocolate immediately despite being relatively unenthused about the treat.

But in fact, scientists do indeed recognize these shortcomings and work to correct them, all the time. Despite what some might think, most scientists aren't crypto-imperialist white supremacists - rather, their entire careers are predicated upon their skill at identifying empirical shortcomings, eliminating them to the highest degree possible, and even revising the entire conceptual system if a better alternative presents itself.

Hopefully, at some point in the future, we will develop other, better means of identifying severely retarded or gifted children who would benefit from close attention to their development. For now, we can wish that /pol/ babbies would stop using IQ to justify their idiotically racist reactionary nonsense. But the statistic remains useful, and it won't be thrown away because of hurt feelings and dumb racists.

Liberals are frighteningly willing to compromise their intellectual honesty when a legitimate concept presents an ideological danger.

>living the NEET life - applying for apprenticeships, jobs, colleges and shit

Same, Veeky Forums is truly addictive.

>Did you teach yourself drawing in 3D or do/did you study something in that direction?

Self taught, I chug down Modafinil and get neck deep into grinding fundamentals. Not proud of that, but at least I am making progress. This is where I am, around the 4.5 month mark. Still a long way to go but, here's hoping one day I'll raise out of poverty by drawing objectionable things on the Internets.

What are your hopes and dreams, pal?

....asians dont rule the world
they rule manufacturing and appetizers

What a beautiful man you are, user.

>below 115

>social inequalities in education or other experiential differences
it does
child abuse and neglect physically shrinks parts of the frontal lobe

>What are your hopes and dreams, pal?
Honestly, just moving out of my dysfunctional family's home because I cannot function properly when they are in proximity, intensifying my psychological damage more and more, preventing me from developing freely. I just want to work a job I'm at least halfway interested in a at least apathetic work environment, be it a white collar job, psycho-therapist or something more creative where linguistics are needed. Living a quiet life, sharing the passionately exorbitant and abstruse moments with people who I love and love me. And, finally, looking back at the worst periods of my life with a bitter-sweetly melancholic appreciation that they are finally over, at last.

Which hopes and dreams do you have, bud?

PS: Noice drawings you have there - it looks very elaborate, the whole process of designing something; I wouldn't have the patience, let alone the talent for it.

>Asians don't rule the world

>>Israel is in Asia
>>Therefore Jews are Asian
>>Jewish are part of the highest ranks in U.S.A politics, businesses and banking
>Therefore they control the world


banking is disproportionately European Kikes, not ultra semite kikes

Are you retarded?

>socio-economic success

what does this have to do with reading a book? absolutely nothing. get the fuck out of here you autist. being able to memorize things has no bearing on someone's ability to understand subtext.

are you?

Jews all the same, at the end of the they we all try to push against the tides that come the way of our own people. This can only be exacerbated in kippah wearers, considering they believe in a religion where they are walking angels among lesser beings.

But memes aside, there's no way IQ is not partly correlated with the way our money is distributed. All roads lead to the same destiny, do they not?

IQ is about making meaningful conclusions based on information, sometimes seemingly random to others, not merely about memorizing long strings of information like a robot. If you don't think this is a substantial ability that's not equally shared among people, well I just don't think your views model reality very well at all.

asians cant into debt economy

when theres more money than they know what to do with they just start giving it out, unlike kikes

>discussion about reading comprehension of 90 IQ people
>you make inane point based on misinterpretation of the term "reading comprehension"
>I make the point that 90 IQ people have onlly basic reading comprehension and won't understand most literature
>I point out that as IQ rises so does reading comprehension
>you jump to 115 IQ points out of nowhere, constructing a strawman of what I said
>I point out that you just picked that number for unexplained reasons
>You respond with hurr durr 115 > 90
>I question your mental abilities
>you respond with "no u"

Retarded it is

exactly, iq tests mostly test your ability to find and predict patterns, and if you ever took one you know the patterns can get pretty fucking obscure and hard to spot the higher you go...clearly this affects you ability to find patterns in literature, or in the economy, or just to understand cause and effect...doesn't guarantee you're gonna get rich, but your gonna get a hell of a lot more out of life than some fuckwit who watch formulaic cartoons with the same plot over and over for 100s of episodes week in and week out

>Honestly, just moving out of my dysfunctional family's home because I cannot function properly when they are in proximity.

Damn, user. That hits really close to home. One of my main motivators to increase my drawing skills is exactly that. The sooner I can move out and be alone in peace, the better.

>Which hopes and dreams do you have, bud?

The above is certainly one of my priorities right now, anything beyond that I'll have to figure out as I go. I shiver at the thought that one day I'll have to mature enough to settle down and form a family, specially considering my habits. Oh well, I guess it's all part of the ride.

>PS: Noice drawings you have there - it looks very elaborate

Thanks friend, it is quite tedious (That took 7 hours to do, and it's just half of the work). It should hopefully become a quicker and more intuitive process as I continue to practice the skill. I am not a particularly patient person, Modafinil certainly helps.
It was really nice talking to you user. It satisfying having an honest conversation with someone. I'll be heading to bed now, good luck with your goals and, I sincerely hope you can find the mental peace we both seek.

the discussion was about how functional reading comprehension starts IQ of 90

you obviously have an IQ of 89

>chug down Modafinil and get neck deep into grinding fundamentals

perfect practice makes perfect, being strung out because youve been up for 72 hours is going to destroy your further practice

good progress for only 4 months though

>the discussion was about how functional reading comprehension starts IQ of 90
You have just rephrased what I have already greentexted in my post above, which leads me to the conclusion that you didn't understand that either. Probably due to a lack of basic reading comprehension, which is exactly what you have accused me of just now. You even failed to quote my post. I must conclude that I am actually talking to a mentally handicapped person and will now cease my participation in this discussion. I wish you the best of luck in your struggle with your disability.

