sitting in the university cafe, coffee, laptop, books like the bible, meditations, confessions, etc open...

> sitting in the university cafe, coffee, laptop, books like the bible, meditations, confessions, etc open. using them to make citations in the dissertation i'm writing.
> a sort of qt girl comes by and checks out my books
> "oh hello, just looking what you read" - this is honestly how she said it but I didn't think twice, whatever
> "OK, just got an essay i'm writing, y'see..."
> "Are you a christian?"
> "Not really but I do apply some of the positive aspects of christian ethics into my own lifesty--"
> "So you hate gay people then?"
> "What? N-no, I mean, many christians are very accepting of--"
> "Don't you lot believe black people were cursed by God because they left Israel?"
> "What"
> "These are all really racist books"
> group of people from another table, some girls and a black guy overhear her say that and start shouting
> "The fuck are you reading nazi shit for?"
> "No, no, it's for an essay..."
> "Racist shit isn't cool, mate" - the black guy is knocking my books off the table and sits on the table, making sure to nudge my laptop out of the way
> he holds my coffee and knocks it over the table and my notes
> one of the girls literally says "Hit him!" enough times
> I try gathering my books off the floor, they push me over and walk away laughing.
> notice one of my books is gone, realise later that the pages have been ripped out from it and dropped along the corridors as I leave the cafe

Anyone got any stories with dealing with plebs?

Other urls found in this thread:

This didn't happen but holy fuck just thinking about this possibility made me angry.

> a sort of qt girl comes by and checks out my books

Just be thankful that God didn't choose a more cruel way to smite you for your pride and lust, heathen.

I don't believe this happened but I believe it might happen due to how campuses are these days.

>Girl approaches me because I am reading a book
>Never happens

Who in all of heaven and earth be you quoting, lad?

He's in a campus coffee shop, girls are everywhere.

thanks for the extremely true story op

Post your essay here. I'm really interested.

How is Meditations racist/nazi? And what book are you referring to when you say "Confessions".

you left out the part where the black guy bones the qt girl

rub a dub dub
thanks for the grub
yay god

>be me 3
>eating a cake
>vomit the cake
>cry to mommy

You have to fight fire with fire lad. Tell them you're a Syrian Christian and you'll have earned their respect with minority points.

fr-ck off OP

> go to the book store
> blonde girl behind the counter, about my age
> Me: "I wish to purchase a postmodernist masterpiece. Thomas Pynchon?"
> book store worker: "What?"
> Me: "Joyce? Bolano?"
> book store worker: "I could ask my manager if we have a... what is that? Bonobo?"
> Me: "Big Dave? Big Dave?"
> side bitch: "Who?"
> "Big Dave! Big Dave!"
> just saying his name gave me an erection
> she sees the crease in my sweatpants indicating my erection
> "Eyes up here, missy."
> she blushes
> "Do you read, by any chance, pretty lady... Jane Austen?"
> She blushes and turns away
> she kneels down and proposes to me
> I tell her I wouldn't marry anybody who reads female romantic fantasies, plus, I only marry Nubian goddesses and she is out of her league even daring to talk to me
> I slap her around the face
> put in my earbuds and begin blasting Eric B & Rakim's Paid in Full on cassette and leave

If you think this is even a remote possibility, I guarantee you haven't spent decent time on a college campus

Red-pilled men don't need higher education, I can walk into any law firm in the nation and call the head kike a fag and immediately get hired.

You deserved everything and worse for reading in a cafe like a pretentious faggot

> write first draft of a book
> girl I'm friends with says it's cool I write
> ask her politely if she'll read my first draft
> "uhh ok but i'm not free today"
> she says she reads it
> Gets back to me
> "It's nice"
> "which part did you like most?"
> "it's just really good, you should write more sometime"
> she doesn't speak to me again

like, i get it if it was some edgy horrorcore erotica but it wasn't

there has literally never been a good post using this image in the entire history of the internet


> read a book
> a person say the book a dud
> oh no

Shit that never happened etc etc.
Also destroy that retard fuck if he knocks your cofee and books over, that's aggression. Unless you're weak. Then that sucks.


Most likely Augustine's confessions and not Rousseau's confessions

Bullshit. This could totally happen somewhere hyper-liberal like berkeley or san francisco

You need more friends buddy. The chances of some random ho who gives you a random compliment being both capable of actual criticism and willing to invest the time and effort it takes to generate said criticism is vanishingly small

is this what your fundamentalist parents told you would happen if you went to college?

t. Someone who has never been to these places
This thread is retarded

> make a shitpost pleb story thread
> people delve into debate about christianity and campuses

I live in CA and have spent plenty of time in SF
the people there are absolutely nuts, and there are plenty more places like that in CA alone - mostly coastal cities like Santa Cruz

how many christians does it take to screw in a light bulb??

trick question, you can't have light if you live in the dark ages

If you genuinely think a gang of otherwise regular people sitting in a coffee shop would assault someone because they noticed he had two books they'd never heard of and a bible, you need to spend some time away from the internet

> people voted Trump unironically on Veeky Forums


keep gay politics off this board faggots

if they're 17-18 I could buy it. that shit used happen over AC/DC t-shirts and just being 17-18, IIRC which I probably don't because I'm old. it's not as if otherwise regular people aren't secretly awful too.

>lived in SF 10+ years
>tfw you don't know these feels

It's a bit of a stretch but similar things have happened

>When you're on 5000 pills of liberal

Y;know, it's genuinely provocative wearing a "build a wall" t-shirt and you'd have to be an idiot to not think you would get a reaction from people. However, you're not going to convince or persuade the person wearing the t-shirt to not do so by outright calling them a dickhead or a racist. They do have the right to wear that t-shirt, but I suppose that also means you should expect to be faced with the reaction/consequence of how that would make people feel, as long as the people responding are only expressing themselves verbally rather than through harassment.

Nobody is innocent in this video.

> "here's the errr douchebag like errr wearing the errr no shoes NO SHOES"
> "I've never seen such a racist human being on earth"
> she's never heard of apartheid, the KKK, white supremacy, black supremacy, the national front, the nazi party, etc.

> "we've approached you in a meaningful discussion"
> they constantly call him douchebag, dickhead, the girl keeps screaming "Wi-fi is freeeee! Build a wall because of the free wi-fi, wi-fi!!!!"
> tell him to get the fuck out, calling him a fuckhead, etc

The only thing that video shows is how fucking self-righteous the common bourgeois liberal is.

They could've literally just ignored him.


>"build a wall" t-shirt and you'd have to be an idiot to not think you would get a reaction from people


get fucked you spineless pussy

These idiots make lefties like myself look retarded and it really embarrasses and annoys me. Kudos to the guy in the end who says "c'mon, he has his own opinions. Leave him be."

What are you talking about

>things that never happened

Did you even read my post, mongoloid?

> point out a genuine criticism with Trump
> "buh buh but d-d-don't say t-that!!!"

That wall ain't ever going to happen buddy :^)

is free wi-fi the new ebin maymay

couldn't they have just said "say goodbye to your health care" and just walked off?

wall upgrades already snuck into the 2017 budget that just passed, and is included in the 2018 budget.

Building the wall isn't about being racist, it's an economic policy. It's about the detrimental effects that unchecked illegal immigration has on the economy.

highlighting liberal hypocrisy
>Saying a woman should accept some responsibility for being sexually assaulted because she dressed like a whore is worse than the holocaust
>but being harassed and menaced for your clothing choices is ok if you're a conservative
