>“When bankers get together for dinner, they discuss Art. When artists get together for dinner, they discuss Money”
Then what do Writers discuss when they get together for dinner?
>“When bankers get together for dinner, they discuss Art. When artists get together for dinner, they discuss Money”
Then what do Writers discuss when they get together for dinner?
Sex. That, or alcohol.
slipary wet dog poop
Writers aren't artists?
>"Why do people not consider us Artists?"
>Then what do Writers discuss when they get together for dinner?
The latest netflix meme show.
Fucking NO ONE thinks of writers when the word "Artist" is said
Maybe some fairy poof will think of a poet, but not actual writers.
Sorry, lad, your pleb is showing.
Writers don't get together for dinner.
And Wilde discussed neither.
Writing can be considered art, yes, but most writing is not art. I would consider writers like Joyce who sought the pinnacle of language to be an artist, but not your typical writer who only cares about expressing ideas or a story.
Wilde discussed handsome young men, which many would argue are an Art unto themselves
>only cares about expressing ideas
what do you think artists do different, pray tell
Pence, get the clamps.
Whether they are artists or not.
>Music can be considered art, yes, but most music is not art. I would consider musicians like Bach who sought the pinnacle of sound to be an artist, but not your typical musician who only cares about playing chords or a melody.
That is actually very true. There are intellectuals who don't consider music to be art.
And those "intellectuals" don't listen to much music anyway.
I don't see any problem with this. It works both ways.
>Painting can be considered art, yes, but most painting is not art. I would consider painters like Pollock who sought the pinnacle of paint to be an artist, but not your typical painter who only cares about depicting scenes or a landscape.
>but most music is not art
wooooooooooahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how controversial!
oh wait
Fuckin playa haters man, what do they know
they don't know music
Writers don't eat, they absorb all their energy from books
They discuss suicide
This is still true to an extent. I don't think pollock is really a good example though, since he's pretty controversial.
Logically it depends on who discusses literature when they get together for dinner.
I'm a writer, and I just talk about whatever comes to mind. Often alcohol. It's on my bucket list to fuck a trap.
No one
So, logically, when writers gather for dinner, they discuss nothing.
>I'm a writer
Easy to say. You're not a fucking writer unless you're published. Are you published?
i see a whole board of people discussing literature. now that would mean that writers discuss autistic narcissists? makes complete sense to me.
6 books self-published. Making 2 figures a month... granted, it's not much, but it's a start. Expecting to start 3 figures in a month, maybe two at most.
Define "published"
So that mean writers discuss philosophy.
Makes sense.
fanfiction writers are "self-published"
that ain't much of an achievement
Self published isn't being published bro. You're not a writer, sorry.
seems reasonable enoug
>Making 2 figures a month
Holy shit I hope you're just fucking around here. This is too funny to be real.
>Selling one painting isn't exactly much. Sorry Van Gogh, you're not a painter.
You are terrible at this.
terrible, yes - but great
I don't write fanfiction, but I do make money from my novels, novella, and novelette.
That's nice. I'll cry all the way to the bank with my $50 bucks a month which is steadily increasing, as is my bibliography with a new book being self-published just about every month.
*novellae, and novelettae.
What does dinner discuss when it goes out for dinner though?
I'm not you. Either way, it's indeed a meme that a self-published writer with multiple well-written books, is not a writer. Yes, you can write a 'book' with perhaps 5 letters in total, including a title and pen name, and self-publish it. Absolute and utter jokes, not in the funny way, can be self-published. Doesn't matter; I'm making $600+ a year from my books, and that's just based off of the last 9-10 weeks or so. Steadily increasing.
Yeah I know, it's funny.
Less than $100 a month
Most self-published authors make less than $100 in their first YEAR, I'm not even 3/4 finishde my first year and I've made damn near $100 in a 1 month period. There are some who are making 5 figures a MONTH, and while I don't know if I'll ever achieve that, nor do I care if I ever achieve that, I am making money from my writing which is more than most people can say. I'm proud of my books, and I look forward to writing more books. 15+ years ago, yeah, self-publishing would be laughable. 2016-17? Hah, yeah, no, self-publishing is a very legitimate way for writers to get their start. It is a meme, a Veeky Forums meme, and nothing more, that self-publishing books is a joke.
This. It's the same people who claim video games aren't art.
