I miss old Veeky Forums

I miss old Veeky Forums

the present Veeky Forums is now full of reddit fags. don't know where to move now.

It's your youth that you miss, not Veeky Forums

/sffg/ was mistake

>misses old Veeky Forums
>is a frogposter
You're part of the cancer

I'm thinking about pursuing a uni course in writing and literature actually worth it? If I graduate, what will my career prospects be? I would prefer not to be a teacher, or anything that has do deal with the public.

I didn't join early enough, but Veeky Forums does a need a little bloodletting.

I miss /fitlit/

Take a degree in Continental philosophy and/or Classics. Writing courses are a joke, and most literature departments blow. Classics will give you the ancient tongues to learn your grammar, so that you may write, and the greats of the ages so that you may learn to think.

i don't know if i miss old Veeky Forums or not, the signal to noise ratio was worse on old Veeky Forums but there were smarter people around, so it was a trade off...50 stirner threads, 20 threads with pics of dfw face, etc. and then two or three good threads where you can seriously discuss something...well, i guess its like that now, but now you get these reddity fags who don't know shit saying they don't like the plot of the iliad or something, man fuck those dudes, they need to go back....i guess this is what happens when you allow unchecked immigration, it dilutes and fucks up the culture your ancestors worked so hard to create

I miss the days when Veeky Forums was a haven for leftists. The board has deteriorated with the influx Christ-cucks and the alt-rightists. It's not that Christianity or right wing politics are the cause, but in general the leftists have always been better read.

Neither /li/ had threads for people who actually wrote their own shit, so I don't miss either.

the leftists are better read, but leftism gets so tiresome, i find it refreshing to see new view points, but yeah, some of those catholic kids have really stunted lives, they're too uptight to read like sarte in a coffee shop so they have to try to be cool by reading aquinas or something, it's like bro if ur that uptight then posing in coffee shops is not for you, go to jesus camp or something instead...also, i would like it if the rightwing kids at least read marx, marx and marxism has plenty of weak points to attack, but they don't even engage effectively. also, i hate rightwing kids who blame "jews" for everything, especially when they call people who aren't jews but are just successful capitalists jews, like david rockefeller, who was jew wise and slightly anti-semitic, which leads me to believe they are really the same kind of resentful slave moralists as the marxists but have done a s/capitalists/jews/g on all their posts...in case lit nigs arent nerdy enough the s/this/that/g is a regular expression for find and replace, but since ya'll fags claim to use latex i'm sure u knew that...

to me the wannabe writer threads are the worst part of Veeky Forums

>hur durr read my wacky short story i'm submitting to a literature blog with 20 hits per month
>hey guys read my sentimental cliche ridden story about being a lonely teenager

i'm sure reddit has a community dedicated to that shit, go there


>says frogposter
>calling other people cancer

except leftists never move on from their established canon, which is basically masturbating to foucault and making ironic ayn rand threads over and over. Additionally, besides the already establishing contemporary po-mo lit garbage, they had a sincerely disgusting lust for pseudo-erotic literature like * insert random 50's-70's feminist writer* here as well as a complete disregard of any classics pre-20th century.

with the catholics, there's a thirst to find something - not even something necessarily spiritual or even christian - in modern works, I see a lot more serious threads about authors and more obscure recommendations than before

t. Veeky Forums poster circa 2011-13

I started lurking in like 2013 or 2014. I think a resurgence of tripfags is in order

>considers foucault a leftist
>thinks catholics haven a thirst for anything but priest jizz

yeah, i suppose foucault support leftists and even stalinist communist parties in his personal life, but his books use nietzsche's genealogical method and certainly aren't marxist

this is what i mean by it's too bad the rightist posters are so poorly read

no thank you

do you remember when some retarded kid and his friends started to trip-shill threads for his "i was a 90's kid watching TMNT n shiet" poetry?

are you telling me foucault isn't the intellectual pillar of leftist academia?