>Thanks friend, it is quite tedious (That took 7 hours to do, and it's just half of the work).

not hating, but when ppl can whip that kind of shit up in maya in like a day or two, and then have a model they can put into after effects or photoshop or whatever, they probably aren't going to pay a guy to draw it, occasionally there are gigs doing architectural renderings in watercolor with pencil etc. but to make a living you're gonna have to do 3d


This is the cutest Pepe I've ever seen. I am Snachin' it.

It's always good to know that you aren't the only one with your particular struggles and misery. Good to know there's another brother from another mother fighting the internal fight - stay strong, mate. Salvation awaits.

Hey, you don't need to settle if you don't like to. But I don't think you'd be a bad parent, I mean, at least you are aware your family is fucked up. And the offspring who doesn't realize and see the misdeeds of their parents for what they are, are doomed to repeat them, generation for generation.

The pleasure's on my side, user. And I wish you, too, the best outcome you hope for, you both deserve it. We both deserve our long overdue peace.

I-if you w-want to we can exchange contact data, I'd be glad to have someone to have honest conversations with. B-but just if y-you want to, desu.

both you dudes should make moving out a priority, living on your own gives your life a new perspective...even if you just barely surviving, fuck it you living your life on your terms, and even better you start to feel urgency to do the shit you want, if you have a shitty family or just a mediocre family of banal ppl, get out of there

That sounds easier than it is. My literally autistic and PTSD-plagued ass makes it impossible to get a job, at least one where I don't get psychologically fucked and doesn't make a difference between the work place and my fucked up family.

The least I want in my position is to get from one shithole to another, and I refuse to sell myself below my worth. I'm already lacking my whole self-esteem and are emasculated beyond measure, so the last thing I could need as salvation is some job where I get assraped nine hours a day. And I tried, I really tried the past years to get an apprenticeship, but nobody wants me. Before entering NEETdom I tried, really tried to get a job, but the only employers interested in me are the ones who dehumanize you, because they know my autistic ass won't get anything better. It's all about sympathy, not about qualifications. And since I am not capable of faking myself, I never could and never will.

If I don't get a place at a college or an university my suicide is sealed.

When you've been always in darkness, then you start to believe the sun will never rise - that's where I am at this point.


>no skills
>shitty personality
>refuse to sell myself below my worth

yeah ok buddy... you're going no where, hopefully the other guy isn't as much of a loser and can get his ass up off the couch

get a shitty job, keep it for a year, keep all your money and invest it something that can generate income through your autismo specialties

Thanks for adding a little more pain.
If you really want to be helpful, you could elaborate what is so shitty about my personality. All these people pretend like I know, but I don't and they never explain.

I volunteered for a year and saved up 75 % from the "pocket money" I got there. It's not much but I don't know what do you mean with you investment advice.


if you struggle it's because you have a shit work ethic not because you're too dumb

use the money to produce revenue from the autistic shit you do

You are dumb as fuck

>work ethic

idk u seem kind of whiney and entitled despite having absolutely nothing going for you

you're a nigger

>Thinking people in the 80 range can become nuclear physicists
There are autistic people who work in scientific fields and yet their IQ is quite low, comparable to that.

It is a predictor of general intellgence, not of talent. It wouldn't be impossible for someone in that range to reach that level, although it is very much unlikely that his skills can be applied to other disciplines or tasks.

>it's probably very difficult to imagine them posting on a literature discussion board.
but we come here for the memes and shitposting.

Although good discussion occur now and then, this is not a place for academic discussion on literature - most people here just like to read, with no interest in critical theory or an in-depth study of the works they read.

Sending time checking the board is, for the most part, a waste of time. The average person just have other ways to waste their time. I don't think they are very much different.

It might be meaningless to you, but it's still a thing

you wait for someone else to tell you whats wrong with you and tell you what to do


>Should a 120IQ brainlet that can hardly read two paragraphs without getting bored give the classics a try?
>How has reading affected your life, and specially, your cognition?
It hasn't.

Should a 120IQ brainlet that can hardly read two paragraphs without getting bored give the classics a try?

IQ is for autists that try to compensate for complete incompetence in school

>How has reading affected your life, and specially, your cognition?

Difficult things always change your brain. Although it isn't obvious.

>high IQ
>incompetent at factory worker factories

how very class conscious of you! good goy!

Holy shit that pic

>But the statistic remains useful, and it won't be thrown away because of hurt feelings and dumb racists.

In what way is it useful? Just about every way IQ has been employed that I've seen or heard about has been deeply flawed.
Not him, but "Scientists" aren't able to adequately measure intelligence, social capability, attractiveness or anything of the sort in any kind of useful, all-encompassing, metrical way.

It's akin to asking someone to identity abstract illustrations of tables and chairs, and judging their capacity to be a furniture-maker based on the results.

Yes, there is something in IQ, in that a lot of quick people are good at it, and a lot of literally retarded people are bad at it. But there is too much wiggle room, and there always will be. The only way we will be able to measure intelligence accurately is with brain imaging.

If IQ was worth anything, you would have to be tested before being accepted into universities.

This is coming from a 140 IQ individual, so you know I'm right.