Is there any point in reading? inevitably you're not smart enough to understand what you're reading...

is there any point in reading? inevitably you're not smart enough to understand what you're reading, or there's an older, more influential book that when you read it, you'll have to go back and read everything else you've ever read to get everything you can out of it. i have this nagging sensation that the truth isn't out there, or it's dangling right in front of me and laughing that i can't see it and/or won't grab it

theres like no point in anything

well you're always getting something from anything imo unless you just blur right past the lines in a mad nihilistic antipathic haze. I think you could probably get everything you need from any one source seeing as all you need really is to survive, but to live well and happy, art may help in that regard for some kind of reconciliation to real love.

Your nagging sensation needs to be killed off.

Some books just lead people down deep dark and stupid paths. Read good stuff.

You overcomplicate things.

You should just do what you do because you enjoy doing it.
Who fucking cares if anyone pokes holes into who you are as a person, for what you do for your own enjoyment, as long as you find meaning in that activity i.e. the words you read and those words you write, thats what matters. Thats life's purpose.

The only truth is the truth thats in motion. Forever changing to your whim.

>reading books out of an autistic obligation rather than personal curiosity

>You should just do what you do because you enjoy doing it.
So if I read scifi all day for escapism, then watch 90s space operas to relax, masturbate to femdom mainly ballbusting, then listen to asmr before I go to sleep it doesn't matter at all?
Am I a good person?

>you'll have to go back and read everything else you've ever read to get everything you can out of it
Where did this fucking meme originate? Do you not have object permanence or something?

>enjoying things will pay you and give you food and house

Why are you still living if you don't understand this

I was hoping you had left

I have.
I'm free to come and go as I please.

You sound like a pretty ok person to me.
I probably wouldn't care for the wanking shit myself though. You aren't causing harm to anyone or yourself, are you?

Work is a necessary evil. I have always been of the 'work to live' mind. But that doesnt mean work cant be fun in its own right. Overcoming challenges can be incredibly rewarding. But all work and no play makes Jack and very, very dull boy.

Not the same user but what about all play and no work? Also wanking is good for your life; its proven that doing it 3 times a week extends your life by reducing stress, so anything which reduces stress (without harming anyone else like you say) is a definite pro.

Better to face the reality you're escaping from or at least support it somehow.

I masturbate as well a few times a week. I'm not prudish on the subject. I just think its a bit much to tell the world, even the anonymous world, what you wank to so brazenly is all. But thats just me though.(Just imagining that user in the room with me, talking about what hes jerking it too and feeling a bit uncomfortable about it)

All play is ok in my book. A bit unrealistic admittadely, but I mean, if you can find work that feels like play too and pays well enough to support your other endeavours its fine . Its possible. My old man works as an electrician. Loves his job and he has other hobbies too that he engages in with his spare time.

I dont blame people that go full-on NEET. Worlds pretty shitty and if we could all get away with that lifestyle I think we'd all at least consider it.

I use kitchen utensils to hurt my manhood e.g. meat tenderiser, spatula and a jug filled with water to weigh down my balls. I drop a really heavy dictionary on my flattened, outstretched balls and I feel a permanent dull pain in them afterwards, I also feel sick to my stomach sometimes I feel a little lightheaded.
I get really scared when I cut off the circulation to my balls, they go really numb after 20 minutes or so and they feel really cold.

When I shove ginger, cotton swabs coated in tabasco sauce with lemon juice down my peehole my urethra stings for weeks after when I go to piss. I wish I had a cute girl who enjoyed doing these things to me

I find it hilarious that someone would be so open, its like diogenes jerking it in public. Its just unfortunate that society has been indoctrinated to be so afraid of their genitals and to consider them privates even though biblically that was part of the downfall of man when really its natural and sexy. I don't agree with ball-busting though that's a bit crazy, maybe spanking but nothing mutilatory, preserve life.

This is all a bit tangential to the actual thread though so whatever, try to have fun and work, or have fun and don't and be a shameful drain but at least you aren't unhappy, OR be a vagabond and eat trash with the bums but feel like less of a drain. And take art in cause it makes you think about what to do.

As autistic a response as I expected

This is why you have to leave. If you keep thinking there's a solution, you'll die here. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you? There are no answers, only choices.

are you talking about lit or life?

The truth is learning. Yes, if you can't remember stuff from what you've read then you're wasting your time.

Try writing down notes after each chapter you read and keep a list of your favorite quotes