>ya he supported leftists
>ya he was a stalinist
>but he wasn't a leftist brah
>but he's not a marxist, so he's not the capitalist power-slave nu-liberals are


did foucault ever even write anything about economics?

Did Foucault sell his entire ideology to the big government power complex for big drugs/big sex ideology eventually culminating into the mega-shit storm that nu-liberalism AKA power-slave capitalism is today?


oh god go the fuck back to /pol/ you are retarded

I miss 100 post user aka Norwegian Cabin guy aka Oxford Graduate aka Mommy bought 3 copies of my book about a priest in a leper colony aka could not be living more contemporaly aka world traveler aka will live a good life at your expense aka usb dangling from your keychain aka Voice of Your Generation aka pizza delivery memoir aka good will hunting-esque genius aka name calling has no effect on the contemporary NEET aka every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense aka A profound man will experience more glory and emotional intensity by pouring a glass of semi-skimmed milk aka Pharoah (1999) aka had a mental breakdown and going to go live in a monastery.

Is that how you reconcile the fact that Foucault is the bible of leftist academics? And has been since at least the 80's?

If you have nothing but "go away!" you lose the argument.

Foucault's ideology was sold out for progressive sexual liberation, who will deny it?

get a load of this repressed homo getting triggered to death by foucault lol kys my man

I really miss those days where you couldn't reveal how much of a newfag you are without getting called out.

foucalt is the fucking drive shaft of lefties

get a load of this capitalist-liberal butt-slave pretending Foucault didn't rip the social politic out of Marxism and just gave it away with to global capitalists to make the biggest power complex that makes Brave New World look tame!

Veeky Forums has gone way uphill.

Just six months ago this place was a mess, a battleground between mindless Stirnerbots and Alt-right faggots in a brutal arms race to out edge each other.
its gotten nice and harmonic again since their mutually assured destruction

>the leftists are better read

that reminds me, I see a lot less serious (or any) Murakami threads, which is a massive improvement. Veeky Forums without the leftists could actually finally organically evolve without this really new yorker style brand of mediocre international lit.

ok which of these current top threads are ruining this board then?

the murakami threads were probably just viral marketing for this recent book release, it will die down until his next piece of shit needs to get pushed

Mutually assured destruction is a spook.


Yes, good shit

>but in general the leftists have always been better read
I've never - never - met a single leftist on here who could debate their position properly. At best it's "well I don't need to explain this, just go read xy and you will change your mind".
And half the time the big reading list is just an excuse because over the span of a century, leftists have claimed everything and its opposite so you're always able to pull the old "that's not real xy though.

I'm not saying people on the right are "better-read" but at least they'll argue an actual position and stand by it instead of arguing paper trails without ever making a stand.

Sorry for being triggered by yesterday's discussion with a Marxist who insisted social ownership has nothing to do with socialism AND JUST GO READ THE SOURCES

As for the the quality of Veeky Forums, it's gotten more practical than intellectual but that's kind of okay because if you're here for a serious intellectual discussion, you're kind of wrong anyway. Just ban Pynchon fanboys though, that stuff is getting out of hand.

>didn't colour /sffg/ red


I miss the old Kanye, straight from the 'Go Kanye
Chop up the soul Kanye, set on his goals Kanye
I hate the new Kanye, the bad mood Kanye
The always rude Kanye, spaz in the news Kanye
I miss the sweet Kanye, chop up the beats Kanye
I gotta to say, at that time I'd like to meet Kanye
See I invented Kanye, it wasn't any Kanyes
And now I look and look around and there's so many Kanyes
I used to love Kanye, I used to love Kanye
I even had the pink Polo, I thought I was Kanye
What if Kanye made a song, about Kanye?
Called "I Miss The Old Kanye," man that'd be so Kanye
That's all it was Kanye, we still love Kanye
And I love you like Kanye loves Kanye

now this is lit

That's fair. There's plenty that makes it still worthwhile. Good days and bad days.


