THIS is the face of the """"man"""" you fucks actually believe can save Western civilization.
THIS is the face of the """"man"""" you fucks actually believe can save Western civilization.
Other urls found in this thread:
Sounds to me like you're criticizing his gender expression
>secure enough in his own body that he's fine with looking silly when his daughter asks him to help her in class as a model for makeup
>wow what a disgusting man how could this guy ever be a role model for good family values
Please less shitty Peterson threads though
>Veeky Forums is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to Veeky Forums. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on Veeky Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
get out you mongrel shit-cunt
There's already a JBP thread up, go complain there
I'm not going to cowtow to his gender expression just because he asks me to, and especially not if he tries to force me to by way of Ontario law. He needs to sort himself out.
>"looking silly"
He willingly let his daughter emasculate him and show it around publicly.
You're just as bad as those who would see a picture like that and proclaim it a victory
It's a man with paint on his face with no ulterior motive. You are an insecure faggot with a head clouded with /pol/'s pesticide. Of course you're not going to be able to recognize it. You people never can.
What? pol hates peterson now?
Well plenty of them do but that's not the aspect I'm talking about. I'm talking about those who piss themselves when they see a man in make-up because he's "emasculating himself"
Give me some recs for Jungians who aren't drag queens, then.
I can wait.
There's an oedipal mother in all of us though
Really good argument
t. anti-SJW
And? I'm not a cuckold, I don't dress in drag, and I believe in traditional Western values. It's better than being a Positivist or a literal Jungian Queen.
so being an anti-SJW helps you repress all those things? makes sense to each his own.
He literally posted it on the Internet because he thought it was le quirky.
Peterson is a fraud.
>to each his own
A subjective view of the world leads to moral degeneracy. You need to sort yourself out.
>I'm not a cuckold, I don't dress in drag, and I believe in traditional Western values.
I am the same as you in every one of those ways. You're still behaving like a fucking princess
>eeeeeek!! get that makeup away from me!! what would my daddies on /pol/ think if i got really famous as a western traditionalist thinker on youtube[1] and then they unearthed embarrassing pictures of me in makeup and made fun of me?? i'd be so shattered emotionally like the delicate little dickbaby i am :(((
[1] Don't even try to tell me you haven't had this fantasy at one point or another
>this guy is an intellectual
lmao psychology
>getting this fucking emotional
>defending Peterson
I'm saying it's okay that you choose to repress all the shit you want to do behind some "muh traditional western values" BS. Nobody gets to that point without either being touched by their uncle or having a really shit life.
>I am the same as you in every one of those ways.
>Don't even try to tell me you haven't had this fantasy at one point or another
Stop projecting your moral degeneracy onto me. We're nothing alike, drag lover.
I'll have to send this batch back. Not a single argument in sight.
I bet you don't even have a coherent working definition of "moral degeneracy"
>everybody who wants traditional values is just compensating bro!
How the fuck can someone be this dumb?
Who is compensating for something, the supporters of constant social change or conservatives?
Please refer to
Awww, look, someone is gonna try to deconstruct our hegemonic Western views through Socratic deconstruction!
Kind of difficult to explain all of the different varying domains of the subject, so:
Read The Bible, then Tolstoy.
There you go.
you clearly are though, you might get it if you understood people on any level at all.
you're both overcompensating retard, hence the term anti-SJW. anyone who superficially aligns themselves with some pseudo-political movement has nothing going for them and does it to give their boring shitty lives meaning.
>I'm not a cuckold
>I believe in traditional Western values
Pick one and only one cuck
Zany Peterson is best Peterson.
Social justice is a PSEUDO political movement?
Holy fuck, we're reaching levels of retarded we never thought possible. We need to go back and get Catholic Veeky Forums back.
>Thou shalt not covet
Wow, totally supporting cuckoldry there.
Nice projections
Great, now he's not only a Queen, he's also a towelhead.
He's a saint, bucko.
Thanks, not my native language but still something I shouldn't fuck up
I think you missed the part I wrote about feeling secure about himself. Being afraid to make a grimace to your newborn son because of what people on the table next to you might think of your distorted face is about as cucked as you can get.
I know you're not serious but it's from his daughter's Instagram
Come on if you're going to be a small-dicked faggot at least be able to read.
