What does Veeky Forums think of the SCP Foundation wiki? Mind you...

What does Veeky Forums think of the SCP Foundation wiki? Mind you, I'm not talking about its fanbase or anything like that, but about the stories themselves. Do you have any favorite SCPs and/or Groups Of Interest? What about Tales?

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secure copy? it's probably just your standard gnu free software bullshit you see on every open source tools page

reddit garbage

I've seen a lot of people using this term to mean a lot of different things. Could you please clarify what you mean?

Personally I think the vast majority of them are shit. The formula for creating them is so strict and the fanbase is so obsessed with maintaining stylistic orthodoxy that the vast majority are dull and samey.

The only good ones are the ones that do something interesting with the format - I remember there being one SCP where the description is just a list of everything it isn't. Another example is an SCP that can only be described in the first person - I can't remember the names of either. It's a shame these kind of metafictive experiments get drowned out in the sea of cosmic horrors where the authors idea of creating tension is just throwing REDACTED around every fucking paragraph.

Not sure where I heard this, but isn't SCP a place for people to practice technical writing? Nevertheless, some of them are pretty good but I found most pretty underwhelming.

I like the concept, but 99% of them are creepy the way 13 year olds think creepy is supposed to be.

There's a mysterious normal looking thing and if you get close, then you disappear! Woah! And sometimes your face appears on the mysterious thing, with blood tears! How creepy!

Awful. Awful.

Those would be SCP-055 and SCP-426, respectively.

There is an abundance of horror-related stuff, sure, but that is not all the site is about. Have you read any articles beyond Series 1 or any Tales?

That's mostly a problem with Series 1. Have you read any high rated articles from Series 2 to 4? How about Tales?


Some creative shit lured me into there but I realised it contains too much crap

> Personally I think the vast majority of them are shit. The formula for creating them is so strict and the fanbase is so obsessed with maintaining stylistic orthodoxy that the vast majority are dull and samey.

They have addressed this to some degree recently by allowing you to create SCP articles from the point of view of groups that are not the Foundation.

No, I always read 3 or 4 and then get bored. I'll try reading later ones. .

Thanks for giving the newer Series a chance.

I had a phase where I would binge read them on daily commute, so probably. I never paid much attention to the numbers or names though. One other that did stick out to me as particularly well done is about an island in the Mediterranean that is also a memetic device and which has lead to a civil war in the Foundation.

I never really read the tales, I always assumed they'd be the same kind of trite adventure log fictions where a camera shuts off and everybody dies. Is that the case?

No, he can't.

t. reddit

That would be SCP-3002.

The Tales are super diverse. We have branched out a lot from horror stories. I would be lying if I said they are all awesome, but the general quality is actually pretty high.


Better than expected, worse than I'd hope.

Some of them are bafflingly good for something written by, essentially, amateurs on the internet. Some of the most interesting ideas in sci-fi and fantasy I've ever seen are from SCP stories.

I'm not going to feign detached pseudo-intellectual cynicism here, there should be credit where its due

For anyone curious about some of the clever or just good ones:

The Anti-meme stories(basically about the part of the foundation that deals with objects that cause you to forget things. It's probably the best thing to come out of the website):


SCP 2000, or, a clever explanation of how the universe can have so many things that threaten humanity's existence but still exist:


A good explanation of where SCPs and the foundation came from:


This one's just cool if you have the time:


I remember very little about this one but its an origin tale and I remember thinking it was good from a purely non-intellectual point of view for describing confederate soldiers fighting fairies:


Just ones you should read in general:


scp-wiki.net/scp-093 (disguises itself as something quite boring until you really get into it.


What exactly were you hoping for?

When I found out about it I assumed everything on it would be shit, but after being directed to a few good ones I found myself pleasantly surprised and started looking into them on my own.

It turns out I'd already been directed to the few good ones.

Which ones were recommended to you? How far did you go?

dear god that was fucking retarded. The letter at the end read like some cringy HUMANITY FUCK YEAH copypasta from old Veeky Forums.