>basic box structure
>AAAAAAAAAAAAAA rhyme scheme
is kanye the most Veeky Forums musician of all time




>pursuing a uni course in writing and literature actually worth it?

Only if you use it to go to graduate school or law school.

>what will my career prospects be?

See above. You will not get a job off a writing and literature degree alone.

>I would prefer not to be a teacher, or anything that has do deal with the public.

What did you have in mind? Most jobs deal with the public in some regard. Why don't you try being a night security guard, or something like that?

How would you know? You weren't here for it.

Veeky Forums Veeky Forums and the internet in general was never good.

you are right. sure Veeky Forums is full of right catholics now but this whole fukin website's been swamped with rightists in general for as long as i've been here...i've spent more time on Veeky Forums since i started reading pynchman for the pynchten memes desu



2004 fag here, Veeky Forums was either democrat/misc. leftists or just a-political trolling for the longest time until /new/ hitler trolling triggered an actual exhumation and adaptation of 4channers moving into hard-right ideology

then 4ch mods/moot sold them up the river, and then they came back from that other site with a serious political ax

the gen X'rs/SA Goons that used to post here I assume killed themselves or left to reddit, and this is where we are now

Is this a post-ironic masterpiece?

New Veeky Forums's friendlier, and isn't so hostile to Dr. William F. Buckley Jr.

Not OP, but I've been trying to decide on what to major in when I transfer to a university this year, and Classics looks like a great idea. Wasn't aware that that was an option before reading your post, so thanks.


I like firing line, but he was definitely a neo-con.

He also put pressure on the Church to push Vatican II.

So my natural inclination towards him is strongly tempered with a bit of contempt desu

let's pretend that nazism is right-wing guys so we can complain about all the evil right-wingers from /pol/ who destroyed our leftist intellectual paradise
we read marxists so it means we are highly educated

wtf I love minecraft videos now

Women should be banned from Veeky Forums

>Vatican II
Why was that bad?


>leftist intellectual
Come on, user. You know that those two words don't go together.

I like how the leftists on this board blame us right-wingers for shitting things up when it's usually the leftists that turn things into a political discussion.

we only need one Vatican

Why are bookfags such retarded homos? Every kikelover who actually spends their time sitting down and reading some printed bullshit for hours on end should be shot in the gut and killed.

Been posting here under different trips since 2009-10. Who remembers Sunhawk?


This is that 100 post user again.
Newfags, there is a poster who constantly creates really elaborate schemes to mess with people by getting them to feel sympathy for his character and then slowly dissolve into autism, it usually always begins with calling himself a genius (I've noticed this pattern) he used to joke about his 6 volume memoir or this time that he paid a publisher to publish his book and he scheduled a book signing at a barnes and noble where only his mom came and bought 3 copies of the book. He does this because he's admitted he has nothing else in life and gets some sort of pleasure out of it, anyway, he had me going for a little bit until I saw him descend into cunty autism but the nail in the coffin is this quote that he always uses when people ask to see his writing in these threads (because it's pretty good but it comes from an archived post from years ago back when warosu was up, someone else found that one out, he usually takes any written material from past critique threads but almost always this one):
>"Magnus realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense."
Anyway OP, you should really find something else to occupy your time if this is all you really have.


I politely disagree

>The Atrocity Exhibition

yeah i remember that faggot, has it really been that long? well, maybe part of the reason Veeky Forums is less leftists is because we've all grown up, back then i had just graduated college and was still in the academic marxist bubble, a good half decade in the real world will snap you out of your leftist faggotry, not to say i'm some alt-right goof, i'm just a standard liberal capitalist

I've actually really enjoyed the particular Veeky Forums spin on Veeky Forums's general rightward drift. As someone who went through a pretty hardcore college leftist/"FUCKING CONSERVATARDS" phase, the discovery of rigorous philosophy on the right-wing/traditionalist side has been enlightening and interesting.

