I use Word to write, am I a pleb?



This isn't literature related, senpai.



Yes, use LibreOffice.

>not sporadically writing on post it notes during your whole lifetime, 70% gets lost or destroyed and then someone close to you edits them together and releases it after your death


No, but being so insecure you need Veeky Forums to tell you what to write with makes you one.

Install Emacs

I use numbers, it's the way of the future

>not scribbling you magnum opus line by line in random toilet cubicles across the globe in the hope that one day an international effort to piece together your fragmented masterpiece is realised and you are immortalised forever as the true father of literature

This. If you're not writing in a markup language from the 80s how do you ever expect to be taken seriously?
Poser. Use vim.

Lol nice

>spending more time formatting your shit than writing

I fell for this meme in college when doing lab reports...what an autistic waste of time.

Can't you just memorize the piece and then dictate it to one of your daughters while lying in bed smoking?

>spending more time formatting
Nigga you were doing it wrong, LaTeX does it all for you thats the whole point, you write a chapter tag and it will automatically be added to de index and will get the corresponding font and size, use the sources tag and it will be added automatically to the sources page, same shit with everything else.

Cat > Ed > emacs > vim > nano > anything else

Shut the fuck up faggot

Kafka pls

Unless you're writing a screenplay, use notepad++ or zenwriter

There's a /g/ thread you should be shitting up

Better yet, become blind as a bat from years of poring over old texts and propagandasing for a Puritan rebellion, calling for the execution of the king. Then when the king returns and your life is spared by a mix of good connections and good fortune, make up the greatest poem ever written in the English language and get your two daughters to write it down as you dictate.

>a mechanical engineering undergrad is wasting his time on Veeky Forums instead of working, so he can be more stressed while writing his 200 page paper on making wrenches in CAD then brag to his friends about how much work he has to do
What a surprise lmao