Reddit: The Book

Reddit: The Book

I enjoyed it

It was alright

Read it when I was 12 don't remember anything now expect that demolishing and shit, will read again soon.

Sequel is better
The whole series peaks when you find out the bowl of petunia's backstory though

>bowl of petunia's backstory though
what is it? i forget

It's a being which is continually reincarnated (in a non-sequential order) and killed by Arthur. After a while it starts to remember its past lives and realises what's going on. It tries to kill him at one point, but realises too late that some of its deaths at his hand haven't happened yet.

HGttG is the only book Veeky Forums can't make me hate

Veeky Forums: the book

I've read books 1 and 2. Started the third book twice but can't seem to finish that one. Make me, Veeky Forums.

>if reddit likes something that means I cant enjoy it


>If reddit likes something most of the time is at best because society at large likes it and at worst because they want to fit into a particular circle in reddit and gain popularity in said circle


World War Z is probably more Reddit.

Also, I find it ironic that Veeky Forums shits on Reddit when the majority of users here legitimately enjoy Nietzsche

Fair enough. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy it though.

You gotta understand the time and place it was written
it simply aged into a circumstance that makes it seem utterly repulsive

>if something appeals to a wide audience that means its bad and I cant enjoy it

>impying the lowest common denominator devalues a book just because they like it

that's actually a really good point. if you read it in 1979, it'd be a kind of esoteric breath of fresh air

It's not a bad book. It's not the greatest thing ever written though, which is why you'll be disappointed if someone told you it was. Marvin was funny.

Not worth it. The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy is the best book, and the only reason to read book one is to understand it. Disregard the rest of the series.

I doubt anyone would tell you it's a literary masterpiece but it's an extremely funny and light-hearted book and my all time favorite book.

>Lowest common denominator likes something
>That doesnt devaluate that something

Your being is in need of returning to a previous location once frequented by yourself


but user Im not mexican

looks like we've got an individual on our hands

/r/books will frequently tell you it's a literary masterpiece, along with anything by Terry Pratchett