That faggot still posts here and on GameFAQs.

basically this..

people get some weird idea of what Veeky Forums is by seeing screencaps and then come in and try to fit in, consequently harming the board; it is very annoying!

and before one of you reddit guys come and tell me that it has always been like this: no, it hasn't always been like this, and has gotten noticeably worse in the past year. the board is awful now!

what are you saying comrade? unchecked immigration has consequences? unpossible.

why did i read that like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
instead of

Fuck off.

>any bookz mak me ror lik tyger? thank yiou

It's not me lol. Is this an automated response that happens anytime you post about him, you seem to do this a lot. Anyway, god bless him, by far the best poster Veeky Forums has ever had.

The 2014 tripfag bout was a recurrence of the 2009-10 plague. In those terrible years, there were some threads that had only tripfag posts. The most resilient of them was Butterfly, a namefag that dissapeared after being impersonated to death in 13'.

Also, lit/ has remained more or less the same for the last 8 years. There's a small number of intelligent people that make valuable contributions, a large number of autists that write funny posts, and the rest is shitposters/DFW-Pynchon fanboys.

The board swinged a bit to the right when pol/ became a popular board, but it quickly recovered. Christposters were the only real threat to lit/ in this decade.

I really don't see people discussing the meme trilogy anymore. Not that I was fond of them, but it was really Veeky Forums's thing. Things really changed desu.

I miss /fitlit/

new Veeky Forums is way better
old Veeky Forums was too slow and a perpetual rehash of the same tired memes (muh dostoevsky, muh rand, muh deep&edgy, muh stirner) and made of a mostly uniform (marxist) userbase. new Veeky Forums is way more colorful, faster and funnier. it's the lefties that are butthurt because their echochamber has been destroyed

Twitter is even better than Veeky Forums as regards speed and fonny maymays, can't understand why anyone would post on this boring old message board.

>no arguments
>hurrr go back 2 pol

Also,coming here for the wiki and recommendations is the only worthy part. I fucking hate you. You make everything so pretentious, like that faggot who added a circa in his meme.

What a coincidence I was just triggered on /mu/ by this dickhead

>the guy who makes the 100 best books of the year and puts the bible at number 1, a book no one reads


What is this "old Veeky Forums" people talk about? I don't get it.

newfag detected

Yeah I miss hundreds of threads about shit books like Gravity's Rainbow or David Foster Wallace postmodern garbage

I wonder if Oytis still lurks

You are retarded. Go back.

Veeky Forums has always been shit. I've been lurking this board since 2009 and I can tell you there's not really much of a difference in terms of quality. I stil browse from time to time because there's occasionally a good thread with interesting discussions, but it's still pretty rare. At least I don't have to see DFW's fucking face all the time now.

you mean you miss who you were during that time period

I know "Reading purely for entertainment is not literature" is a very dank meme around here, but assuming Veeky Forums attempts to cater to most hobbies/interests, where the fuck else do you post these kinds of things? The only other place where this seems feasible is Veeky Forums but they're nothing but /pol/ in disguise, d&d editionwars and warhammer40k circlejerking.

>The most resilient of them was Butterfly, a namefag that dissapeared after being impersonated to death in 13'
Butters has posted consistently up until she made a dramatic exit last september, and only came back a few months ago exclusively posting in shitposting threads.

>last september,
I'm sure we already had a funeral or two for her by that point. How awkward.

I mostly hate /sffg/ because it's destroyed our delightful Gene Wolfe threads. We used to have Wolfe threads all the time, but now he's been ghettoized and it sucks.

>>ya he supported leftists
>>ya he was a stalinist
>>but he wasn't a leftist brah
>>but he's not a marxist, so he's not the capitalist power-slave nu-liberals are
all false

What else would you call someone who posts frogs?

>raises pitch