Mum comes into my room and starts perusing my bookshelves

>Mum comes into my room and starts perusing my bookshelves
>"user, what are these 'The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra' books? They sound interesting"

Other urls found in this thread:!14tWHYIZ!Wdo2WFXJTNVyX7Bcfbgv5A

Let her read it.

He doesn't want to be found out as a middlebrow pleb

>literary critic father finds your copy of The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
>tfw he praises it as the first genuine masterpiece of the 21st century and is now teaching it in his uni classes


I wish there were physical copies, I'd love to have that shit on a bookshelf thirty years from now and have my statistically unlikely offspring pick it up

>the smartest guy in the room

Wish granted.

>Mom comes into my room
>"user, I'm depressed"

How is the latest one called?

>mom comes into my room
>lights begin to flicker

What the fuck do you mean 'wish'?

There have been hundreds printed mate

That would be this one

Not the best, but not the worst

Heads up to anyone who wants to grab an online copy, got this Mega link a while back that has all of them!14tWHYIZ!Wdo2WFXJTNVyX7Bcfbgv5A

There was another one, hypersphere or something like that

Different series

I love the sound of that prose.

why does the hardback on lulu have fewer pages than the paperback?

Bigger book

>Oh, she walks slowly, across a young man's room
>She said I'm ready...for you
>I can't remember anything to this very day
'>Cept the look, the look...
>Oh, you know where, now I can't see, I just stare...

>tfw in 80 years time TLoTiaT will be upheld as the jewel of the crown of the best literary movement of this century
>tfw they'll have a few pages on "the anonymous subculture" and boys will have to study it
>tfw DFW and Pynchon pics alongside it

We did good Veeky Forums, we Don Quixote'd YA and pleb lit.

>boys will have to study it

There won't be any boys, patriarchist.

There's a public book exchange near me (a refurbished phone box with shelves where you can just leave books you don't want and take any that you do), I sort of want to start a gofund me to stock it with the books we wrote but I don't think anyone would contribute.

You'd be surprised user. Spread the word of Kek and he shall reward you with laughter and joy.

>They sound interesting
said nobody after reading that title

I don't know how I'd do that. Want to partner up?

I do legitimately think that people will be talking about Veeky Forums a few decades from now, both thanks to TLOTIAT and because I'm pretty sure we're going to birth at least one good or great writer.


We need to come out with a new edition that has a Toyota Tundra on the cover. Just edit out the Toyota logos and we can do it.

So, should I order them?

Should I order TLOTIAT and which volumes? The first one definitely but what about the others?
And which version? I'd love the french cover but is the edition any different from the others?
How about Hyperthing? Is that alright too and how is it different from TLOTIAT?

Also do I have to order this from Amerifriends or is there somewhere I can order this from in YuroP?

I hate what capitalism has turned the Internet into.

Harold Bloom?

>So, should I order them?
If you want to.
>Should I order TLOTIAT and which volumes? The first one definitely but what about the others?
The others, excluding Hypersphere, were written by a bit of an exclusive group after Veeky Forums lost interest. They don't match up.
>And which version? I'd love the french cover but is the edition any different from the others?
Who knows? They're all a huge mess with ridiculous formatting.
>How about Hyperthing? Is that alright too and how is it different from TLOTIAT?
It's the only other one that matches up to Legacy in terms of numbers of contributors.

>>It's the only other one that matches up to Legacy in terms of numbers of contributors.
So its contents are basically the same?

No, it has a more developed theme. It's fairly different but, like all the books, is just a load of shitposting.

Elaborate more.
I searched for comprehensive info but it's honestly hard to come by.

This is why

When are we going to write another novel guys

there was this attempt

>that hidden Jewish star on Tokyo Drift

Well we're already included in a wikipedia article at least

The French cover is exactly the same as any other edition of #1 so don't worry about missing out on anything

#2 and #3 only have one edition each, but some people wanted different covers for #1 so this was accommodated

>these oblivious people giving angry 1-star reviews

i only have it in pdf
should i print it?

>reversed spine text
O I am diggin this MEEM

Where I can get a epub for free

>telling my mother about how the Rhodesian dollar was valued equally to the American dollar

>read The Idiot
>"haha user that suits you"
>read Anna Karenina
"that looks like a womans book user"

That's because you can flip the book, tokyo on one side and kolsti on the other. The end of each book is in the middle.

It's pretty radical.

It would literally cost you more to print it yourself than to buy it

450 pages
5 cents a page

I used this code on lulu for my copy the other day for 15% off LULU15

There is no epub. just pdf and printed


just bought this edition lads, it'll arrive in a couple of weeks, whats should i expect

why did you change the gender?
is having a literary critic mother really so implausible?

Bernard-Jou Iwaku second series when?

>The Memoirs of Richard Nixon casually thrown into the mix

>is having a literary critic mother really so implausible?

one who praises The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra is

>read The Idiot
>"haha user that suits you"


A time capsule of Veeky Forums for the day when this place inevitably disappears aka shitposting interspersed with some interesting stuff

they will not age well

Tell me about the culture of the 2040s user, you seem to know a bit

>Veeky Forums will never finish the quagga project