You know it's true.
>small dicked faggot
Who's projecting who here? Sort yourself out.
.. but he's right?
Also calling someone small-dicked on the Internet is probably the oldest projection there is
It isn't, really. Not everyone is a degenerate like you.
You're projecting masculinity onto Peterson. He's a faggot and a hack who thinks archetypes actually mean something, do you really think being a Queen is so far off from the truth?
Who said anything about projection? Nice samefagging.
You think SJWs have any impact on actual policy? I know you're retarded but come on.
>muh projections
So by your logic if you call anyone anything on the internet it's because you feel that about yourself? Maybe for you it's that way, faggot.
>When you tell other people to sort themselves out but you haven't sorted yourself out because you still get up in women's makeup and meme about archetypes as a profession
How does that make any sense? You're clearly butthurt because you can't come to terms that you're just a boring loser who found a way to make fwens under some cheap political guise.
...You do realize the only reason Peterson became popular in the first place was because of a strongly social-justice influenced law, yeah? Or are you actually just talking out your ass here?
No, I don't think he's masculine at all and I'm glad I'm not like him but I do think he's a good father and that it needs some confidence to do what he did there. Also I think Jung and archetypes are retarded.
I'm not the guy you were discussing with but if you think SJWs had no impact on e.g. the election despite one candidate making a website about Pepe and pandering to SJWs and the other candidate having Pepe on their social media too and running on the platform of "stop pandering to the SJWs and say whatever you want to say", then you're the dumbest guy I've seen here.
Also, no, not anything, just the whole small-dicked faggot thing is fairly common including studies which show its relevance as a projection.
I would disagree with you in that there are better ways of being a father. Undermining your role as the father figure by letting your daughter emasculate you is not the right way to parent, it reinforces a level of control that the child has over your ability to govern the house. Besides, the only girl who needs to use their dad as a makeup template is one that has no friends, which stems from further failures in the house. Not to mention he probably spends most of his time away from his kids anyway, especially when lecturing in other cities.
ur saying wot were all thinkin ;)
Sorry and we're probably on the same side in general but you're reaching here. It happened when she was fairly old, he's not lecturing in other cities (though travelling now for interviews) and judging from said Instagram, the girl is pregnant from some ripped guy with a boat. You can probably do worse.
The whole emasculation thing is really one I don't have an opinion on.. maybe if he made him do an actual drag thing but you shouldn't go crazy over some makeup for a class.
So you have one socio-political example? In Canada?
You realize actual SJWs are a minority of the population? You have to be borderline retarded to think actual SJWs had a significant impact on the elections.
Also, not really. Studies? lmao. Talking about someone else projecting is always deflection off yourself being butthurt by the insult (probably with reason).
Them being a minority of the population was a reason Clinton lost and Trump won, but it doesn't mean she didn't pander to them and if you deny that, you're plain stupid. Her own campaign admitted it.
Also, you're moving the goal post in your response to the other guy. But feel free to look at the Green party program in Germany, or border politics in Europe in general. Don't be an idiot.
Don't really care about your last point, just not a fan of people being vulgar during a debate, makes it hard to take them seriously and then it feels even more like wasting time. If you compulsively call everyone small-dicked or a faggot I'm still pretty sure there's something wrong with you.
Justin Trudeau is an SJW and the Prime Minister of Canada. So fuck off with your nonsense about them not having actual political influence.
She was also a self-admitted depressive throughout most of her life, apparently. Same with her father.
And there's no animosity on this side, dude. As long as we can both agree on three things:
1. Tolstoy is better than Dostojewski
2. Positivism is a fucked system of thinking
3. Jung is not an acceptable answer to Positivism
Then we have nothing to argue about.
What? So the anti-SJWs were a majority then? Are you seriously this retarded?
The Green Party rules Germany then? Don't cite minor details as all-encompassing proof that's just weak and stupid.
Yes don't care about my last point because much like your entire post it doesn't make any sense. By your internet logic tall people will never call someone short and big dicked people will never call someone small dicked and good looking people will never call someone ugly. Would love to see the studies you mentioned lmao.
>So you have one socio-political example? In Canada?
How about US judicial decisions then?
>What is Roe v. Wade
>What is Obergefell v. Hodges