What are the must read borges's stories?
In your opinion. Don't just post some fucking chart
Book of Sand, Library of Babel, The Immortal, Tlön I can't be arsed to look the title up
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
So yeah, that one, and:
The Garden of Forking Paths
The Book of Sand
The Library of Babel
The Circular Ruins
The Aleph
Shakespeare's Memory
Funes the Memorious
The Aleph
The Lottery of Babylon
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
Interesting to note that Borges personally considered 'The End' to be his best story.
Library of Babel and The Lottery of Babylon are my favorite.
I don't really get why The Garden of Forking Paths is held in such high esteem. I've read it twice but the "twist" or whatever just doesn't do it for me.
german fag here, i'm not really into latin american literature, but i'm a huge Borges fan
Library of Babel is my fav
The end is great, The Aleph...
just read everything man
my favs
Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote
Three Versions of Judas
Well, it's a pretty good story, but lacks execution
The Circular Ruins
The Secret Miracle is also really great, it feels vivid.
The Immortal is the best
t. English speaker
>Three Versions of Judas
this is really good
Just read all of them you lazy faggot.
You could probably do it in a day.
>reading all day
get a life u fukin nerd
What is the weekend?
All from Ficciones
El Inmortal, El aleph
Circular Ruins is far and away my favourite.
The Aleph
The Book of Sand
The Garden of Forking Paths
The Immortal
Honestly user just get the Penguins Collected Fictions (it has all his short stories bound together chonrologically) and just read it cover to cover. I did a year ago and it was one of the best literary experiences I've ever had. Borges is an absolute master. To quote Nabokov:
>How freely one breathes in his marvelous labyrinths! Lucidity of thought, purity of poetry. A man of infinite talent.
What did roasties mean by this?
Time to get drunk and get life experience
>I wish I was home, reading my braille and drinking mate
>this suit is too tight
>I bet these putas dont even read Arlt.
get labyrinths.
the english translation of ficciones (his complete works) is garbage in comparison. all by one guy, vs labyrinths, which has at least 3 translators. much better read.
stories: pierre menard, library of babel, tlön, tertious, uqbar, garden of forking paths
Three Versions of Judas and Approach to Al-Mu'tasim are my favourites, but I have only read Ficciones.
>which has at least 3 translators. much better read.
are you alright user
its just a better translation. i compared them for a few stories and the difference is huge. the labyrinths translation is far more eloquent and precise. it makes a big difference. and i meant that the collection has stories translated by different translators, its not all one person
>and i meant that the collection has stories translated by different translators, its not all one person
Ya thanks. But the way you present it, it sounds like hey, the more translators the better! It's real strange.
Draw it
I honestly had trouble with Ficcones. I'm a bit of a brainlet however.
>life experience
So, reading?
The Other is unironically my favorite Borges story. Maybe it's because it was my first, but I just can't help but like it.
Agreed, the ending was not very satisfying.
how did you know I was a drawfag