You lied to me. You told me Lattimore's translations of Homer were the best. His Odyssey is clunky unpoetic shit. Fuck you faggots. Should have stuck with Fitzgerald.
You lied to me. You told me Lattimore's translations of Homer were the best. His Odyssey is clunky unpoetic shit...
I think Lattimore's more literal, which is probably why. Fitzgerald and Fagles might be a better balance.
>he hates the sound of greek
Fitzgerald master race here! you fell for the lattimore meme.
I wheeled on OP then and let silky words fly past the barrier of my teeth
"You say I praised Lattimore? Some god must have taken your reason! Fagles
The far-sighted noble-rhythmed translator,
His deeds I praised. Many times, do you not remember?
When we were on Veeky Forums, though you did not know it was me
Like on a night when the moon hangs behind clouds
And the shepherds sit in a cave waiting for dawn, but neither can see the other
Although almost touching, so you did not perceive me
Though I spoke again and again of Fagles"
>I prefer the version fed to mouth-breathing burgerland 9th graders over that of one of the most preeminent scholars in the field who ever lived
Fagles is the only translation worth reading in my estimable opinion.
Fagles is certainly better than Fitzgerald, but I still prefer Lattimore. If looking at them for their quality as poems themselves, I don't see much difference, and Lattimore remains truer to the original (from what I gather from research, I don't know ancient Greek).
I also want to read Pope's someday. I understand he takes great poetic license with the original but I feel like it has to be worth reading for its own merit.
This. OP, if for some god-awful reason you have failed to savor Lattimore's master work, at the very least do yourself the favor of reading Fagles rather than Fitzgerald.
wow this is funny I just found lattimores translation in a free bin an hour ago. lol
I'm reading Fagles first with the intention to read Lattimore afterward. I hope I made the right choice.
>complains about his version of the Odyssey being unpoetic
>still reads translations
Literal translations of poetry are always pure autism.
Translations of poetry in general are pure autism. 90% of the time translations are made by pedantic scholars with no understanding whatsoever of the art of poetry, I really can't understand how someone can stand to read translator's English. You might as well just read the Wikipedia summary.
I read (and liked) the E.V. Rieu. How bad is that?
I've heard similar criticisms of Lattimore's Odyssey.
>I also want to read Pope's someday. I understand he takes great poetic license with the original but I feel like it has to be worth reading for its own merit.
>implying pope didn't embody the true spirit of the bard by rendering the epic poem in his own unique way
You think they sung this shit all the same? It was only unionized and consolidated when they decided to actually write it down.
I agree really, but if you're still going to read it anyway, i'd still go for a poetic translation. At least Pope is actually great to read in English for example.
>the best translation is
How every one of these threads go down.
and this is why translation threads on here are always retarded. Even that guy who made that divine comedy translation guide who had read a load of translation had never read the original.
I just read the new Red and the Black translation after buying it half way through for my birthday, and it was so much better i went back and reread the whole thing
>Even that guy who made that divine comedy translation guide who had read a load of translation had never read the original.
How embarrassing.
Why no Lombardo?
When will Veeky Forums accept his translation?
Inb4 dat cover art.
Veeky Forums went through a phase of recommending Rodney Merrill