How come Veeky Forums is so ideologically submissive? Are you guys reading the wrong books or something?

How come Veeky Forums is so ideologically submissive? Are you guys reading the wrong books or something?

I can't believe so many of you guys have jobs, pursue women, enjoy travelling etc. It's perplexing. Why do you invest so much in External Reality (TM)?

I denounced all idealogical demands years ago. I don't have a job, I don't have a sleeping schedule. I rarely bathe. I soil my underwear. I eat whatever I want whenever I want. I only communicate via written notes and angry grunting sounds. I haven't left the house since New Years eve except to take out the garbage. I recognize innate racial hierarchy. I recognize the indelible differences between males and females which make males superior. I am an elitist, and understand that a large percentage of any given population will consist of irredeemably dull and dim-witted cattle-like creatures. I acknowledge suicide is the only aesthetic and intellectual way to die. My diet is unpredictable and uncommon, having transcended ideological restraints in this area; for breakfast today I ate seven bananas dipped in whiskey. I have no friends. No girlfriend. No religion. No national bias. My mommy only tends my needs due to her being an animal-like being whose natural maternal instincts have not been eradicated (as my own familial instincts have been) by a profound genius of which she is obviously incapable. I spent most of each day in a semi-conscious state in bed, pierced occasionally by some sharp insight about existence which forces me to close my eyes and wait for my spleen to pass. I barely get dressed in the summer months. I only read books that are either under 200 pages in length or over 650 pages in length. Most of the books I read are hostile to life and the concept of living; many advocate suicide as a philosophical ideal. I have read over 45 books about World War 2 military history, and spend much of my time daydreaming about serving in the Nazi high command and directing their invasion of Europe and elsewhere. I have long dismissed music and film as inferior art forms and refuse to experience either. I wake mostly at night. My fatigue is so overwhelming at times that in order to navigate the house I simply crawl or drag my lower body from room to room. I weigh 278 pounds and I plan on expanding even further. My mommy claims she doesn't recognize me at times and when I explain in a consciously patronizing and demeaning tone that the concept of a consistent existential self is a myth borne out of our intuitive desire to comprehend our experience in the simplest terms, she shouts at me and cries but eventually apologizes and provides me with another meal. I am beyond alive. I meet all the criteria required of Nietzsche's proposed Ubermensch. There is nothing in the external world capable of shifting my ideological position, which is itself founded on ironic nothingness.

dank blog post

keep me posted on hot new developments

What does this have to do with the works of goncharov?

i kek

you gotta herd of nigger cattle

A new pasta is born. Thanks for the keks friendo

Are you the shitbird who makes all the other pastas around here, including the one admitting to the fact and apologising for doing so, before promising to bugger off to a monastery? We all figured that was another one.

21st century memelord version of Ignatius

>implying he isn't posting this from his monastery

ive seen this meme done better, 2/10

If this is Shitpost-Pessoa, then this is one of your more disappointing works. I don't know if the paragraphing is supposed to be avant-garde, but it just isn't effective. The concept also doesn't stand out in any real way, very /r9k/ frankly.

I expect more, but I guess it can't be a home run every time.

Take a break and get back to the pasta with a fresh mind

reads kind of like beckett cum kafka

6/10 fanfic

Cool, but this was done better by Huysmans over a hundred years ago.

>why do you have a job

Because it's better than starving under a bridge.

Be a NEET and claim welfare

you can do that?

Of course. Fucking moron. They used to call it the "artist's grant" because so many artists went on welfare. Quit your job, get diagnosed with autism, go to the welfare / benefits office, get a guaranteed money supply every week or month while spending all your time writing. There is literally no reason not to do it.

literally me

>Fucking moron.
No need to insult me friend

Moist of lit reeds for the same reason they do anything: Approval.

They Kant be expected to Think Different. They reed Tolstoy like a Normie wears Abercrombie: To Fit in, just a different fit.

from who?

My apologies. A-are we still friends?

*looks shyly at the ground*

From 'intelligent' people by their standards.

I forgive you.

It's May, shouldn't you be at your Trappist monastery by now?

