Why aren't you working on your philosophical treatise right now?

Why aren't you working on your philosophical treatise right now?

morally weak and would rather get drunk tbrqhwy desu. also brainlet.

computer crashed a couple months ago
lost 2 years of entries in my political manifest

Now i have my own business. Weird how much time you save when not stroking your brain dick

because philosophy is a hyperrealistic construct susceptible to confirmation bias and little else of rationale

>better to ignore your spooks, letting them drive your life
>rather than understanding yourself

Trends of abstact non-falsifiable statements, as philosophy does not pass under the same scrutiny as scentific theory, are cut-and-dried in make-believe. Such, any statement may slot in -

Take X. 1 and 2 have different interpretations as to what X is the equivalent of, or rather, what is the hidden factor in X. -

1) X = Y
2) X = A

The worthlessness of the 1's and 2's interpretation is well-evident. All stand-in for numerals - all interpretations are equally likely, yet not certain.


I needed a book to prop up a speaker I was setting up. Without hesitation, I immediately grabbed Phenomenology of Spirit and have been using it as a part of a speaker stand ever since.

why did that motherfucker wear that stupid ass hat

he worked in a bakery also

Where X is the meaning of existence, 1 and 2 each offer complicated, internally coherent symbol systems of thought which their respective societies can organize along deriving meaning from and leading fulfilling lives. 3 - the scientific method - finds it cannot provide an interpret of X beyond it is unknowable thereby paralyzing their society in an unfulfilled, cultural malaise of decadence in which the suicide rate climbs higher and higher. When X is finally revealed, 3 is proven very silly as the meaning of existence was to create your own meaning, which is, actually, demonstrably the case by the fundamentally unknowable nature of universe which demands we do just that.

tl;dr smoke weed

I am.



FPBP as usual

i dont believe in truth.


I'm not working on it because I'm pretty sure I'm nowhere near the intelligence level of a Hegel or Kant.

I mean, non-exceptional people shouldn't be writing books on philosophy.

I'm a young beginner. I still have a lot to read, a lot of lectures to attend, a lot of debates to have before I can start working on anything big.

Most philosophers released their best work relatively old. At least definitely not in their 20s.

Philosophy ain't rock music, the best aren't their best when they're young and new to the game.

Wittgenstein wrote most of the TLP in his late 20s. It got published when he was 32 only because was handed to Russell after being rejected several times.

Of course, Wittgenstein doesn't count. The man was simply better wired than us mortas.

I would like to. Not a treatise but a paper. I'm an old college dropout who is somewhat close to finish his philosophy thesis. I may try to send something to some journals when I get myself some free time.

Do people who study philosophy have more fulfilling lives than people who don't study philosophy?

youre using reddit terminology to justify being ignorant about philosophy. I dont judge you for it but please be aware of whats happening here

Stop blaming everything on reddit.

Because every vaguely unique idea I've ever had has been thought up by someone else who's far better at conveying them than I am

No because even people who suffer philosophers have imbibed the values of the age - that is, the lack of values of the age. Scientific materialism is a development of philosophy is development of religion. Quite frankly, the OP has a picture of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. I expect we all understand it 100% correctly, yes?