I started reading Hitler. His writing is pretty bad, but I get what he's saying. I like how he speaks in 2nd person. Are the Jews really that awful?
I started reading Hitler. His writing is pretty bad, but I get what he's saying. I like how he speaks in 2nd person...
Other urls found in this thread:
>be homeless mentally ill vagrant in Vienna
>decide to get interested in politics
>argue with other homeless vagrants on the streets who happen to be Jewish
>they don't agree with you
The rest is history
Yeah pretty much to be honest. People go off the deep end turning it into a reptilian conspiracy but they are generally chauvinistic, selfish, greedy, self-absorbed, lousy people who don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.
t. Jew
t. LARPer from /pol/
Kill yourself stormnigger
Stop spazzing out when you encounter opinions you don't like. It's effeminate.
>being this wrong about history
>on a board dedicated to litetature
user...say what you will about Hitler, but he was not mentally ill. And neither were his comrades/supporters.
>waaaaahhh no one is allowed to criticize the jews! not even the jews themselves!!!!
I might be awful, but parents are good people.
The part about them not giving a fuck about others is true. I work in a jewish neighborhood and they treat me like shit. Then turn to my jewish coworker and are the nicest people ever. Fuck kikes.
Are Philip Roth's novels any good? I've been chewing my way through Mitchell Heisman's suicide note and seeing insider perspectives on judaism is pretty cool.
It's most likely because you are a shitty person and a closet nazi.
What I've read Portnoy's Complaint and Sabbaths Theater were excellent.
>shitty person
Reddit detected
Yeah, I'll get to the first one then.
American Pastoral and Sabbath's Theatre are brilliant
Hmm... I've known lots of Jews and none of them were unusually chauvinistic, selfish, greedy, self-absorbed, or lousy.
try a redpill of objective truth, cuck numale SJW
Yeah and I've known lots of Protestants who weren't incapable of empathy and lots of Catholics who weren't hypocrites.
>Oy, everyone's a Nazi! The Nazis are coming! Your government should give me some money, goy!
How do you act like this and not understand why everyone fucking hates us?
Eh, the same can be said for about any ethnicity. Example, I'm native American, but I didn't have the 'proof' that I was until recently. Anytime I worked around someone else that was native I was treated like an outsider.
Along comes the 'proof' and suddenly I'm one of the boys. Go figure...
And that's the thing. every single different ethnic group does it. There is no all inclusive group that's better because they're all inclusive. Now, there's sub cultures that appear to be all inclusive, mostly in fandoms of popular culture related ideals, but for entire ethnic groups... on the whole most are not completely inclusive, and all tend to 'tolerate' instead of accept.
>treat me like shit
>treated like an outsider
is kinda different user
It's really not.
You should respect Jews, they're G-d's chosen people!
Do I count as a Jew if I only went to temple a few times as a child, my mother isn't Jewish and I never had a bharmitsvah?
Zionists are pretty bad, they would fuck over entire continents for minor benefits for Israel and the jewish people.
jews enslaved the egyptians
jews persecuted christians
jews genocided the germans
idk man you tell me
What would a discussion between David Foster Wallace and Hitler sound like?
>But...but I think that the dawn of a new Germany is...can stand on its own two feet and that this whole 19th century thing about Jews undermining things as it were...uh...is a veneer that tells me-
>But I WANT to kill them, David!
It would be very sincere
imagine being this wrong
shoo shoo