Who is smarter?
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums?
Who is smarter?
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums, by far, i'm never there
There are no smart people on the chan.
Veeky Forums > Veeky Forums >>> Veeky Forums
this. Veeky Forums is fucking horrendous.
/pol/ is smarter than all of them out together. They actually know the truths of this world while the rest are blue-pilled cucks.
t. young /pol/ newposter
great board but there are plenty of retards there.
Veeky Forums is trash, but the top users there are the only actually smart people on the site.
Unironically /jp/
>2017 4/jp/
i love idol stuff sempai desu
Only Americans
Veeky Forums is honestly one of the dumbest boards here.
>Veeky Forums
Get woke user.
Veeky Forums > Veeky Forums
Not even a STEMfag but this board is cancerous and has been for a while, long enough that the people pretending to be retarded have normalized retarded behavior and lowered the general intelligence.
Veeky Forums is still gutter trash though goddamn. Maybe it'll clear up when /bant/ takes off but I doubt it
Veeky Forums is a bunch of highschool and college kids trying to do their homework
Veeky Forums is /pol-lite/
Veeky Forums is a rigidly dogmatic elitist hipster club
>Veeky Forums
>smart people
Veeky Forums or /an/ tbqhwy family
>but this board is cancerous and has been for a while, long enough that the people pretending to be retarded have normalized retarded behavior and lowered the general intelligence.
Thats pretty much Veeky Forums too
>Veeky Forums is a rigidly dogmatic elitist hipster club
You say that like its a bad thing
Know how I know you really aren't a STEMfag?
You think Veeky Forums is any better.