Scp isn't gnu it's part of openssh lit tard

I liked it earlier on when it was just shorts

I think I wanted SCP to be basically a streamlining of the creepypasta process, where people get little neat "ooh, that'd be spooky!" ideas out quickly, in a format where they're encouraged to polish it, and it can be vetted by a community

A handful of the old famous ones are like that, but the rest are

I really liked the one that was a report of the creature made only by using pictures because it would basically dissapear all written evidence of its existence.

That would be SCP-2521.

>that edgy scp with the yearly rape of a kid or some shit

As much as I don't like to talk about it, that would be SCP-231. And it's not supposed to be rape according to the writer. It's supposed to be whatever you think the worst thing in the universe is.

The first (chronologically) couple hundred entries were alright, before it got insanely popular.

Once the floodgates opened, the good to bad ratio went from like 1 in 2 to 1 in 20. Much of the later additions are retreads or just plain halfassed.

Aren't the stories themselves made by the fanbase?

The consensus is that the Containment Breach video game attracted a lot of authors who wrote mediocre or even terrible articles, but the quality in general has increased.

I meant "try to avoid personal attacks against specific users and drama in general".

>Personally I think the vast majority of them are shit. The formula for creating them is so strict and the fanbase is so obsessed with maintaining stylistic orthodoxy that the vast majority are dull and samey.
So it's basically Citizendum - The Creepypasta?

The disc SCP (093, I think) was pretty good.

I haven't spent all that much time reading them but it is alright. The worst things are horrible. I like that some of them are really mundane, if you read a few that are kind of amusing at best, the next good one really gets ya.

What really stuck to my mind was that one where there's a book about the history of an old civilisation and every time someone reads the, it goes further, changing history itself, or something along those lines. It was nice, but I like that kind of horror.

That would be SCP-140.

Some of its really good and inventive.
Some of it is shit.

Really didn't like it much, yeah, but it was pretty decent as far as SCP:s go. Also doesn't really make sense: why not at least aim to either contain or terminate all the apes.

Still can't clarify. You know, for all the shit this board talks, it's pretty pathetic how little combined intelligence there is here. I've never been on reddit, but I can't imagine it being worse than this.

Anyone else always read the description before the containment procedures? I guess the point of putting the containment procedures first is to make you wonder what sort of thing it's going to be, but usually it's just boring and tells you nothing.


My favorite version of SCP-001 is the one that's just an album with the magical property of being first on any list that includes it, presumably created as an attempt to manipulate the Billboard charts.

This is a good thread

It was really really good until that one faggot wormed his way in and started heavily policing and moderating the content to his taste. You know the one I'm talking about, the guy who self inserts himself into tons of articles and stories as a doctor/scientist who is a literal immortal god reality manipulating being with le edgy mysterious backstory that gets stretched to fit any circumstance. I think it was around 2010 or 2011 when he got so heavy handed and hypocritical that it killed the community.

Who is it?

>That one about the self-help book from the Fifth Church
>Those "rules", like: Mirrors are for other people.
>You can feel the emptiness inside, cant you? Say yes, you feel the emptiness.

I think it's pretty cool. I tend to have periods of time where I'll read it and then stop.

Some of the ideas are super interesting and unique. Some others feel very generic (oh wow yet another thing which was beyond human comprehension and left a test subject catatonic).

A lot of the appendices of articles seem to go overboard with withholding information. It feels like a cheap trick when it's done as often as it is.

The site itself I think isn't structured well. I usually get lost when I try to go to a page that isn't about a specific SCP.

I just skimmed through an SCP page and would like to add this: So much information in any article exists for absolutely no reason other than "worldbuilding" in the most boring way possible. I'll read an appendix about some anomaly happening with some SCP and there'll be a shit ton of fake science and codenames ("Operation Tweezers-30-C+") and acronyms and wonder if it's part of some bigger ongoing story arc (if such a thing exists on SCP).

It's unfortunate when I read a description of an interesting SCP and am excited to read more about it, but am given a list of twenty experiments on it each of which had no interesting results but also half of them have a paragraph of "oh but this other thing happened which is likely a coincidence but we'll make a record of it"

I find it incredible how narcissistic and deluded most the writers actually are, especially the founders. It's like reading r*ddit comments, magnified twofold