>Trappist monastery

Fuck that imagery made me hard. Imagine living in the middle of nowhere in some aesthetic as fuck old building not having to work and living with a bunch of slutty teenage dickgirls who have taken a vow of silence. Oh my god.


Kill yourself fuck stain

Imagine breeding all of them constantly and having people transport your progeny to faraway places so you know your genes have spread far and wide but you don't have to raise them while you keep breeding your flock.

Heavily pregnant teenage dickgirls. You're on your way back to your small barely furnished room. You hear giggling along the stone corridor. You walk quietly to the cozy cramped library and see a small semi-circle of your trans harem with their backs to the door and laughing about something. You cough to gain their attention and they all turn at once, blushing and open-mouthed, their fat bellies hanging out, their little flaccid pink dicks out too. What were they giggling about? you wonder. Then you see the milk dripping from their nipples. Their breasts are smooth, taught and flabby. You walk in and take the nearest dick girl by the fingers and lead her silently away. She gasps in excitement and waves to her friends, who bite their lips and look at her as if to say "have fun!". Quietly you lead her along the passageways until you reach your room. Inside you turn to bolt the door and before you've turned completely around she's already on her back, on the single bed, her legs spread and her little pink dick semi-erect now and her anus a little gaped from her excitement. She presses her lips together and looks up at you expectantly. You turn her on her side and lie behind her, kissing her forehead and then reaching down to navigate yourself inside her.

Listen, I like dickgirls like any other straight male but, this was a little too much alright

this is no shit how I imagine most of Veeky Forums

I appreciated it user. I would prefer actual girls that I could impregnate though.

Absolute degeneracy

The boypussy has tremendous adaptative qualities, it can serve as an uterus in times where the population of females (female) is low...

This is an untruth

/ladyboy/ here

we are but crazy diamonds user
shine on my brother
shine on!

Exactly what I thought of while reading it, at least Ignatius left his house regularly though.

What happens once ur mum dies

if he's 280 pounds and plans on 'expanding', I don't think it would be a large concern.


came here to post this, I wonder if OP will top himself like toole

back to /r9k/ with you

you have yet to realize that history is nothing but politicized lies
seems you're nothing but another brainlet

oblomov was the original neet

The beginning is definitely a hook, "ideologically submissive", certainly something that's was well thought due to the cuckolding meme and the often thrown insult of "pseud" on Veeky Forums.

I love the initial body, really driving home the NEET elements sprinkled with just plain grotesque behavior. You should have definitely brought up pissbottles and that you busted a hole in the drywall to shove them in there-- explaining the specific heat of urine is greater than ifiberglass, thus providing a better insulating factor than it. The elements regarding the male/female superiority dichotomy is absolute gold in constrat with your opening statement-- some would easily respond with a comment about their, "...almonds activating..." or something of that degree. You certainly titillate the feeling of ire with the use of “aesthetic”. One of my larger qualms with this piece as a whole is your lack of using it further. I, from a place of hoping that my overall criticism will be generative to this piece is that: you should be using this term far more often and in many contexts that would otherwise be nonsensical to the average reader. I believe the segue into your mother’s opinion of you was a bit hamfisted, while still appreciated— the Nietzschean tropes are an excellent particle to the piece as a whole and ending it with the comment of irony was truly an excellent end. I give 6/10 on style, 6.5/10 on execution and 8/10 on ideas presented. Please don’t be discouraged by these scores. You’re coming from a place of immense ability and the potential for improvement.

The typo at the start of the second paragraph is a bold move, and the content is strong. But the flimsy appeal to Nietzsche is just tone deaf to board culture right now, and closing it out with so ugly a phrase as "ironic nothingness" leaves fuzz on the tongue. Definitely not pastable. Try again next month.

An amendment to my original critique-- I believe this piece should have included some sort of reference to brap-posting unironically and some sort of reference in regard to trap fetishism.

He was a landed gentleman not really a neet


>I denounced all idealogical demands years ago
Stopped reading.
Why go on? This said it all.

"Not in Education, Employment, or Training".

Rich NEETs are still NEETs. Passive income isn't a job.