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>discussion on /pol/ autism and the meme war


/who is this academic cluster-fuck? why is he popular here?

having we given up on zizek as meme/buffoon "philosopher" of choice

Peterson constantly sounds like he's about to burst into tears

dragons have gold just like the future... it'll do you in... and that's why the hero goes and gets the gold (just like the hobbot and beowolf) this is the oldest story of mankind btw. it's totally chaos and the frog is the guardian. the frog is the thing that doesn't fit into categories... tadpole/adult... it doesn't fit. and it's thing that don't fit which blow apart the category... just like the transgenders... and they put you in the state of chaos.... so what are the rules when operating in chaos? Tell the damn truth. It's all you've got... that's the guidepost... truth is a strange thing.... often a hero has to assimilate their darkside before they can tell the truth... just like the in hobbit... that's the thing about telling the truth- it burns off deadwood... it's a sword... a truth warrior... in this time of chaos... and what emerges is sometimes catastrophe... sometimes it never swings back... the dragon just eats you and that's the end of that. We're in a transition period... an unstable period.... that's why this is resonating with people... it's not about pronouns.... well it is... but it's more than that... it's not a little thing bucko it's way deeper than that...


well, Veeky Forums is mainly comprised of nigger-faggits, so naturally, they either don't have fathers, or have daddy issues. peterson fulfils this function for both groups as he acts like a father figure.

hey, thats pretty good


>he will never be your father

I've mostly been ignoring this dude. How many people here take this guy seriously? I mean this might sound nice if you don't think about it at all, but its pretty clearly a mixture of obvious truths and wild associations that don't mean anyting

the interaction between these two is fucking surreal


how so?

15 mins in and they've already denied the existence of intersex people

I don't think many people here take him seriously. They're not reading and discussing his books or sincerely building their arguments around his ideas like you can occasionally see on Veeky Forums with Nick Land or Marx. He's entertainment, sort of like an even lighter Zizek. He's charismatic, he's well-read and intelligent, and he takes firm stances on society and culture that are already popular with Veeky Forums's audience

People like to watch him talk and might follow him up on a book recommendation. His psychobabble doesn't necessarily reflect reality, but it's fun to think about and has enough depth that it could even provoke insight. At the very least, he seems to be inspiring a lot of aimless young men to get their shit together

this guy is off his fucking rocker.

Everything he has said in this podcast has been entirely accurate and Veeky Forums is just throwing a temper tantrum ITT because they can't compete with his ideas.

this is so embarrassing. anti-intellctual.

Ive never given much attention to any of the discussions around this person

So how do you sort yourself out exactly according to him? Or is it just a meme?

Accept Christ in your heart and buy his shitty selfhelp books

kekistan boys

by cleaning your room

>him talking about Derrida

everyone who didn't sage is a viral marketer

Attend his online self authoring class for the low price of 20 dollars (limited time only).

He's good up until he tries to engage with his newfound audience. He's completely out of his depth there and it shows in the weird invitations he accepts. He made sense of one topic, now weird people are asking him to make sense of other topics, and he tries his best at answering them but that doesn't go too well.

What does "taking seriously" mean? He's not a philosopher, he's basically being a pundit. You can either agree with his analysis of society or not.
That's unless you venture into the metaphysical side of his lectures but no one really cares about that and it's certainly not where those millions of views are coming from.

>because they can't compete with his ideas
It's not even that, it's mostly just Veeky Forums being three things: gay, Marxist, and, and especially contrarian


The """"""""""""Postmodernists""""""""""""""

>Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan podcast

Can't get any more pseud than this. SAGE

I've been listening to this shit for 10 minutes.

Peterson is more of a retard than Rogan. Holy shit.

>when the brainlets try to punch up

a bit pitiful to be honest

How so?



well no because
*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds

kek on the file name

his anger and resentment shines through and its made him intellectually lazy


him and rogan talking about "toxic masculinity" was great, along with the part about the 1% SJWs.

gotta say he came across as kind of a lunatic on this one

he must be really tired :(

love u jp


he's a fairly smart guy but this is the only reason 90% of people watch him. i'm not leftist either, i'm just sick of this retarded us vs. them meme culture. get fucked.

that podcast was based as fuck. He btfo out of liberals, sjws, hillary, postmodumbism, and marxists. it's about time actual logic is being broascasted to the world instead of the emotions and subjective feelings of dumb ass leftists

It shows

I didn't watch it but at this point he can really only repeat himself and he gets more rambly with every new interview. If you already know all the arguments you can digest it just fine and get your fix, but to every new viewer he must appear worse and worse so I'd advise him to take a break or at least to go easy on any topic he hasn't thought about for longer. There's no point to an ad hoc synthesis of Pepe, Jesus, archetypes and electon results.

I think the best part about him is actually how he tries not to feed into the us vs. them and encourages dialogue and to look at your own pathologies before you masturbate over someone else's flaws.

I choose to believe is bait. I really like JP's psychology. also quite liked Maps of Meaning, but I really wish he'd read Heidegger first

What would be different if he had read Heidegger? (Who taught at my university and now we have to rename streets named after him because of SJWs)

Good pol OC :)

lol good post bro

Dasein and Aletheia are two ideas that might have taken him a little further along in his investigations (especially in his first presuppositions about objective/subjective meaning).

also, unrelated, and it's unlikely that he'll ever be able to get round to a follow-up now that he's a celebrity, but would have been interesting how interacting with tens of thousands of others shaped his beliefs around world-pictures

This guy is good for /pol/ I'd like all /pol/fags to become like Peterson

Who /petersonfan/ here?

