Post writers who should have been executed
Post writers who should have been executed
>On 15 November 1945 Pound was transferred to the United States. An escorting officer's impression was that "he is an intellectual 'crackpot' who imagined that he could correct all the economic ills of the world and who resented the fact that ordinary mortals were not sufficiently intelligent to understand his aims and motives."[122] He was arraigned in Washington D.C. on the 25th of that month on charges of treason. The charges included broadcasting for the enemy, attempting to persuade American citizens to undermine government support of the war, and strengthening morale in Italy against the United States.[123]
>Pound's lawyer, Julien Cornell, whose efforts to have him declared insane are credited with having saved him from life imprisonment, requested his release at a bail hearing in January 1947
Let us deride the smugness of "The Times":
So much for the gagged reviewers,
It will pay them when the worms are wriggling in their vitals;
These are they who objected to newness,
Here are their tomb-stones.
They supported the gag and the ring:
A little Black Box contains them.
So shaIl you be also,
You slut-bellied obstructionist,
You sworn foe to free speech and good letters,
You fungus, you continuous gangrene.
Come, let us on with the new deal,
Let us be done with pandars and jobbery,
Let us spit upon those who pat the big-bellies for profit, Let us go out in the air a bit.
Or perhaps I will die at thirty?
Perhaps you will have the pleasure of defiling my pauper's grave;
I wish you joy, I proffer you all my assistance.
It has been your habit for long
to do away with good writers,
You either drive them mad, or else you blink at their suicides,
Or else you condone their drugs,
and talk of insanity and genius,
But I will not go mad to please you,
I will not flatter you with an early death,
Oh, no, I will stick it out,
Feel your hates wriggling about my feet
As a pleasant tickle,
to be observed with derision,
Though many move with suspicion,
Afraid to say that they hate you;
The taste of my boot?
Here is the taste of my boot,
Caress it,
lick off the blacking.
>Or perhaps I will die at thirty?
You sure that's not misquote? Maybe it's "Or perhaps I will die at fifteen?" because that sounds as if written by a fourteen year old.
>Any good I've done has been spoiled by bad intentions—the preoccupation with irrelevant and stupid things,' [he] replied. Then very slowly, with emphasis, surely conscious of Ginsberg's being Jewish: 'But the worst mistake I made was that stupid, suburban prejudice of anti-semitism.
"lick off the blacking."
Wtf I love Pound now
This is just good for him.
It's not like his poetry was made better or worse by the fact that he was anti-semitic. Right?
If you want to follow the idea that someone's work is as good as what kind of persone he or she is, then you have to stop reading a lot of stuff - starting from most Greek and Romans, who had slaves they considered like disposable objects and not human beings.
Pound was born in 1885 for god's sake. People around those years were not exactly tolerant, and there was a lot of racism. Anti-semitism is not a special form of racism that needs to be despised more than others.
>It's not like his poetry was made better or worse by the fact that he was anti-semitic. Right?
Personally I found the Cantos and his general attempt to emulate some imagined European spirit to be embarrassing. The early and late Pound are where his work shines, otherwise by looking for the universal in the wrong place he comes off as banal
Sounds like pretty cool dude.
>Let us deride the smugness of "The Times": GUFFAW!
This man is considered one of the greatest English poets of the 20th century.
Let that sink in for a moment.
>he is an intellectual 'crackpot' who imagined that he could correct all the economic ills of the world and who resented the fact that ordinary mortals were not sufficiently intelligent to understand his aims and motives
So basically every politically/philosophically-minded person ever.
Wow, what a sin...
>attempting to persuade American citizens to undermine government support of the war
Oy vey how dare he not want his countrymen to die for Jewish bankers and communists in Europe, it's their patriotic duty after all!
>Pound was born in 1885 for god's sake. People around those years were not exactly tolerant, and there was a lot of racism.
>racism is wrong
>muh "tolerance"
Pound was a huge psued though, he got extremely mad if anybody dared to question him or his ideas. He was a dilettante, he unironically believed himself to be some sort of authority in economics, music, and philosophy, despite the fact that he never actually studied any of those disciplines.
Even his literary education was pretty shallow. He knew a lot about the Provençal poets, but outside of that he always seemed to pass up depth of knowledge for breadth. His Cantos show this clearly.
>Anti-semitism is not a special form of racism that needs to be despised more than others.
You need to read more, there's a reason why its so powerful and important both to the Left and Right.
Racism is wrong user, are you even a Christian?
Jonathan Swift
There is blood of kings and blood of peasants.
Read a book before a nigger mugs you.
Now look, I know people love to claim that Righties/Fascists have no intellectual heavyweights, but it just ain't so.
There's no denying Pound's talent, try as you might.
>e was a dilettante, he unironically believed himself to be some sort of authority in economics, music, and philosophy, despite the fact that he never actually studied any of those disciplines.
Well, aren't you a proper teacher's pet.
Coming to the defense of the utter non-entities staffing universities of Pound's time, on the grounds that he should have prostrated himself before their radiant mediocrity. Can you even name an "authority" from that period?
There are no kings. The peasants had enough and killed them.
All of them
I'm saying that Pound didn't know what he was talking about half the time. Pound tried to affect an image of being some sort of Renaissance man without actually having any knowledge, which is psuedish and dishonest. His angry rants against the "mediocre" are his way of deflecting criticism from himself.
Pseuds hate any criticism of Pound. Hits too close to home
>There's no denying Pound's talent, try as you might.
He never denied he was a good poet.
I've never heard anyone say that Righties don't have any intellectuals. It's ridiculous to assume that any ideological group don't have an intellectual basis.
Pound is amazing, kikes can fuck off thanks
*has gay sex*
Sounds like the average Veeky Forums poster
>There are no kings. The peasants had enough and killed them
t. peasant
Political opinions have no bearing on beauty. No matter how wrong and disgusting Pound was a person and idea-carrier, his poetry is magnificent.
t. kike
Any leftist, liberal, anti-Christian, or modernist author throughout history.
Because Jews own your mind?
>I need to be told I'm able to do something to do it
Refrain yourself from posting anything on the internet, please.
what is it about pound and eliot that attracts all the pseuds that don't read poetry?
it seems everyone on this site pretends to be versed in modernist poetry despite obviously knowing nothing of the medium or its history, which is ironic considering the nature of pound's poetry and eliot's to a lesser extent. "my favorites are eliot and this high romanticist" and "pound [opinion about politics under the guise of poetry]". it baffles me that people think they can get away with beginning with eliot and pound and posture as if they "read poetry" in any way beyond literally and superficially.
you people aren't impressing anyone but others like yourselves
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Milton, who was basically the propaganda minister of the English commonwealth, was nearly executed when Charles II restored the monarchy.
Apparently Locke might have been caught up in a conspiracy to assassinate James II, though I forget the details.
Frederick Douglas housed John Brown. It is unclear just how much material support Douglas gave Brown, as Douglas was careful to leave no written evidence between them. An arrest warrant was issued for Douglas, but he barely gave federal marshals the slip and he fled into Canada.
Marlowe was likely assassinated by Good Queen Gloriana for spreading atheistic ideas.
I should also add that Brown begged Douglas to join his raid on Harper's Ferry, but Douglas declined to participate in what he knew would be a suicide mission.