>Landels, Music in Ancient Greece & Rome
It's hard to tell how much this board has changed in that amount of time. I'm not sure if I accurately remember it very much or if my memories have been distorted. I remember DFW and Joyce posting dominated. This board seems to cycle between NEET friendly to NEET hatred. At that time it was very NEET friendly.
Age: location, current book, and how long you have been on Veeky Forums
>Tri-state area
>Pnin/anthology of analytic philosophy
>summer 2015
I came to lit during a period of heavy DFW and Pynchon posting. As it happens, I was lucky enough to almost be done with IJ before coming here so I wasn't tainted. The other day I remembered a phase this board went through but I can't remember it now... I wish I could though
Big Bad Love and Book of Disquiet
>Atlas Shrugged, DFW's Oblivion, and Hesse's Stories of Five Decades
>Maybe a year. /v/ refugee trying to become cultured
I only learned about Wallace from this board. I wouldn't quite say I wish I hadn't. I did feel like I got memed with IJ but I think I found enough of his essays funny enough to balance it out a bit.
The Tetherballs of Bougainville
New England
Brothers Karamazov and The Sound and the Fury
Remember this board started up just before Salinger died.
"The True History of the Kelly Gang", "Gargantua and Pantagruel", "A Handful of Dust", "Cloud Street", "Infinite Jest".
2011. But I've been coming to Veeky Forums since 06.
Dead Souls - Gogol, recently been reading Faulkner.
>Gargantua and Pantagruel
>Irregular visitor since the board's creation. On Veeky Forums since 2006 or 2007 as a 13 year old underage ban newfag who probably accidentally traumatized himself with furryporn, lolicon, violent pornography, neo-Nazism and shitty memes, but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, ja, mein fuhrer?
Spoopy that you are reading the same book.
>Pacific Northwest
>Against the Day, Blood Meridian
>Not regularly until maybe three years ago.
I couldn't stand Veeky Forums's inception with all the tripfriends. The recent Reddit influx has taken a lot of the edge off and added plebbery.
>infinite jest
>since last summer
I came seeking the origin of the Stirner memes that were circulating around that time. Unfortunately, by the time I got around to reading The Ego and His Own, stirnirposting had largely died out
>Don Quixote, Symposium
>Whenever the fuck Gamergate started
I-it's not for the reason you think.
>Rilke, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
>actively, since end of last year
Veeky Forums is a negative influence on me and it's not even all that fun
>The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
>The Buried Giant
>~20 minutes, I just woke up
>little book of common sense investing
on deck: inherent vice or notes
wow Veeky Forums has many newfriends!
Sublime Object of Ideology
>Master & Margarita / Never Let Me Go
>2014, probably
Thus bad Begins
Since its inception jesus christ
The Tartar Steppe
Damn, If I'd have to take a guess I'd say somewhere in 2013. It seems to me it was slower back then, more friendly, especially to femanons, yet it also had more serious discussion, not nearly as much shitposting.
It might just be my warped memory though.
>Number and Numbers by Alain Badiou
Honestly I don't know any NEETs and I've never been one so I was never interested in that characteristic of this board
Normies plz leave
>The Master and Margarita
I've been on and off the board, so i can't keep up with all the shifts in trends and memes. I remember everyone using the greek meme when i first showed up, and then a lot of DFW and Joyce stuff. Seems a huge influx of lonely NEETS has recently made its way to us, but that may just be a summer thing. could be the weather, cause i feel shitty too, or it could be summerfags. who knows?
>It seems to come and go. Somewhere near the start of Trumps campaign for president /pol/ exploded in its user base to make up over half of all Veeky Forums traffic. I think the NEET resurgence is because of the /pol/ overflow.
Muh nigga.
Rereading The God Delusion
Been here since that list was posted on r/books
>Rereading The God Delusion
>Been here since that list was posted on r/books
came in 2014. i remember a lot of DFW/Pynchon/Joyce posting as well...it was insane. Stiner was huge for a while too.
Sometimes old memes pop up and it makes me nostalgic. Veeky Forums seemed to lose a step when Veeky Forums was made, though I think we've bounced back
Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
You need to go back ya pinhead.
>The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
>literally day 1
I miss Isabelle Huppert, Deep and Edgy, and Butterfly.
Board is still basically the same, but with less interesting figures and way lower quality philosophy discussions. Also a lot more shitposting but that's cross-Veeky Forums.
Pick up Hitch-22 and Arguably if you haven't yet.
>Currently working on a paper on Thucydides, also reading Walker Percy, Love in the Ruins
>been on here since last fall
>Lacan's Écrits, and a Poetry Collection by Walt Whitman
I feel like a lot more interest has been taken in philosophy on this board. I appreciate that /pol/ posters are usually received with indignation as rightfully stigmatized pseuds and nazis; that's been quite the pleasure to see since there seems to have been an influx of frog posters since I first arrived. Otherwise, as expected, people don't really talk about """literature""" too much anymore, despite how there seems to be a covert rising of interest in literature and philosophy outside this board in recent years.
>Costa Rica
>(((Echo of Greece)))
what do they say about small DFW pictures?
>11/22/63, might start Berlin Alexanderplatz, War of the Worlds, Der Verdacht and/or Infinite Jest next
>been here first in late 2015, followed by a 1-year hiatus, back here for about a week now
>January 2015
Since shortly after the inception of the board
Yes, it is worse.
>not missing Sunhawk
>Maclean, The Elimination of Morality. Kenney, The Mysticism of Saint August. Burbid, The Logic of Hegel's Logic.
>turned 21 4th of may
>started and finished aeschylus' the suppliants today, currently on Job (kjv) and when I'm out, I read the book of disquiet
can't tell for sure, but I would say I started lurking Veeky Forums around 2014
American Psycho
It's my first time back on Veeky Forums in several months. I took a long term break from this site and it's unsurprising yet bizarre how little things change
also, anyone remember the *epic*
>he doesn't use footnotes
thread from winter 14/15? I had a lot of great bumps. Where does the time go? :')
St louis
Blood meridian, shadow of the torturer
>Das Kapital, How God Became King, Wolf Among Wolves, listening to War and Peace
>2012, off and on
I stopped going to /a/ largely because I hate the circle jerks around hating naruto and flavour of the month shit. Sure this board circle jerks too but at least you're allowed to discuss things Veeky Forums doesn't like. I'm greatful either way, I can find anything /a/ talks about very easily, even supposedly obscure shit, but this board has introduced me to some 10/10 stuff I wouldn't have found on my own like Stoner, so.
>Trinidad & Tobago
>The Royal Porkinpigg