>Fucking NO ONE thinks of writers when the word "Artist" is said
Except for the people who do think of writers.
Positivist are invading Veeky Forums and yet at this point this post is probably the stupidest one on this board. Congratulations
>that one user who posts "slippery wet dog poop" every so often, seemingly at random
I love you man.
>that one
Do you think that every post that has senpai in it is by the same user?
It's called a meme, you drooling catholic
scat porn
I fucking love Veeky Forums.
BTFO people with their own fallacies, so nice.
Video games can't be art by definition. They're games.
>Sculptures can't be art by definition. They're sculptures
I'm sorry, adults are talking here. Don't ever post on this board again.
Could've fooled me with the highchairs and bibs, bub.
I explicitly remember forbidding you from posting here.
This makes no sense.
>literature is not art, they're just books
I don't know how you can't think of the likes of Braid or Ocarina of Time or similar as "just games".
If you can't consider the games themselves art, can you consider the graphics art? The story art? The music art?
>Braid or Ocarina of Time
Jesus, have mercy. Strike down these pseudo-intellectuals so I don't have to share this board with them.
>I don't know how you can't think of the likes of Braid or Ocarina of Time or similar as "just games".
They're just games and you can't say otherwise
They're more than just games.
Uh, Art. Would you describe your reply (conveying an idea via words) art?
>Maybe some fairy poof will think of a poet, but not actual writers.
Well it was Oscar Wilde who said it...
Diddling little girls while speaking about Schopenhauer.
They are nearly unanimously agreed to be some of the most art-like by the gamer community.
Videogames can achieve high art regardless of you shallow repulsion to their mainstream community.
It is the gamer community that is actually the biggest problem with video games today.
they don't understand their own medium (not like i do)
this, who can afford dinner?
>yfw the "gamer community" is responsible for things like Five Nights at Freddy's 1-5, Minecraft, Pokemon, CoD 1-∞, and basically created and fosters entire populations of manchild neets who feel legitimized thanks to moneypits like so-called "esports" and "professional" gaming.
>NO ONE thinks of writers when the word "Artist" is said
How the hell do you know that? Writing is an art form and so those who produce it are artists, whether they reach high standards or not.
shitposting is a art
There is far less wrong with video games being played as a sport than represented as an artform. But I'm probably biased in that regard.
>>yfw the "writer community" is responsible for things like Twilight, fanfiction.net, Fault in Our Stars, Tom Clancy Thriller #1-∞, and basically created and fosters entire populations of whining tumblrinas who feel legitimized thanks to moneypits like so-called "Young Adult" and "fanfiction" writing.
>what do Writers discuss when they get together for dinner?
audience pussy
>it's a "the word art has inherent value and isn't just a term for human expressive creation" episode
Tell me which sodomites do I have to trump with my charge pump?
>We learn (in his biography) about DFW’s womanizing, about his book-tour fondness for “audience pussy,” and that he once wondered aloud to Franzen about whether his only purpose in life was “to put my penis in as many vaginas as possible.”
>DFW was so autistic he didn't understand what "Groupies" meant
What a fucko
This is the conclusion everyone with a brain comes to in these debates, why do you keep starting them?
Excellently crafted bait
>This is the conclusion everyone with a brain comes to in these debates
No, the conclusion reached is either
>Everything can be an Art
>Nothing is truly Art
Art by definition doesn't require winning and isn't a competitive thing.
Video games are more akin to puzzles or sports than they are to art.
They include media elements, and they include art work. But they aren't fine art.
I play lots of games and I have since I was a kid, and Oot is one of my favourite ever, but don't pretend it's art. They're games and mostly mindless entertainment.
Show me a single (A SINGLE) scholarly source that states "Art by definition doesn't require winning and isn't a competitive thing"
Do you consider Warhol's video of himself eating a Whopper Art?
Not all games have 'win/lose' states and good games successfully weave them into the narrative as part of their mechanical metaphors.
literature is a form of art
Why would I want to get together for dinner with non-friends?
nope wrong.
bankers together = jfk and the cia.
artist together = autitis in need .
writers together = ball of useless.
>implying writers aren't artists
How their Art can make Money.
Ah, so that's why writers are so poor! 'Cause they don't make art!
Wrecked em.
Metal Gear Solid 2 is art