What's good to write about in 2017?
What's good to write about in 2017?
Code to make apps
Books are a dying art
Homecoming, topos, phusis, mythological deconstruction of ordinary life, etc. etc.
That's not true, you can write self-help and cooking books. Those seem to the only really popular genres left.
just put "stoic" "mindfulness" and "joy" in the title or subtitled, guaranteed bux
The resistable rise of fascist dictators like Donald Dumopf.
People of colour, minorities, women, etc
>Good to write about
Pick one.
like computer mainframes
oh and faxers
People are interested in optimistic perspectives. Explore that.
New Sincerity is a lie.
Whatever you write about, make sure it lies under at least 3 layers of irony. If your plot doesn't twist on itself like the motherfucking Ouroboros on crack it belongs in the past century.
Also, for writing non-fiction, employ magic technical terms like Big Data, Diversity, Transhumanism, Postmodernism, etc. Whatever feels like a mix of technological and yet would be shamelessly used by an occultist to justify his/her whacky conspirations.
The alt-right
the decline of the great american hillbilly animal rapists by the encroachment of civilization.
>Internet's influence on geopolitics in a way that isn't lame and ages well
>'Fake news'
>Distortion of reality and causes based on BS
Or you write another American coming of age story, 'muh slavery' story, something about women being oppressed or a cookie-cutter book crammed with pop-culture references and Reddit culture that will go stale in 3-5 years. Your call.
write about how much of a faggot OP is
Get in the academia and join their massive circlejerk. It's the only way to publish something semi-relevant that others might read. Otherwise you have 2 alternatives:
1. YA commercial garbage, writing about the endeavors of humble negroids from africa to europe and the hardships they encounter (evil whites, racism, etc.)
2. write a masterpiece and pray that civilization shall be restored in the next 100-200 years and that you'll be a post mortem recognized unparalleled genius of the dark ages of the west
Video Games
With Star Wars movies being produced in the regular, Space opera is making a comeback
Trumpening, Korea Peninsula Conflict, Fear of WWIII, Immigrations, Maduro and Venezuela.
Code that writes books using neural nets and self published them under pseudonyms, with royalties sent to your bank accounts
as someone who just recently took a creative writing class, whatever you do, don't write about college romance
Writing about being incapable of writing aka writer's block is always a classic, op. I'd go with that.
I'm writing a short story based on the Berkley clashes called "Postmodern Warfare"
Trans faggots, niggers, and "Feminists" if you want to make money
Everyone and their cat has a app devopment company, fuck off.
>inb4 work at a consulting company
Write science fiction that might some day become a religion.
>t.l ron hubbard
my diary...
i'm writing an epic Menippean satire of the socio-cultural climate of the current decade disguised as ironic criticism of extremist movement, and religious paranoia.
if you are a roastie, sex
if you are a numale, nihilism and degeneracy
>currently pregnant with a little mixed baby
Is it possible to swipe farther than left?
It's the Three Billy Goats only with immortality and the Kabbalah and it's all on a ship run by Vasco da Gama as they go around the world.
Genre Fiction
Shit wrong thread
This is the plot of my novel, and it is absolutely NOT good to write about.
Something involving current events is an option.
inb4 "That's where you're wrong, kiddo" fingers
The riots, the rampant claims of racism/sexism/homophobia by the extremist and regressive left SJWs. The hypocritical BLM group which thankfully seems to have died out, who fight against cops killing blacks even though cops statistically kill more whites and the fact that the biggest threat to black lives is, quite simply, black lives. More black people kill black people than any other group kills any other group in the United States.
Write about how unjust things are for men in divorce court. How the rate of suicide is so high for males. How this is the worst time in probably all of human history for a man to get married because in the case of a divorce it's almost guaranteed that he'll lose half his shit, lose the kid(s), have to pay child support, and might also get hit with alimony especially if he's making a reasonable amount of money and might be able to afford it. There's also the 'silver bullet'; "he abused me". Whether true or not, even if it's entirely unbased and there's no evidence whatsoever, not even anyone who claims to be witness to it, that's basically game-over.
Write about the extremist beliefs that Muslims take with them to the western world, the true homophobia and sexism, and write how hilariously and sadly hypocritical it is for feminists to defend Islam. It's literally like black people defending the KKK. Write about the shootings, the bombing, the way a religious war seems to be ongoing but nobody is talking about it; a church in Egypt was bombed and dozens were killed at the start of Easter. A shooting in a US church targeting black people. A shooting in a Canadian mosque targeting Muslims.
What the fuck are you going to write about in 2017? YA?
