One of these threads

Thinkers who have most influenced or have made impression on you

Hobbes, Diogenes, Wittgenstein
Nietzsche, Marx, Kauffman
Thomas, Heidegger, Linkola


Plato Nietzche DIogenes
Wittgenstein Cioran Krier
Lissitzky Augustus Mayokovsky

>french post-structuralists in his grid
>other people are cucks

>that list

virgin detected

I'm sorry your mother had to raise a retarded son.

you seem rustled user, what is it about Lacan that makes you feel so important?


>Calling others cucks
You're doing it wrong

>triggering frogmen is this easy

Keep the (You)s coming, virgens




>people call you out for being a pleb
>"h-haha trolling you guys is so easy ha-ahaha."

@ #9460240

Hi "user," can you help me get into Adorno and Lacan and Foucault as well? I noticed that you included their pictures in your meme. I've been very interested in rhetorically sidestepping certain issues in philosophy as well, myself, and seeing as how I am a pretty shitty poet--I don't think I'll ever improve :^( I figured that I could try turning my meager powers of linguistic sleight-of-hand into an entire career of insubstantial posturing. I am really quite good at quoting Camus, I have read Sisyphus nineteen times and should be able to cap thirty before the year is out (my major gives me lots of time to read! :P)

Feel free to reply, thanks!

>implying the instant derailment wasn't to keep shitty threads like these off this board

Go to /mu/, cuck

>3x3 no fun allowed
You must be fun at parties.

>>french post-structuralists in his grid
>>other people are cucks

This French post-structuralism is simply destroying the white values erected by Catholic geniuses like Augustine and Dante and Acquinas who represent virtue and white culture

>white values
Universal values, really.

>Catholic geniuses

That's an odd way to spell "pagan Babylonian stooges."

Go ahead and educate yourself. Read this. Catholicism is responsible for destroying European virtue and instilling a near-eastern paganism. Not some academics in the 20th century.

Doubtful, because inferior races and women will never recognize them because their brains aren't developed enough like ours

can i get id on middle left, middle, and bottom middle

>middle left
Ernst Jünger for maximum aesthetics
Carl Schmitt for maximum political edge
>bottom middle
Plotinus for maximum gnosticism

fucking yikes wish I hadnt asked

he likes his germans dont he

>white values, virtue and white culture
Literally all values and culture

>jünger aesthetics
what concepts did jünger introduce to aesthetics?

Hehe good point.

I'm German, so I'm obviously overexposed to German thought.

Fair enough, I'm being kind of facetious. I really want to get round to reading Political Theology but I've been busy af lately. What else by Schmitt d'you recommend? Also Junger recs if you wouldn't mind?

Nothing really novel. His way of writing as well as his lifestyle epitomize some sort of individualist conservatism. This aesthetically pleases me.

Are you by any chance a lonely virgin, lad? :^)

It is always nice to see Kauffman. He is heavy for me but I am motivated to understand him. I think I understood "Reinventing the sacred" but need to reread his other works.
Let me know if you read "Humanity in a creative universe" and tell me what you thought about it, which I haven't read yet.

Depends on what you're interested in. Interwar Schmitt is interesting because he discusses the shortcomings of demcracy (main works: On Dictatorship; Concept of the Political - a must read). Postwar Schmitt focuses on geopolitics (main works: Nomos of the Earth; Theory of the Partisan).
Start with Storm of Steel. He reedited that one after WW2 to cleanse it of nationalist influences. Get one of the pre-war versions if you want an authentic experience. Then read On the Marble Cliffs for his critique of national socialism. From that move on to Heliopolis and Eumeswil for some comfy science fiction.

I'm sorry if I sounded like a supreme gentleman.

How is Plotinus gnostic if literally writes a treatise against gnostics, in your view?

I know he isn't. I was just lacking a fitting term. Esotericism would be more adequate I think.

>Grant Morrison
>Karl Popper

Why not Soros himself?

Shit, that's a lot more detail than I was expecting. Thanks a lot man.

Why would i? Popper have a real ontological view of science and reality which is not grounded on analytical thought. I dig him.

Glad if I could help.

No definitely, it really does. Especially, for Schmitt, who I really don't know anything about apart from Political Theology, and I only know that through Agamben, who isn't sympathetic to him at all.

Even if one disagrees with Schmitt, he's certainly an interesting read. I'm not familiar with Agamben but I know Schmitt had a lasting influence on several neoconservatives (through his correspondence with and reception by Leo Strauss) and New Left thinkers (especially Mouffe if I'm not mistaken).

Yeah, some of the most formative thinkers in my own life, have been people I disagreed with. It forces you to fortify your position. Which is exactly why this attitude of shutting ourselves into these ideological bubbles is so dangerous.

heraclitus, augustine, stirner
kierkegaard, nietzsche, spengler
guénon, evola, cioran

Certainly so. Locke for example wrote his Two Treatises because he disagreed with Filmer's Patriarcha.

For me personally, Gramsci has been a great influence, even though I disagree with him on politics.

are you an INTJ

good guess

not that guy but have you read any of Junger's journals?