>tfw you realize that this board has nothing of any intellectual value
Why do you still post here?
>tfw you realize that this board has nothing of any intellectual value
Why do you still post here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Plus I like to entrench myself for months in different culture to get a feel for the land. What can I say, hate is mysterious.
Begrudging habit.
Most of us are smug narcissists with delusions of grandeur and compulsive lying habits.
You would think this is one of the better boards on Veeky Forums because of the assumed self-respect and knowledge but really this place is just a place where hurt little men try to seem strong
I'm an autist and this is the closest thing i have of a group of friends for discussing literature.
>but really this place is just a place where hurt little men try to seem strong
To depress people
I just started coming here. I saw the fine thread about critiquing writing and so I decided to stay for more.
to witness (and participate in) shitposting with a more loquacious flavor
so basically just fun. pretentious fun
Does smug narcissist mean being smug about describing yourself as a narcissist?
And doesn't delusions of grandeur just mean hope, and compulsive lying habits storyteller?
Cause I'm doing a story set in ancient Greek times about a bard, and I want to find the humane side of this tragic character, especially want makes him worthy of our pity. Possible there is no pity except for the bard's stories that are carried on. Maybe for every one poet that we praise there's a thousand cunts.
For the puss.
Though there is nothing of any intellectual value, it is the least degraded of all literary boards on the internet.
What do you suggest instead? /r/books? Goodreads clubs? Don't make me sick.
Funposting desu family.
I enjoy the shitposts
You are right I am done with Veeky Forums this place is too depressing.
i like yelling at people who are less successful than me
Never realized AWFUL nearly anagramatizes WAIFU. So close..
Here's one. pbs.twimg.com
At least we're not Veeky Forums
you can make the word into "waful," though, which is kind of neat.
Same haha
What's so bad about Veeky Forums? Other than flat earth generals, that is.
well yer doin a good job of that
cute booktube girls
Mostly to respond with intentional logical fallacies in order to brew up flame wars
Because I used to think this was a place for discussing literature. You know what, this is going to be my last post on lit. Wtf happened here? Why are booktuber threads, Shit poetry critiques and angsty blog posts so common?
This board is full of pseudos who read difficult books so that they can brag about it and have a sense of superiority over Chad's who regularly Fuck sluts, something the pseudo lit user desperately wants to do but doesn't have the balls to. A board full of losers who think more about girls and friends and their own inferiority than books, who hate to see anyone having fun and compulsively SHIT on anything remotely popular just so they can have their sense of superiority over the "plebs" and the "normies". What a bunch of fucking losers, the majority of you.
Am extremely small minority here is very good, and the they are the kind of people I want to regularly interact with. I've only stayed on this shithole for so long because of those people, but the influence from the rest of Veeky Forums is too strong these days.
Oh yeah, well the pseud store is running out of you!
You are wrong senpai. There is nobody good here, we're all scum to the last one. Leave now.
fawk yea im good
>anime poster turns out to be a fucking pussy
we all already knew, you didn't fool anyone
Eat a dick samefag
nice try with the hate tho
the le epik shelf threads XD
The first year undergraduate level philosophy threads are always a good laugh.
>anime poster
There was a time where they were just called "posters." Maybe you should talk to your pals on Reddit about this instead.
fuck off nerd, anime sucks, and even back in the day it was called "avatar fagging" kys
it's a good jumping off point from pleb books into literature. Also offers help to improve your writing and offers discussions on books in general with people who aren't totally retarded.
>Why do you still post here?
I only post about non-literature related topics which get deleted as soon as the discussion starts getting good. Exempting the memes, the only productive thing about this entire board is the fantasy/sci-fi thread. Everything else is literally a repeat of the same thing over and over and over again.
Also, compulsive habit.
You are right you fucking asshole
Back in my day people actually knew what avatarfagging was and didn't throw it around every time someone replied with an image
I try to get people butthurt because people here take winning arguments very seriously so when they get mad I actually know they're mad IRL.
Idk why everybody is always complaining about this board. I've gotten more reading recommendations from here than from my university syllabi. I've learned a great deal from people's interpretations of various works. I've been encouraged to learn that so many people share the same passion for literature and philosophy as I do, because aside from the basic white girls reading Milk and Honey or We Should All Be Feminists on the subway, I'd have no indication that any living young person had any interest in the arts.
There are of course some good for nothing shitposters, chads, brainless, and shit-tier /r/bookers on this board, but on the whole it's excellent. It's like a forum or a salon in the old days, like the one CS Lewis and Tolkien sat around in, sharing ideas, jokes whatever.
Yeah, I love this board. Fuck you OP
>caring about pseudo intellectual discussions on the internet
I come here to discuss books I've read because reddit is full of bleeding heart liberal faggots.
Despite past invasions, Veeky Forums still has some of that classic channer mentality that makes conversation here worth something.
Let's go to /r/canonade, make it home, then make it private.
>classic channer mentality
you sound like a special kind of faggot loser.
>reddit & Veeky Forums arent different
>proceeds to show how Veeky Forums is different
See, this sort of vitriol is what I'm talking about, you don't get that on plebbit.
I'm not saying it's not entertaining, I'm saying if you think it's anything more than that you're a retarded person.
Anything more than what?
What are you even getting your knickers in a twist over?
1) I came across a quality thread a while ago and I stayed and it became habit.
2) Even with all the shit posting, there can be the occasional gem.
3) The little that I do post, however, I hope helps bring the board upward. I want to do what ever I can that ennobles and upbuilds. (Chances are your post will be deleted because it's not about a book. I would appreciate a meta-thread once and awhile seeking internal improvement).
>everyone who reads serious works is a pseud
>everyone is an insecure virginal retard
>everything is about sex
>chad plebs normies
>frog pic
You have to go back, autismo.