Or you could write about literally any historical period that has ever happened
But not Vasco da Gama don't do that
A gestalt of present moment As scientifically accurate as possible.
hhaaha dude I loved infinite jest, it really made.me think
True, historical fiction is pretty kickass. Personally I hope to get a degree in history one of these days just for fun, and will likely put that towards either improving my historical fiction or writing non-fiction about history. Stalingrad: The Infernal Cauldron was quite a good read, and was entirely non-fiction. Loads of statistics, pictures, and the like. In the first 6 months of Operation Barbarossa, basically the second half of 1941, the Soviet Union suffered something like 6,000,000 casualties, 2,000,000 POWs, and over 20,000 tanks or vehicles in general taken out of commission. Inevitably however, the Germans got bogged down, couldn't keep the line well supplied, and so the Russians overpowered them with numbers and ZA STALINA. The renown 6th German Army was given a new General and quickly surrendered because his men were just about run out of food and ammo with no supplies coming and they were literally freezing. Most of the German soldiers died on the way back to Germany, though apparently the German Officers weren't treated too badly. As soon as the USSR was invaded, that was basically the beginning of the end of WWII.
As for historical fiction, Bernard fucking Cornwell. Godly.
You know I was just thinking about this in a pretentious, symbolic way that I would like to share. So if all stories have a hero-even if the hero isn't a person but an idea- and the heroes journey is to explore the unknown, then you need to make the conflict in your story something that is not common sense. For example as silly as the movie was, when I saw intersteller there was a scene that stuck out in particular. This was when mcconaughey is sent into the black hole with nothing but a spacesuit and a chair. There is no other scene like it. I was honestly curious what would happen. Its not fighting an evil wizard or digging deep into the earth. It was something really unimaginable. In that scene he is the hero prepared for whatever, and he is incredibly deep in the unknown.
The issue with story telling is that a lot of these scenarios have been played out already so they are not engaging. Even really complex conflicts like rodia testing his moral limits and dealing with his subconscious. So what is left? There may be moral questions unasked, but you would need to be a genius and be well aware of the history of morality as well as its current climate to make something really new. Even science fiction is even becoming thin in its potential.
I believe this is why psychedelics and drugs in general are becoming more "mainstream". A psychedelic trip is entirely personal, dangerous, and unique. People who have taken loads of acid or dmt become idolized as an explorer of the true unknown. This is really unsatisfactory as it teaches us nothing new to culture. It is like walking through a dark scary forest on a dare. Sure you did it and that's impressive but there was nothing to see.
The things that are new are so complex and require so much specialization that when brought to the surface only a few can comprehend the meaning and significance. If someone solves a really complex math problem that has baffled people for centuries you could hardly make a Hollywood film about it.
At this point only the vague and insane have the sense of novelty. If you obscure something enough it can trick the senses. But again it is only a trick and all the lessons have been learned already.
So it seems the hero has finished his job and has to settle down or quit risking his life and pursue speciality in less glorious affairs. Our hero is old and wise with skilled hands but soft muscles. Excitement nowhere to be found. Only occasional glimpses at truth after rummaging through the dirt of ancient beasts.
I think you're right desu, but you're approaching it from the wrong angle.
I would love to see someone with the wit and humanity of Dostoyevsky write about modern society, and SJWs and the alt-right, with lazily resorting to character assassination. Especially in the Internet age, never before has it been easier to survey your environment and realize you're nothing more than an ant. Judging by the tone of your writing, you harbor some grudges of your own- as many of us do- but what we need is a mind who can divorce themselves from the zeitgeist and actually analyze it without pushing their political bias.
Literature will never mature past its post-modern angst until someone works up the balls to write about the current mess with genuine compassion.
write whatever you think can make it past the censors and ideological slaves that run the agencies and publishing houses.
Very interesting point of view. I write my opinions on the matter by sprinkling them in my books here and there. Mostly in my series of zombie books, which are selling half decently I might add. A feminist, a black lesbian, beliefs that whites are racist (particularly white males of course), it adds to character development and creates more tension and conflicts. Yeah I know, Veeky Forums is already having a stroke at me having unabashedly admitted to having written not only genre fiction but also zombie crap. I enjoy writing it, I find it fun, and I think I tie in modern issues with post-apocalyptic undead survival quite well. I especially like the rapey bits and the gunplay. Fun stuff. Some heavy shit is happening in the latest book, though. The black lesbian is about to overstep her boundaries BIGTIME, and soon she'll have no sympathy from anyone, not even her Big Red-esque former-feminist friend.
hey, could you never type anything ever again? Thanks.
I wouldn't count on it. You don't want hear the rest. Next is the revival of the lost king. In our current symbolic landscape this is big deal.