That's actually a pretty good picture, apart from the title.

S-stop, just let me be cynical user


I can't reply to this epic bread

Why is this on lit, what kind of literature related things are being discussed?
Nice job sneaking a thread into Veeky Forums

he talked about his book maps of meaning in the podcast

Ha thanks, my problem actually wasn't even with "admiring", it was more with "philosophy" because the whole pronoun thing is more common sense than a philosophy but on second thought, at least his stance on a metaphysical prerequisite for morals deserves the term.
Either way, unironically glad people like him, even if it triggers Veeky Forums.

>author does an interview, discussing his book, society and philosophy
>choose to screech here instead of any of the shitty threads open right now just because your ideology is triggered

>practising psychologist and professor who has studied marxism, fascism and the dangers of ideology for 40 years

>retarded post-modernist marxists on Veeky Forums

Who do you think draws more weight in their arguments?

Do you really think a Ph.D in psychology makes you an expert in Marxism?

15 minutes of fame.

I talked about Don Quixote while filming your mother's latest scat video.

I like Peterson and I study a lot of the things he attacks. I think his heart is in the right place and he's an interesting and insightful guy. But even more than that, I think it's good that people are latching onto these sort of grassroots public intellectuals instead of having "Acceptable Public Intellectuals" decided for them by the media.

This is a professor who devotes a considerable amount of his time to activism, to speak out against a social issue he cares about and many people clearly also care about. He's on a free podcast that hundreds of thousands of laypeople will listen to. It may not be perfect, but it's a good example of civic engagement.


post it

Nice appeal to authority.

>professor who has studied marxism, fascism and the dangers of ideology for 40 years
>dangers of pathalogical belief systems
u r dumb

Not an argument

Neither was yours.

Yeah, it was a question, idiot.

It was clearly a rhetorical one, considering your greentext.

I'd much rather have Zizek as a father than Peterson.

>So you're saying everything we know about the world is a posteriori knowledge derived from our interpretation of sense data transmitted from noumena, and that the mind is a separate entity creating a dualistic reality where we can also uncover a priori truths?
>Wow... that's insane *pause*
>Did you see that video of a lion getting jacked by an eagle? Holy shit Jamie pull that up.

>Joe Rogan

I don't know much about him, but he sounds like a "dude weed lmao" character. Why would an intellectual go to his show? Made me lose some respect for Jordan, desu.

Wow, i feel like a kid at the movies right before watching Joe interview Peterson. Deep breath, get comfortable, have a glass of water and let the education begin. Peterson is quite possibly the most important guest. His information could be the difference between life and death. He's right in the eye of the storm.

Peterson has gone on molyneux, crowder, pretty sure a few more dumbfuck youtubers. He's not an intellectual in any field other than his own he's just riding the anti-SJW wave and getting money from his dumbfuck minions.

Where do you get that he actually studied those things properly? Plus you can't even spell pathological and you're calling someone dumb you're a fucking retarded cunt.

As a fellow marxist I have to agree with this post.

Nah I'm an egoist just that anyone who listens to a preacher with academic credentials is a dumbfuck.

i saw the molyneux one and it was surprisingly interesting, the bald guy didnt seem as crazy as pol says he is

check his book Maps of Meaning bro. There are lectures that explain it quite well. Guy's done his homework for sure

He does ask a good question at the start of the podcast; why it's acceptable to flaunt the hammer and sickle flag when carrying the Nazi flag isn't.

(((They))) allow it. To be honest, Peterson keeps wailing about marxists and telling the truth he never mentions how Jews permeate marxism. Also, when talking about male feminists he never mentions the similarities they share with MtF transsexual freaks. Being a man is hard. So it's easy to be a woman or their "ally". Peterson doesn't listen to his own advice although a lot of the time I don't listen to my own advice so who am I to tell the world how the economy should be run when my room is dirty.

Because the communists didn't target anyone who wasn't white, are you retarded?

So what you're saying is that genocide and human rights abuses are totally fine as long as you're not a racist about it.

that's because he is

Because communism is at least good in theory. Fascism is shit in theory and practice.

>Peterson keeps wailing about marxists and telling the truth he never mentions how Jews permeate marxism.

This argument (being generous here) doesn't make any sense.

Communists promise a world in which all people are free, democracy is universal and no man may stand on another man.
Nazism at its core promotes dominance, subjugation and outright extermination of those outside its accepted group.

You might admonish its practicallity and associate it to what has happened under people who acted under its banner but there is nothing wrong in believing in its ideals like Nazism no matter how many times you tell people to read muh Gulag Archipelego

Yeah thats what he's saying, you're a smart one

>He's not an intellectual in any field other than his own

Thats being very generous, unless by field you mean Jungian occultism

>Because communism is at least good in theory.

when will this meme die? it's an unfair system in it's basis.

>Communists promise a world in which all people are free

Yeah buts at least its not outright trying to be

Its the promise, I'm saying they'll come through with it

Because they were on our side during WW2, dumbass. Isn't that obvious?

>What does "taking seriously" mean? He's not a philosopher

Oh fuck off with this. I don't claim to be a Dentist but if I have my fingers in your mouth I deserve to be called out for it